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Wow, this was really impressive! I don't think I've seen any of your submissions before. A pity, as they look great! I will admit that I don't know why this a comedy-parody. I mean, it looks like everything is played straight. Well, I don't think it matters. This is a great little short.

I am not that familiar with The Witcher. I've heard of it, though. It's a beloved game, which I all I should know. Everything is just so beautiful looking. Hope it gets recognized!

Zagradak responds:

Wow thank you so much, this whole post brightened my day!

4.28? That's way too low! I thought this cartoon was amazing! I mean, it was nothing but high style and energy from start to finish. I noticed that freeze frame bonus at 1:34. Pause it yourself to find out!

The colors are just gorgeous. Even in universe, they're meant to be gorgeous. There's tons of stuff going on for something only 2 minutes long. That can't be easy. I even feel bad for the protagonist at the end. Like any other great cartoon, I can see this becoming a series.

This was short, but still very fun. It helps that you're such a good animator. I always appreciate how goofy everything looks. I'm not that much into "Sailor Moon". I still know enough to get the joke. I've seen some of "Sailor Moon" and thought it was good.

The bit at the end with the robot was funny too. I take it this is part of a collab. This was actual dialogue from the show? That makes it even funnier! Even parts are great.

Yeah, I guess a bat is kind of like a rat with wings. They are both mammals! I knew it wouldn't end less than half way in! You didn't fool me! Well, the running time's stated of course.

This was quite funny for what it was. I admit I've never had this experience. I have had to deal with wasps. Or rather, my dad did. A nest to be precise.

That was really funny. The animation especially made it really good. I knew you'd reference the angel line. The Nostalgia Critic mentions that all the time. You'd think an angel killed his mother! I like how it's being told from Darth Vader's perception.

I never really looked at the racial implications of this film. I was pretty young when I saw it. At least you didn't reference the poop joke. That's another thing the Nostalgia Critic never shuts up about! Everyone makes fun of George Lucas.

That was a really cute little cartoon. I was afraid it might get gross. Well, I'm just used to that. I'm glad it was rather pleasant. The animation was really goofy. That's how it should be.

The voice was spot on. I'm at least familiar with "Luigi's Mansion". Really, everyone's familiar with all the Mario games. I guess the Luigi games in this case. I'm glad it got recognition.

This was much better than I thought. I will admit that it had one major flaw. It wasn't animated well. Still, it's a good cartoon. I love getting into these philosophical ideas. We all know what this is like.

Everyone has their own beliefs. Maybe you could have mentioned opinions? Of course, that's just my opinion. That is also my belief...I suppose. This was interesting.

Rokazulu responds:

You are most correct, opinion and belief are simply different ways of saying the same thing.

How is the rating only 3.25? I loved this cartoon! True, it's not as elaborate as some of your other cartoons, but still great. I never had a dog. I have had some cats. In fact, my own cat is close to dying as well.

There was so much emotion put into this. We need more heartwarming stories like this. I could probably never witness a pet dying. This seemed like one of your most personal cartoons. Well, most relatable.

Raziberry responds:

This one has been in the back of my mind since the series started. Feels good to get it out. The low rating is just cause people hate being sad I guess haha!

I admit this didn't seem that good at first. I mean, it was just a single joke. I'm so glad it got better at the end. Short things can be great. Everything seems to get a higher score as time goes on. That's why I miss these when they first appear on the front page.

It's just so creative. I wasn't expecting any of it. Poor stone. That really can seem like an obvious joke. Glad you were the first to come up with it.

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