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Nice preloader

Oh, I am rather glad that it was not just the preloader, although that would have been nice. The problem with this is that it doeosn't have any sound in the cartoon itself. I can still tell there was some nice effort put into making the preloader. The song can get a bit irritating when it goes on for such a long time. It was also nice of you to have more than just the same image over and over. This is the Clock submission for 2011 that has the highest rating of one I have ever reviewed!

I'm surprised this didn't win Daily Feature. It seems like there could have been more really popular Clock flashes this year. I hope you guys do not dwindle out of popularity because you have at least made some good things. It looks like you guys had some of the best Clock Days for 2011 given your score! You will still always be better than the Kitty Krew.

Senmetsu responds:

Ericho... The greatest honor I've received on NG was having you review this movie.

Thank you for showing support, I am blushing like crazy.

How unexpected

It's kind of uncomforting how cats could be used like that. Of course, as that girl had taken such great care of cats, I had no choice but to root for her. It was pretty satisfying when the cats all appeared to bail her out in the end. It's especially funny how the cats are so adorable in how they commit crimes. The animation was downright fantastic when there were so many great angles used in her. I thought this was going to be something more vulgar.

Of course, I knew you would never sink to that level! At least these people managed to get some adorable kittens out of this. It seems like this was an experiment with you as it was fairly unique. It even seemed like it would be an actual game, again, judging from the title. It's great to know you will never stop making these awesome cartoons!

Quite different

I am not that familiar with Greek mythology, but I think this is pretty authentic. It kind of reminds me of the artwork by JAZZA. Of course, you have shown off your own special talent by creating something like this. The best thing is probably when he is fighting the monsters that are literally part of his evil god father (lol). The designs are fantastic, especially with how good the colors go. Again, I am not sure how authentic this is to the original myth.

This is what the guy gets for having so many kids! I like the notion of someone of lesser power defeating someone as strong as a God. You give the viewer a true sense of standing up to authority. It was pretty powerful at the end when he reverted back to his original form. It was nice for you to give all those links to other great epic fights on this website.


There have been too many goofy "Team Fortress 2" parodies out there. This is easily one of the funniest, because of how well it's animated. You get the true sense of the silliest combination of words and sound effects being smashed around. I'm a brony and I've never seen that MLPFIM episode! I love how these characters have such ridiculously exaggerated body movements. They're just flying all over the place.

Every time a different sound bite is used, it feels like guys change a facial expression. I thought maybe it would be a parody of the cake song from "LazyTown". Everything is just so wonderfully detailed in this. The music used throughout this was also fantastic. It's short, but flawlessly sweet. It's easy to see why you are one of the most popular artists on this website with stuff like this!


This is easily the most non-sequitor submission in the series yet. It's hard for me to even say if it's bad or good because of how absurd it is! Still, I have to give you a rating of some kind, so I will give you a very high one. This definitley had tons of funny stuff going on, even though I couldn't comprehend it. I think my favorite was probably when the guy suddenly turned into a pie. Nothing makes any sense in this, but it's still well written.

It's amazing because you have absolutely no idea what is going on in this. It's just a short series of short sketches that have nothing to do with anything. It reminds me of the kind of humor shown in "The Demented Cartoon Movie!". It was cool to see the rainbow in the beginning as it was the only thing with color. The animation is nice throughout the whole thing.

How interesting

These guys have got to have some of the funniest names I have ever heard of! There could have been more of a background, but it was still very well done. What really matters is that you know how to put perspective in this. My favorite part is when there was electricity flowing from their bodies. It's simply something that will never go out of style. It's amazing he still had the nerve to call him a "faggot" after what he had done.

It's fairly satisfying to see bullies get what they deserve. It's also amazing how you have managed to consistently make great submissions. There's always things to make you stand out from other stick flashes, even if it's the color. I had no idea that this was such a long running series you made. I hope you continue with your impressive work.

Not that good or bad

Is this based on something that actually happened to you? If so, then you must live a pretty crazy life. This wasn't that bad, but it certainly didn't seem that funny. I guess it was perhaps a bit too short and I was kind of expecting some more action. That is probably because of the preview image that shows the girl with the knife. At least you made a pretty authentic representation of a stereotypical Asian mom.

All the stereotypes of those people I would know from the show "American Dad!". It's interesting to use stick figures, but also a bit pointless. It seems like more detailed figures would have worked, as there was little action in this. It's still nice to have your mom explode at your sister instead of you. It really isn't that bad for what it is, just nothing unique.

That's weird

This was something hard to judge because of how utterly strange it was. It's really cool to see how the animation is good and bad at the same time. What I mean is that most of the time, it's pretty cheesy. The stuff done with the intro, however, is very well done and gives true depth to itself. It was also interesting to see all you guys look so silly in this. It kind of reminded me of the stuff by eddsworld, although it wasn't as good.

It seems strange you would link to another website, but then again, it wasn't something you did right away according to your comments. I had no idea you could even do that in a Newgrounds submission! I am glad it at least managed to live up to its name. The voices could be done better as they didn't seem that well emoted. You could also probably work on jokes because it didn't seem like there were that many of them.

Great submission!

You truly deserve to win all these awards! Looking back, I would probably say the second part was better. It's great to know that when something is so action-oriented, you simply do not care if you do not understand the story. It was weird how the girl really contrasted with her design to the other characters. The voice acting was nicely done and also thank you for having so many songs. You probably wouldn't have even won all these awards if it was submitted on Madness Day 2011.

I can understand why it was released in seperate parts. It's too bad there was that whole incident where the reviews were deleted here. At least everything is back to normal and people can give you guys the praise you deserve. The guy with the blue clothes kind of looks like Sasuke. It's always great to put in detailed character backgrounds. The designs are also unique with how no two of them are the exact same in appearance.

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