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It's so weird looking back at all these Michael Jackson jokes. He only had two accusations. Jared had fourteen! I guess we really are nostalgic for those times. I loved the different kinds of animation. I should have known Huey would appear at the end.

I...can't tell them apart either. Wait, wouldn't he just crap on the floor if he had no pants? I do love "DuckTales". Did you hear about this new reboot coming up? It really was the best Disney show next to "Gravity Falls".

I remember when my brother was into pro wrestling. Wow, was that a long time ago. I like the sprite work. There should have been more going on. I mean, you don't even show what happened! It should have been part of a compilation.

At least we heard the sounds. I liked the audio. It just wasn't much. I guess it's kind of unique. You get much better later as most artists whose work I review.

This was great as a scene by itself. I remember seeing the rest later. I simply love this setting so much. It's a pity you're not making more of these cartoons. That's probably the most extreme thing someone's done for A1 Steak Sauce. Imagine what he'd do for a Klondike bar!

It's great to have this classic music. Even a non fan like me knows what's going on. I love it when he's shown crawling out. Nice sprite cameo too! You throw in a lot in such a short time.

I really do like how much is going on here. I guess my attacks didn't make any difference. Well, certainly not the second one. You'd think two would do some damage. I had no idea Mega Man would show up. Did this inspire "Super Mario Bros. Z"?

I know this came before that. I truly appreciate how good the sprites are. I just love Sonic so much. They make great fanfare. I'm getting some TTA vibes too. Weird how I don't hear this being referenced much with all these views.

Was she turning into the Angry Bird at the end? You're welcome for front page! Wait, that wasn't me who did that. Anyway, the animation was great. This was wonderful for a quick laugh. I do wish it was longer.

Yeah, drugs can be bad for you. I liked that little cat. I didn't know this would be that short. It's still good as a single submission. I like when she grew all those extra arms.

Stick em in a stew! I seem to have forgotten this meme. Well, rather I wasn't able to understand exactly how the song went. I'm just more used to the hobbits to Isengard meme. I like seeing the potatoes being mashed.

Er, I mean taters. It's been so long since the "Lord Of The Rings" movies came out. Those bring back great memories. It works well in its brevity. Maybe forgotten, but still great.

It's a pity it's been over a decade since the last episode. Maybe you did release it elsewhere. I like the slice of life used in this cartoon. It really was sweet with how Shadow apologized. It's just nice to see all these characters again. The voices were quite appropriate.

It's a little slow, but the mood is suited well. I especially like when Knuckles said he had to be with Rouge. Dang, she is just that hot. Some of the animation's dated, but it's still nice. I'm just that big of a Sonic fan.

HyperactiveYouth responds:

Yeah, the dated animation is probably why I never finished the fourth one. Like, it was going to be better...but not nearly up to par to anything these days (or even ten years ago). It's kinda sad too, I was nearly done with it.

Cheers for the kind words, friend!

I admit this wasn't the best satire, but I still enjoyed it. You really are a prolific cartoonist. There's your avatar again. I'm pretty sure these are real sound bites. I guess I'm just that big a "Star Wars" fan. If only it was like this today.

You know, with Donald Trump being elected and all. This is more rational. At least the 2004 election didn't have problems with the electoral vote. The sentence mixing is very good. It's a nice little topical cartoon.

Aww, why was it so short? I felt like you could have done so much more with this. I still appreciated how creative it was. I don't recall seeing a Lock like this. The music was nice too. The colors were pretty vibrant as well.

The pacing wasn't bad. It just felt like it should have built up to something more. I don't think anything was eaten. Why did you credit yourself twice? You even have the same description.

I remember when I first saw this and it said that this cartoon was protected. It doesn't say that anymore. I guess it's pretty easy to say this should remain here. It's amazing how long it's been since then. I'm not someone to blame video games. I was just watching a video where Penn was defending video games.

People are just insane. I guess the animation's pretty good. How should I refer to the author? I really don't want to say anything controversial here. I'll just stop now.

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