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Lucky guy

Why was I not able to get a Newgrounds submission with such a high score on Clock Day? Oh well, I guess I should have not advertised it on my front page as I am one of the most prolific reviewers on the website. Anyway, this was okay. I just simply could not hate this, as it was interesting to see someone pay tribute to "Sanford and Son", which seems to be forgotten on this website. At least the loop with the Asian kid killing himself over and over was really cool. Penguins are cool, too.

ChandlerThompson responds:

Penguins are cool, Stanley Cup champs!

I'll review them seperately

Seeing as how both of these cartoons have little to do with each other, I will give each of them a seperate review.

Blisternine plus - This was very funny and I like how it used the health sign as a plus sign. There was also great stuff with the flavors being penis, cat, and your mom's intestines.
The Secret Handshake - That music will simply never get old, as long as it is being presented in such a funny matter. I also liked that music at the end.

Overall, they were both really funny.

I was almost killed by a tree

Can I just say that Egoratpro has the best voice for Flappers ever? Anyway, this one did not have that many gags in it but it helps that the voice actors just really put their heart into this. They perfectly point down the emotion whether it be silliness or seriousness, into their voices. I must admit that I was really not expecting that ending at all. I think my favorite line from Gobbles would be, "I hope he died painfully". You guys really have created some original material good in its own right.

Great stuff

I never thought that you would exactly parody a really popular video game talk show series on its own, but you did! It helps that the animation is great as ever. It is great that you decided to turn this into a series, seeing as how you're done with Jerry and all that. I knew it was not going to stop there with the single interview. I did not even know Egoraptor's real name was Arin Hanson! It helps that Mickey has such a deadpan style that never lets down through all the gay questions and his acting.

Nice tie, though

While it was short, this was still one of the best cartoons I have seen in a long time. The animation is absolutely flawless, and I love how the realistic features contrast with the computerized background. I thought the "Mega Man" parody was just going to be something at the beginning, but you managed to make it funny all the way around. Rick Man looks a lot like he belongs in the "Ace Attorney" series more than "Mega Man". The metaphors were great, and were of course a fantastic satire. It is always interesting to be introduced to more original and well done work.

Best in the series

It does annoy me how there do not seem to be new episodes of this, but it's still great for the memories! While you've moved on to stuff like "Clock Suckers", this is your greatest stuff. Simply putting a leprechaun was not enough, you want the extra mile and actually had the real Randy Savage guest voice in this cartoon! The scenes with him talking about the leprechaun are the funniest. The other characters are well adapted into their situations. Now that I am in fact college, I can relate to this more.

Best in the series

This is one of those underappreciated submissions you really have to go back and review. While it uses stick figures, it's among the most well designed stick figures I have seen. This animation still seems to live up to today's techniques. You put a lot of depth into your cartoon with all the blood spraying everywhere and the body movements. While it lacks color, the impressive visuals really make up for it. Lesser people would just stop at the point where the first guy is killed.

One of your best!

I saw your earlier stuff and noticed how every single thing you had every single flash of yours highly rated. I knew it was only a matter of time before I would see something I would give a "5" to. I admired your flawless animation, but I was hopiong on more of a story. This managed to deliver very well, as it managed to be a funny cartoon. You seem to be more of the guy who makes serious stuff, but it is great to see you go through different genres. I also thought Bitey was cute at the beginning with the tank.

Some of the best Sonic stuff out there!

Sonic parodies are among my favorite things on this website, and it's great to see people like Wonchop and thewax70 contribute for a collab! I knew that the beginning with the scary and not scary Chaos that this would be something good. You guys even managed to turn that into a joke and then show the real intro. Anyway as for the flash itself, it's great to see the different animations all with their different drawing styles and humor. All the voices are great and the one about fanart is very accurate as well. Wonchop really knows how to put art into something silly.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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