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With the title "short film" I knew it would be something good! That's pretty much a given. I admit the CGI can be kind of goofy looking. It's a little too bulgy. It's still definitely a good cartoon. It kind of looks like Miku Hatsune.

It also reminds me of Mewtwo. Seems like white than silver. I like how we have no idea what's going on. That's usually interesting. While not great, certainly good.

Anton51 responds:

Thank you for this review! I can see why it may seem bulgy since the anatomy of the characters are a stylesd alien species. The Miku reference feels a bit of stretch. Tbf I wish I could've given more context as to who the agents are and who the long eared character is. Just that I was more focused on the mechanics rather the story, which I will look in to. It's my first time working on an animation like this, and I am learning on how to make it better.

Those surprise cameos were pretty good. I admit this wasn't that good. The last half kind of lost me. Then again, that might have been because I didn't watch them at once. Still, I'm not your biggest fan. If something deserves to be cancelled, it should.

I'm really not a member of any movement. I vote, but I don't think that counts. I don't even think most people even do that. I wonder how Foamy would look with a mouth? He might get one eventually.

That cartoon was very nice! I've kind of been following Doug Walker's "Dark Toons" and this seems like it would fit in! It seems to be aimed more towards kids. Even the title's nice. I love how there's no dialogue too. The opening was impressive too.

The colors work great too. It's always nice to show expressions without dialogue. Hey, know you won't have to translate it! It can be viewed by all language speakers! I can feel for this character.

Aww, only Daily 2nd Place? Well, I guess it is technically one of your lesser submissions. It's still great though. I'm so used to popular stuff on this website being crude or violent. I'm of course glad this is different. Then again, maybe it's why I can't follow it very well.

Anyway, this is still wonderful. There's so much emphasis put into the voices. Due to how my webpage was set up, I thought it said, "Horrible" instead of "Humble" at one point! Nice to know you talented people are still here. You always put depth into these characters.

I honestly liked this. It was by no means good, but still kind of nice. It's probably because of the unique animation style. That never really does get old. I liked to see The Penguin as an actual penguin. Batman not as a bat was fine though.

The music was pretty nice. I can always use something different. I wasn't expecting it to get bloody! It just seemed too goofy at first. You can do more with this app, I'm sure.

Of course I'm giving this the full score! This is probably the highest rated cartoon I've ever seen here before! I was just amazed at how beautiful the animation was. It seemed just like a typical anime. It just had Spongebob characters in it! I loved all the references to the episodes.

It makes it fit just like the show! Then again, I stopped watching after Seasons 3 or 4. It was still a wonderful tribute to the late Stephen Hillenburg. I knew you were working a long time on this. Boy, does it show! I don't even need to ask that it was using real Japanese.

That didn't have that much going on, but boy was it hilarious! I was really afraid he was going to end up liking it at first. Well, I do love "The Ultimate Orgy" here. Look, that was good satire! I'm glad you're back! Then again, Matt did die immediately.

What an ironic way to start! Boy, were you topical! You know, with how the calendar said August 2020. It must have been made fast. I'm glad I didn't see any fanservice.

I certainly enjoyed this. I will admit the lyrics could have been better. They're not that good. It still has great sprite work. I can always appreciate that. Nice to know some styles will never die out.

I know "apotheosis" as being from the title of a Madness cartoon. I believe it means the making of something holy. I don't think this was that holy. The individual designs were fairly unique. Glad it wasn't too long.

X-RL7 responds:

Thanks for watching, the first full episode is available our channel

Well, I indeed liked this. I just didn't think it was great. I mean, it seemed to have stilted animation. It just didn't flow that well. Still, it's definitely worth checking out. The colors are probably the best part.

It was definitely cheesy action. I feel like we got some good personality out of these characters. Not easy in something short. The voice acting was good too. It was definitely goofy too.

I liked this. I really did. It just could have been better. It's because really nothing happens. It's just showing a wide shot of the city. That's great by itself, but it shouldn't have been so long.

It still looks wonderful. I kept waiting for the cartoon to start. It's definitely beautiful and worth looking at. I just want to see the whole thing. The colors and music are great too.

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