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This was a ton of fun to watch. It's mostly because this is something from you that isn't a parody. It's great that you tried something different. This actually was made into a comic book and that comic book had a sequel. Yeah, look it up! Why is the onscreen title different?

What a nice coincidence! I happened to watch this on Friday the 13th! There's like an infinite number of these movies. I actually read that the leprechaun has killed more people than Freddy Krueger. He'd make a better match for Jason!

Wait, will you be submitting the whole movies here? I mean, I'm sure you could! With this new format, I'm sure you could go over 35 minutes or so. I'd love to see the longest flash here. I really liked the animation as always. I don't recall a cartoon you made with this name.

It's a cool name, though. I'm not much for trailers. This still looks promising. I always want my favorite artists to submit stuff here. I could have sworn there was a pokemon in there.

I felt this was a little slow moving. It was still quite fun, though. I especially like how the designs are unique. The dog's one is the most noteworthy. This reminded me of some episodes of "Regular Show". Well, those weren't around at this time.

Of course I recognized Osama bin Laden's head. Now we can stop making jokes like that. How rare is it for a Halloween episode to be released on Halloween? Well, this is Friday The 13th right now. How appropriate!

This was mostly what I expected from the Star Syndicate. I admit that you guys have done some good stuff. Of course, you don't really try that hard. At least I don't think you do. I think OneStar probably had the best, because it had an ongoing story. It's kind of an inappropriate name for him.

At least you got into two categories here! I can at least watch the stuff from you guys that's more noteworthy. I guess it was just okay overall. It is hard to judge you guys. You do what you do best, I suppose.

Why weren't there any words until a minute in? I didn't like that. Still, this is a very fun cartoon. It mostly works because of how gorgeous the animation is. Wow, a music video with a "To Be Continued" at the end? I've never seen that before!

You'd think something so short wouldn't need that. I'm glad you're still around, Weebl. Well, there's still tons of stuff you don't have here. I miss Jelly Penguin. Of course, the colors were wonderful.

Well, what can I really say about this? This was the time Jeff was making cartoons. I'll never forget the impact he had here. I guess this animation is pretty good. It's just hard to like with the politics surrounding it. Oh, and it was too short!

I feel dirty reviewing this. I still have to give my two cents. It even talks about him on Halloween 2004 here. They didn't have to mention that right away. Well, we just need to get over it, especially with Donald Trump as the President now.

Wow! I remember watching this a long time ago when it first came out! It was so weird because I saw a lot of your other stuff that was more popular. I was more into that! I had no idea that this series would become so popular and the one people would know you the most for.

Looking back, I do like the voices. I think they were always this nice. The sprite work really does hold up. The series has still matured. Poor Indy.

I really do like the animation in this one. I didn't know it would have such a downer ending. It was more effective that way. I was amazed at how child-like the artwork was. It seemed like something from a coloring book. That made it all the more quaint.

I thought this was another cartoon called "Robots Are Stupid" or something. Anyway, this is great in its own right. I really do feel for this robot. It's not so much that he wants emotions. He's disappointed with the ones he already has.

I wish I was a fan of "Chrono Trigger". Then I could understand this more. I still enjoyed it. I really did like that time travel thing at the end. I wish there was more going on. It was still fun to see these sprites.

I liked hearing that song. It's been too long. These characters are pretty entertaining. I really don't think it's good enough to have this high rating. Well, most people disagree with me.

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