View Profile Ericho

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It's hard to go wrong with a cartoon like this. It has everything an NG reviewer. Violence, and that's about it. My only complaint is that you should have had more of them at the same time. I guess it would be less organized. Of course, who would want organized violence?

This reminded me of Joe Cartoon. Interestingly enough, this was the same time he started submitting stuff here. I guess killing is a pretty generic act. The sounds are great. I thought ESP at the end would be about telepathy.

This wasn't one of the best things here. It's mostly because it just goes on too long. It did seem a bit offensive. Still, I think it was good for the most part. It was mostly pretty fun. I like the goofy animation.

There didn't seem to be any prank with this one. It was just everyone being angry. That was still good, though. I especially like how angry these people are. I still wouldn't recommend it, though.

This is my favorite cartoon from you. I guess it's mostly because you just take something that is so funny to begin with. I love how this is set up. Yeah, I guess it was screwing the caller over, but dang, was it funny. I live in Panama City. The same thing happened to someone here!

She thought she'd get a Toyota, but she got a toy Yoda instead. I do love these guys. It's a pity I don't hear their stuff anymore. I really love the animation in this too. It just has a great cartoonish feeling. 100 Grand candy bars ARE good.

Personally, I didn't think this was the greatest cartoon ever. It was a great cartoon! It just wasn't the greatest ever. I'm so glad you didn't trick us with the title. I thought you'd just show us a cheesy cartoon as a joke. Instead, it was as great as most cartoons here!

The animation was brilliant. You did so much with this unique style. I'm so glad to have witnessed something so zany. You even had some good emotional moments here and there. Afros are pretty awesome.

teaandcheese responds:

Cheers! It was hard work :D

Support us if you can by buying the soundtrack - then you get a downloadable copy of the cartoon to keep forever and ever! https://teaandcheese.bandcamp.com/album/isaac-and-quincy-soundtrack

I loved this if only because it was authentic to the commercial. I have been wondering the same thing about these ads. I mean, they just get away with murder. What kind of sick people are these? The ending's a bit of a copout, but it's still a lot of fun. I especially like all the fine details.

For something short, it's rather sweet. I'm not into Pop Tarts. Maybe that's why these commercials annoy me. This is great, whatever your opinion is. The voices were spot on too.

This was hard to understand. That character was named Trevor? He looked more like Scrooge McDuck. Maybe I was thinking of the wrong character? Anyway, it was fun to just listen to that music. I don't know what the music video even was.

It just took me back to where I was before. The endings could have been better. I found this to just be okay. It was at least well animated. Sprites were all the rage back then.

Wow, I was impressed at how epic this was! I had no idea the sequences would be that long! It seems more like cartoons that would have been fine separately. The fact that they're all together makes it all the better. Hey, that rhymes! The best was probably the first part.

I just love the "Domo Aregato" joke or however that's spelled. It's just so epic. While I haven't played "Halo" I've seen so many parodies, I'm at least a bit familiar with it. Flash Gordon?

I admit that this is the first time in a long time that I heard about StrawberryClock driving. I had heard about this aspect of his character, but hadn't really seen it. It was cool to actually witness it. The animation is as good as ever. I do wish there was more shown. It is the first part, though.

I just voted fairly. I appreciate how it's easy to recognize these characters. It's just so authentic. The dogs were probably the best part. It's a fun little cartoon.

How is this so violent? I mean, it's no more violent than a lot of other zombie stuff. In fact, it's probably LESS violent. Well, that's just your opinion. I really appreciate how good the animation is. I just wish this was longer. Well, it's obviously hard to animate this so it couldn't be that long.

It was great seeing as how this series advanced. You even got the ending you wanted. The music was wonderfully suiting. It was actually more action than drama. I guess they can overlap.

This is a very good cartoon. It's weird how it blurs the line between cartoon and game. I wasn't able to get past the part with the names. I just didn't pay attention to those! The sprite effects are great. I'm getting a "Super Mario Bros. Z" vibe from this.

Well, this is just as popular! Like that it has the name of something else in the title, even though it's not a crossover between those things! This was just a lot of fun. I recognize that Link sprite. It was used for me as Ericho in TTA!

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