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Some of the best Sonic stuff out there!

Sonic parodies are among my favorite things on this website, and it's great to see people like Wonchop and thewax70 contribute for a collab! I knew that the beginning with the scary and not scary Chaos that this would be something good. You guys even managed to turn that into a joke and then show the real intro. Anyway as for the flash itself, it's great to see the different animations all with their different drawing styles and humor. All the voices are great and the one about fanart is very accurate as well. Wonchop really knows how to put art into something silly.

It won Daily Feature for a reason

As a huge animutation fan, it is not often that I see one that wins Daily Feature, and this was great to see! I remember first seeing this years ago, and I am still impressed at how great this is! It probably helps that is what introduced me to those cartoon girls with the bouncing breasts. It helps you have a lot of original characters for your animutations like Smurfette and Stephen Hawking. It also helps that this is a great song and a great remix. It all adds up to a great finale with everything needed for a great flash!

Some of the best stuff

I can see why this has been your most popular submission that was not a game. I thought it was very fun to watch and it holds up just as much today as it did all those years ago. It has been imitated so many times, it's cool to see where it all started! I could just watch this in slow motion the entire time. Not to mention the fact that the music is really cool and memorable as well. It is a bit too bad it has been such a long time since an artist as celebrated as you has made something.

At least you tried

I could tell there was some effort put into this, as there was definitley more things going on than the usual low rated flash. My suggestions to you are that you should make a background. My other big one is to make sure it does not loop at the end with that annoying static sound. Stick figures are fine to use, but they need to be used in a more original matter. The laughing was pretty funny and I did like the white stick figure joke. Just work on length and more original ideas.

Love the design

I thought it was kind of strange how you praised some sprite animators when this did not even use sprites in the conventional sense. While the sprites you use will take some getting used to, they are still done in a really awesome way. Seeing all the sprite stuff out here, I am glad people are always finding original material. I am not that familiar with the KOF characters. That did not stop this from being purely awesome, because of how the fight scenes are so authentic. I enjoyed the mindlessness of this very much.

Great trailer

I am quite eager to see this in its fullest form, due to the fact that it does not give off a story. I mean, everything just seems so unorganized, I wait in antipication to see how it comes together. The animation in this is simply gorgeous, such as the way the characters seem to jut out from the backgrounds. Sure, it helps there's a bunch of big breasts around for no reason. This is obviously a great metaphor for life, and a wonderful premise for a story. I love all the hidden depth you put in that I may see later.

As zany as ever

This is one of my favorite entries in the Arfenhouse series and one of my favorite trailers on this website! It of course is great that you make this more of a cartoon than a trailer. I really like how the more skilled animated characters contrast with the goofy looking other characters. Pringles make great characters, might I add. This has all the jokes a series needs, and is sort of like an animutation that has a story or at least some story structure. Surreal stuff has always interested me.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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