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Happy Clock Day, I guess

This submission didn't do much for me because there is just so little that is going on. It is just the same image of StrawberryClock flying around. Probably the only interesting part is how the frames also go out of whack as he flies around. The music was a little bit interesting. It's hard to say if it fits the submission, because so little happens in the submission. I appreciate the fact that people make Clock themed submissions for Clock Day, but they should be more detailed.

I guess it does contribute to the idea that the Clock Crew was founded on low quality flashes. Of course, there is always room for improvement. You could have made the image resolution better because it's not good to have the picture be that big. It becomes noticeable after you watch it so many times. Hey, the song stops after awhile!


I appreciated how well this was animated. Captain Falcon is just a really good character to use for any kind of comedic effect. What I also noticed is that the girl in this looked a lot like Samus Aran in regular clothes. I guess I have just been so attracted to that hottie I always see her when there are animated blonde girls. It was really funny how the tone and nature change was so quick. The voices were very well done in this.

It's great that people like you can get different voices (and one isn't even your own!) to make something that isn't that long. I like the notion of him being called "Captain". It would be rather odd to have a first name like that. I doubt there's going to be a second date. Of course, if I got that far, I'd probably go pretty crazy too.

Fun to watch

I actually do know a thing or two about Starcraft. It's probably only because I have seen other parodies of it here and know how popular (and serious) its players are. I think it's also cool how the animation is done here. It's not too complicated or anything, just something of high quality. The voices are pretty funny and it's great to see how silly they sound. I do kind of wish you had expanded more on the idea of them acting like wild animals.

I knew that guy was going to get hit by something at the end. It's amazing how much emotion you put into these monsters. The one creature with all the eyes is especially cool because you get to see all of them share the same emotion. I don't even know how those guys are falling down to their dooms. Congradulations on your Daily Feature!

A good idea

This wa interesting because you managed to focus on a villian who doesn't even appear much. Part of Sauron's evil was that he so rarely appeared in actual form. This is the perfect way to make him look goofy. I can tell that it is fairly old, because the shades and backgrounds aren't that good, but still enjoyable. In case anyone's wondering, Sauron does a closeup four times in this. I do admit that it was pretty short at least in comparison to most of your other stuff.

The animation still isn't that bad and this is the only time Wayne the goblin is going to have that voice. Your later submissions are better because they show the characters in a wide variety of places. It was the same place here. I was thinking I would be disappointed Frodo wasn't in this, but he actually is in the preloader. I like the character designs too.

Laughably good

I simply can not really dislike this submission, because it is rather funny in its silliness. The audio seems like it was something taken from some other source. I guess people have just made a lot of those commercial parodies. You could have used a background and probably some more help with the sound. You seemed a little out of touch with the microphone. I liked how there were so many different parts of the fake Doritos.

I suppose if you mixed all that stuff together, it would probably work out. It just goes to show that you don't need to have violence in a stick flash to make it silly. Cheese is so good I would have eaten it like that anyway. The main character kind of looked like Sasuke, with how his hair stood up. The voice did seem pretty Asian.

You deserve it

This is undeniably the best submission that we got out of TOFA 2011. It's interesting because it really shows you what your role in the world is. I do not have a girlfriend so I can not really associate with it that much. I can still understand what it is like to want to make yourself different to appeal to other people. Being a marshmellow, that would be easy. It did strike me as odd there were products promoting that stuff when you could simply morph into it.

I would have been sad if the main blob had died like that when he exploded. It just goes to show you all the wonderful detailed things there are in the world around you. It was also a smart decision to make it so that there was no dialogue. Something like that is capable of being understood by people of any language. It makes me realize how a lot of submissions could be qualified as music videos.

Great poem

It is amazing how you can put such a great dark tone into something. The best part was how you consistently kept your voice low and scary the whole time. It is definitley something that would creep people out. The animation is downright fantastic, particularly with how you use the black and white. While there is no color, you manage to show off a good arrangement of shades. It's great that you started off by telling such a classic story.

Your work kind of reminds me of theonewithoutaname. Poems are classic literature, so it only fits that people would make a truly haunting story to them. You manage to truly get into the madness that this cartoon is bringing. The poetry is very well done and you can just feel the branches twisting around the girl. I guess every town like this has a dark secret.

Trust him?

I just keep thinking that this would actually work better if it wasn't a parody. Everything just seems to be presented in such a subtle way. I guess I am just so used to madcap comedy with no real plot. I am glad to be learning more and more about this game as the series progresses. Everything just has so much depth even if it isn't presented with the standard graphics. I guess blocks can show a lot of detail too.

It's interesting to see them interact in a new city. It kind of makes you realize how you have the Internet to go and escape like that. I think everything is presented in a fairly realistic manner too. I imagine that people would probably act like this in the game. It's interesting to see how the characters play off each other.

Falconer02 responds:

Thanks! Cool review! This story is VERY loosely based upon the events of our server.

That was awkward

Well, dude, I have to give you credit for getting down nearly every anime cliche out there. You mostly did "Dragonball Z" obviously, but a lot of the stuff is universal. What I found to be particularly funny was how well everything was drawn. You didn't have any action in it, because you didn't need to. Dang, that chick's nipples are so stiff you can even see part of the aclera around it. It's funny how some anime is critized for too much talking.

I guess not talking would create an even more boring thing. The music was great in this and it really did set up tension well. I like the notion of a son being avenged and the funniest part was probably with that really long hair. Freiza doesn't have any visible genitals! This was fairly ambitious, although it could have had some dialogue.

I'll rate them each

Movie 1 3/10 - Why didn't you get to the good part of the song?
Movie 2 3/10 - Okay, now you're just getting redundant. I have a feeling what's going to come up next.
Movie 3 2/10 - I'm going to assume that's you in these things, right? Well, it doesn't match your icon appearance.
Movie 4 2/10 - Okay, I'm starting to not even see any difference between these movies. The menu screen is perhaps the most entertaining because it has the most variety.
Movie 5 3/10 - Well, to give you credit that is kind of different.

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