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I thought that WAS his chin

It is interesting to see people using new animation, because this is really well done! The coolest thing is how fast paced the jokes are. I think the funniest bit was probably when the one guy got his head cut off by the laser. It was also hilarious in the beginning when everyone was acting so frantically. I love the calm demeanor the main character keeps throughout the entire cartoon. If you click the Doctor Who TARDIS at the end, it just goes away.

It's great how there's so many things going on in these things. While I'm normally used to JAZZA as a flash artist, he does great as a voice actor too. Everyone is rather subtle about their imminent deaths. The guy with the brown face kind of looks like a potato. A pity everyone died, because I could see potential for a series beginning here.

It's very good

I thought this was extremely good because of how well it was presented. Now, I am not into conspiracy theories or religious dogma for that matter. The two combined will probably make the most ridiculous seeming things of all. I still thought this was a very nice history lesson. It seemed more like a history of religion than the history of the world. It's still an interesting look on the way people got their power in the world.

It's amazing how you keep your voice up in such an orderly manner. The visuals are really good in this. I will probably not believe most of what I collect from this, but it seems like you really did do your research. It makes you realize about the role of power, money, and religion throughout world history. I also liked how you ended by saying that this never ends. We're still living in this story today.

Awesome flash!

Dude, I don't know where to start with how cool this is! It was just fantastic to see such a wide variety of animation styles. I could pretty much go on all day about the ones that I recognize. At least you managed to provide a nice list of all the different animation styles that you tried on this. That reminds me, I don't even know the name of the guy who created the "Scott Pilgrim" books. The music was great and helped keep everything stylistic.

What was great was how subtle everything was. There wasn't that much detail in the backgrounds, simply because there did not need to be. It makes you realize all the different styles of animation and drawing people have made over the years. Everyone gets to show off his or her own uniqueness. It's also great how it starts the same way it begins. It shows how amazing you can be with just one character.

Orange is awesome

It is easier to refer to him as "Orange" and not the full "OrangeClock" name. The animation was good in this. My only problem was that it just didn't seem that suspenseful with how easily he beat everyone. This was still entertaining and a nice way to anticipate this year's Clock Day. I am amazed at how Madness Day 2011 managed to get a page in Collections before this. It's pretty satisfying to see StrawberryClock's strawberry head just smash everywhere like that.

I thought he wasn't that big and it was just perspective. Of course, knowing he was able to take down an enemy that big makes it even better. It's nice how Orange just wastes no time and immediately annihilaties every opponent in his way. It's also great to hear such awesome music. Congradulations on being the first submission to be featured in this year's Clock Day!

Very good!

I am probably only giving this such a high review because I think animutation is the best flash work that ever came out of Newgrounds. It's mostly a meme in itself. It is great to see an updated version of it with new references. I liked how the main character was Togepi with Shino's glasses and hair. It was a bit hard to identify the characters that were in this, but it's still quite creative. I do, however, have to say I am disappointed Colin Mochrie did not appear in this.

It's great as usual to hear that awesome song. It's about pokemon and you can actually hear the chorus say "Pokemon" at one point. When it gets to the part with the three dancing guys in "TV says doughnuts etc..." I believe I heard "Homestar" being said. Then again, this did have a Homestar reference in it. You could have also used the Cheatball, the Homestar Runner anime equivalent of The Cheat.

Lucoshi responds:

Colin Mochrie want kill the togepi got it?

That was disturbing

This started out really good, but the end didn't do it much justice. I didn't know you would randomly show pictures of sh*t in the toilet and Courage Wolf, whoever that wolf is. The song that you parodied was actually really well done. That's a very pleasant show by itself and it's cool to see someone put a dark turn on it. Maybe it got too dark at the end. It's always great to see what the high ranking people do in their spare time.

It makes me wish I could attend something like this. Everyone just seems to be having so much fun, or at least as much fun as they would any other place. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the Hispanic guy's Luis. Everyone is still presented in a very ordinary manner. As a prolific reviewer on this website, I would know that a regular's no different than anyone else.


Dude, that was in no way a short because it was at least two minutes long and had tons of variations! In case anyone's wondering, there's a total of 20 different parts. The saddest part was when it ended. Of all the submissions that feature the Mario characters doing stuff like this, I think this was my favorite. The sprite work was just so wonderfully done! Everything had a perfect sense of fluidiness in the animation. You had no idea what would happen next.

I think my favorite would probably be the one where the alien bursts out of his chest. I am so glad it kept going on with more ridiculous things. You also really know how to go out with a bang. There was puking, gender transforming, farting, an army of koopas and every other crazy thing you could think of! It took real creativity and maybe some drugs to come up with this. It's also great how everything moves so fast.

Sunrie responds:

Thanks for the great long and detailed review!

Really glad you liked the variety put into it and felt it transitioned smoothly into each skit.

I love the chest burster and the leprechaun ones the most myself :)

Really well done

Probably the only reason I didn't like this more was because I think you might have stolen my idea! As a big fan of the episode "Time Enough At Last", I have played out a similar scenario in my head. I, myself, would want nothing more than to just go on the Internet forever. Then again, if I was the last man on Earth, there would be no one to make any new ones or moderate the websites. The animation in this was just plain fantastic.

I was in no way expecting that twist at the end as the ending itself seemed like a twist enough. It seems like people should make more "Twilight Zone" parodies. You deserve your Daily Feature for this year's Clock Day. The lack of emotion in the voices (as usual) made it pretty entertaining. It took me awhile to understand the "Clocklight" title pun.

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