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Why is the score so low? Okay, I admit it isn't one of your best submissions, but it's still nice. I do think it was too long. It probably needed more variety. The animation didn't seem to improve. I really did like how fluidly the characters moved.

The music was great as well. I guess I wouldn't recommend it, but it's not terrible. Maybe I'm just that big a fan of your work. I think the colors worked really well. For me, it was pretty fun.

It's weird seeing as how the original was better. Well, they were released at roughly the same time. I guess there wasn't much room for improvement. This was decent. Any action flick with a goomba as the hero is cool. So THAT'S where that music came from.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I had seen the movie. I just didn't make the connection. I liked the silhouette with the sword scene. Those are always cool.

I had no idea that the series went back as far as 2004. It just seems newer. I guess the animation really does get better as it goes on. It was great to see a completely serious cartoon from you. Granted, there weren't much others at this time. It's just a really classic story.

It's hard for me not to love anything with such good mythology. While not one of my favorite cartoons from you, it was definitely artful. I'm glad you're still here. I'm impressed at how it holds up. Hard for me to also not love anything with zombies.

I found most of these shorts to be decent. My favorite is probably "Metal Gear Tech Support". I haven't seen those games in awhile. You have pretty slick animation. Some of them were a bit too long. They feel like they could have been submissions on their own.

I'm a sucker for popular music, so I liked the last one. I think the "Backseat Gaming" was the weakest. It wasn't very funny. The variety was pretty good here. I can always appreciate that.

Dang, I'm really getting scared by your Cosby avatar now! I guess it always helps to be topical. We thought this was the weirdest scenario we'd have with a President. Boy, were we wrong! I'm glad to give your first review of 2017. If only I had been earlier you would have had one in 2016.

I remember watching this when I first came here to this website! Political satire is always nice. You were pretty creative. I liked the Nazi joke. The characters just look so funny too.

JeremyLokken responds:

Thanks Ericho! Love your reviews, you are very active and generous on my content!

It was cool to see all those video game characters as zombies. The animation was...weird. I didn't really know what to think of it. I guess it was mostly good. It did look goofy in some areas. For the most part, it worked out.

You really do have a unique style. I din't know it would be all video game themed. I was surprised by Peach first appearing. The Johnny Cash song was nice. I guess it was kind of suiting.

It's pretty easy to tell this was an early cartoon from you. There were a lot of people who first came here at this time. It was just a golden age for the website, I guess. I think the sprite work actually does hold up! Granted, that might be only because the quality is so low. It's easier this way.

It wasn't anything that unique, but still passable. There were a lot of cartoons like this. People really were inspired by TTA! Anyway, this is nice for a quick scene. It's pretty organized. It could have been longer, though.

Yeah, I admit this is one of your weakest cartoons. You abandoned sprites after awhile. This just doesn't add up to anything. I wish Alpha was credited. Are you still friends with him? I recognize your voice.

There needed to be more action. It was just a goofy little cartoon to bide time for TTA. It's a pity this has more views than most TTA episodes. Well, at least we can some drawn images. You've improved so much obviously.

I loved this! I'm truly impressed by the amazing animation. I especially love how detailed everything is. I'm starting to feel bad for not knowing all of these pokemon's names. Well, at least I'm not killing them like the Nostalgia Critic. It's just a beautiful cartoon.

The voice acting is absolutely flawless. It's so beautiful to look at. I may have heard of a concept like this before. Still, you executed it perfectly. The ending's really cool too. It makes no sense, but it's still awesome.

LevPo responds:

Thank you so much, Ericho! I really appreciate this.

That was great! I could tell you were influenced by TTA. That came out at this exact time, right? I loved the sprite work. I am truly surprised that the score isn't higher. The action was great!

It's weird watching this knowing that later they would make a Mega Man/Sonic crossover in Archie comics. Yeah, look that up! Of course, they met in "Super Smash Bros". Anyway, this is just a very fancy cartoon. The action is set up so well.

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