Yeah, you should remember me
I think I may have seen myself in the crowd, but I'm not sure. For whatever reason, this was a fantastic thing as usual. I admit that I do kind of miss seeing Ultimate Creature II and Flamegirl in this. You would think Martin would voice a British character with glasses! It's great as always that you managed to have an all star cast. This probably wasn't as good as the first one, but still fantastic all the same for having great animation.
It's cool how you got your sister to do this. I can now go back remember all of the fun times we had online talking. It kind of makes you wonder what happened to all those people? Well, none of the people I remember on that website seemed to have shown up to do a voice here (and I apparently won't either). I heard something like the guy Gamecrazed was on died. I wonder if you'll adapt the movie here too.