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What indeed?

This is one of those submissions where there doesn't seem to be anything that good or bad about it. It was interesting to see a new series being made. You did do a pretty good job at introducing the characters. The main fault with this is the animation. Everything just seems too off model to really enjoy that much. I think most of the jokes weren't that well paced, especially how they seemed to be a bit too short and jumped too quickly.

I suggest you also put some sound effects that play during the episode. It was a bit funny how I saw that there were windows in the beginning of the episode. Okay, that was a lame joke. Your characters should probably have more depth to them, so put them in a situation that might express their personalities better. There did seem to be some heart in this, though.

A bit funny

There wasn't much action in this, but it was still something interesting to watch. This is easily the highest rated thing that ever had TheStarSyndicate name on it. I'm not sure what they did, but it's nicely done. It tells you what it's like for people to put so much effort in flash animations. Gee, I would hate to see what this guy is like when he animated the full depiction of Mario and everything. That music and scene simply never gets old.

I liked how there was so much detail put into everything he did. I did think it was a bit too silly to depict an entire flash like that. There were a bit too many closeups of the computer screen. Of course, given the outcome of this scenario, it probably set up the best tension it could. I hope my review is as epic as this cartoon.

Nice gold chains

I didn't really see how this was that much of a parody as it seemed to have so little going on. Stuff like this can be funny on its own, but it doesn't really belong on a website like this. It's still really cool to watch Mr. T throw his head everywhere. The way he actually changes his head's direction with his arms is pretty cool. The music doesn't seem too loud for me to even keep up with. I guess it was supposed to be ironic.

I suggest you putting more effort in your work like having some actual flash in it. Short things like this don't work that well, especially when they exist in an infinite loop. I have followed most of Mr. T's rules so I don't think this will make me think lesser or more of him. Yeah, the song is basically about poverty. We can help prevent it.

Bolo responds:

i no rite

That was odd

I kind of thought it went on a bit too long. I just I am just so used to watching machinima when it's on a format that tells you exactly how long it is. It's still nice that you put stuff like this up on Newgrounds. The resolution could have been better, but trust me, that can be difficult. It was certainly enjoyable in the long run, particularly with how random it was. It's always hilarious to see these characters' heads and body parts just fly around everywhere.

You'd think they'd go to the hospital for broken bones. These dudes are basically the Plastic Man of video games. It was kind of hard to understand the jokes, but still done well. All the voices sync up well and they fit the surrealist humor the cartoon gives off. These guys are so ridiculous they can make any scenario funny.

Could have been more graphic

I was thinking he was going to die when he was in the toaster. You know, he is a pop tart but maybe he would be burned too badly. I am quite glad that you made it something better and that WTF explode meme will simply never get old. I have to remark that this is one of the best drawn Nyan Cat I have seen! Even the rainbow that's his tail is quite out of the ordinary. I guess it shows how much detail you can put in without sprites.

It was also really cool to see preview images of your other cartoons. That's pretty popular on other sites so it only makes sense that it would have a place here. I am also glad the death wasn't as graphic as I thought it would be. Of course, Nyan Cat, being made of pop tarts wouldn't have blood. Like I said earlier, he would just get burned!

That was weird

It perhaps wasn't so much a drama cartoon as it was an experimental one. I really had little idea what was going on, but it was still very powerful. I am guessing it was about StrawberryClock trying to bring all the other clocks back for some reason? I suppose he succeeded in how we saw some faces at the end. The way there was no dialogue really set the tone. It's probably one of the most serious clock movies I have ever seen.

I like how we get the big picture at the end when everything appears in color. It's still amazing how you create so much of a world for your characters to live in. What kind of things can you look at and achieve deep in the night? Is there a whole world you are going to find? It was interesting how you can tell emotions with clocks for faces.

Getting better

Again, for something labeled as a parody, this didn't seem to have that many laughs in it. Don't get me wrong, the CSI jokes were awesome. Trust me, that will never get old. The coolest thing about it was probably how you do focus on having on ongoing story. The fight scenes with the monsters were really cool. It seems like I'm seeing Minecraft flashes everywhere I go on this website. It's amazing how much depth you can put in when you only use blocks for color.

The voices are wonderful too. This seems like what people would sounds like in a scenario such as this. It's amazing how resourceful you can be when you just have a bow and arrows. The monsters are fairly, pardon the pun, three dimensional in this. I am interested in seeing how far this goes and where our heroes venture.

Falconer02 responds:

Thanks! Nice review too! This is my first stab at a series so I'm glad people are liking it so far.

Not bad

I kind of thought it was a bit-anticlimatic, but still done fairly well. The best part is probably how everything was building up so well. I expected it to be the work of aliens, but I guess with the prescence of Darnell at the end, it was unexpected. For the record, this book is 30 pages long, so it's not that long of a read. What I didn't like was that some of the text was too small to read. I tried zooming in to get a better look, but then the resolution got lower.

Not one of the best out there, but still nicely done because everything was presented in an organized manner. The best part is probably the drawings. The best of that would probably be the dead cows in the rain. You did kind of get the feeling that you could get into these character's heads. Too bad I don't even know where the Newgrounds store is.

You're amazing

Dude, this is some of the most fantastic graphics I have ever seen in a cartoon! I can't believe this was made in 2002! It was great how you also merged so many universes together like Star Wars, Mario, and the other video games. It is in no way messy, but instead weaves together to make something awesome. All of the designs are fantastic and completely flawless. You even manage to make a good satire of the gaming industry and fanbase in this.

It fits in the "Other" genre because it incorporates so many different elements and ideas. I love all the little things that go on in here, like the short cartoon at the beginning. The voice acting is completely fantastic and it gives the characters great justice. The music is fantastic and I think my favorite character would have to be Darth Mario. As these series are some of my favorite franchises, they do so well together. You are a true genius!

It is laid back

Wow, that was probably the most peaceful animutation I have ever seen. It makes me realize that you were the first person to create this stuff! The coolest part was probably when Pee Wee Herman was in the mine shaft. I also found it interesting how there were some characters in this who were not that well known in animutation. You'd think an older entry would have more recognizable figures. I can tell this is a pokemon song from the anime sounds.

Except for "The Japanese Pokerap" I think most people don't realize that's where animutations came from. I liked how the characters all seemed to exist in their own world. They maintained peace with each other and the animation effects were really good. It shows that you don't have to be loud to make something interesting. It's nice to see everyone having a good, pleasant time.

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