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This is a fantastic cartoon! I have to admit I wasn't expecting something that wonderful. The best part was easily the fantastic animation. I admit it got a little predictable, but I didn't care. It was still freaking beautiful! I'd love for this to become a series.

Your first submission?! Maybe the best of its kind! It didn't matter that it was only two minutes. It still told an amazing full story! I already feel like I'm getting to know these characters. I love the Boom (For No Reason) joke.

I saw this on the portal when it was first submitted! Happy Clock Day!

AKA-38CAUTION responds:

Thanks mate!

I was quite impressed by this movie! I knew it couldn't top the ThorClock submission. You know, that one was a solid HOUR long. This is actually probably much better. I loved the different art styles. The story was interesting too.

It was kind of hard to follow, though. Happy Clock Day 2020! It's always great to know you guys are still around. There's so much going for you all. I take it it's all a reference to the coronavirus?

PhantomCat responds:

reference to the what now?

Holy crap! I'm starting to think that this is the highest ranked submission ever made! How the hell are we suddenly on a golden roll of great cartoons?! Anyway, this is of course fantastic. The best part is probably the animation. You even have great animation in the in-universe comics.

I loved that reveal at the end too. You know, with how his head was a claw?! I think this probably worked better serious. I mean, it definitely had comedic moments, but it had great action too. I guess all cartoons can be like that. Whatever genre, it's amazing.

Wow, that was the longest cartoon I have ever seen here! I guess "Super Mario Bros. Z Ep 4" might technically be longer. It only took me 41 minutes to watch that. Maybe I wasn't counting? It's still incredible how this was all put together in one massive cartoon. This should count as a movie!

Seriously, now it's not just "Klay World: Off The Table" as an NG movie anymore! I was really surprised StrawberryClock lost at the end! I thought he was always going to be King Of The Portal! The best joke was probably ThorClock repeatedly dying. Great to see it all in a form like this!

I admit this wasn't as good as the others. Hmm, what would your series be called? I guess it's just Brewstew. Why don't you have your own section? I don't even know if they do that anymore here. The artwork's as goofy as ever.

The best was the euthanasia joke. That's pretty dark. The voices were really funny. It was different for you and it did fine. I still prefer your other videos.

I loved this if only because I have seen Butch Hartman's channel. I'm aware of the controversy surrounding it. Hey, at least he wasn't on Metoo. Nowadays, that's a compliment. The animation was great. Certainly more than Butch Hartman's style.

Okay, I do think he's a talented artist. He can do questionable things of course. Betcha Bill Maher would mock him for his religious decisions. So might Doug Stanhope. Or Jim Jefferies.

Absolutely wonderful, as I expected. I've been waiting for something Satina related for a long time now. It's my favorite cartoon of 2020! I did kind of want to see Dave. This is still incredible. Actually, I saw another Satina short about a glass of water.

Satina is as adorable as ever. Lucia is as scary as ever. I really do love their relationship. Many people wonder how she and Dave had her. The animation is absolutely amazing. It gets so much better with Lucia.

Hmm, didn't care for this at all. I mean, it's too predictable. We all know he's going to hit something. I didn't know it would be that graphic! Well, that bit was unexpected at least. The music was just fine.

You probably shouldn't make submissions so short. It's usually frowned upon. You know at least a really good joke for it. Birds would crash if they used cell phones. Texting too.

Easily the best in the series! I have always liked this cartoon, but not this much! The best part is probably the crisp animation. Seems like we're getting some really good stuff lately! The colors are gorgeous of course. I haven't see enough episodes to understand it fully.

I didn't know it was going to be a rap! Well, not entirely. I appreciate how these characters are just exploding with personality. I know see the true potential of this series. I don't see how it's experimental. It deserves its score!

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