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I LOVE this cartoon! I think the best part about it is how good the animation is. You just have no clue whatsoever is going to happen next. You don't even have any idea what's going to happen when the crazy stuff starts! I can see why this won Daily Feature. I just loved everything about it.

It was also just the right length. You knew just how to get the joke across as brilliantly as you wanted. The colors are gorgeous in this. It seemed like you were influenced by Gonzossm. I'm talking about the gritty parts, of course. It's just a wonderful cartoon.

Speedo responds:

haha o gee, thanks man. its funny you mention being influenced by gonzo since this cartoon was a step AWAY from that. as in, my styles always been compared to his constantly and it got a little annoying so i want to try some other things to maybe end the comparisons. but o well, thanks for the kind words tho

I was really quite impressed by this. I really like how good the animation is. It's great to know someone as talented as you is still around. While not as good as some of your other stuff, I still really like it. I really like the CGI masks. I just really like their appearance for some reason.

I also like how there are so many things going on. I love the lyrics, especially the gay fish part. That's such a catchy "South Park" song. The title sounds like something from an animutation. Dang, I miss those things.

I am so glad to see this, especially as it's the best in the series you've made! Maybe I should have been expecting some April Fool's day joke, but this was still really nice. I really like the animation. I am so glad you went back to what the previous short was about. It's nice to have continuity in something so short. I really felt the jokes kept getting better.

It also happened to be the longest of these shorts you made. I know that's not much, but I think it worked out well here. I like how there were always different characters. It showed real pizazz. While it doesn't really mean anything, Happy April Fool's Day!

Well, I think this was better than the one where it was nothing but poop, because, well, there was more than poop in this one. In fact, I don't think there was any. I still appreciated how it was done. I think you might want to work a little on your animation, though. It still has that great tune. I knew butts would be involved in this somehow.

I like how eager you look while you're getting raped. Well, I guess it isn't rape if you enjoyed it? It's not really manual penetration...I'm going to stop talking about this. It was nice to see some destruction. It was fairly unpredictable.

I think that if the Earth was destroyed by the Sun, I'd be aware of that. In fact, I think we'd all be dead. I at least think that was what you intended with this. I really did find this to be nicely elaborate. The animation is fantastic here! There's just so much creativity and so much escalation going on.

I love how wonderful the animation moves. You have just have no idea when this is going to end. The voices were great too. It's just a wonderfully ambitious cartoon. It's a place where characters make use of their surroundings. My favorite part was probably the plane crash.

I was expecting to see the Doritos logo show up sooner or later. I thought this was quite cool. It was interesting to see this fantastic animation. I don't even know what these two things are. Yeah, I'm a big fan of Doritos too. Really anything with cheese is awesome for me. It's funny to have a title where everything is one word.

I just loved how fluidly everything moved here. I probably shouldn't be talking about fluids when tongues are involved. I'm glad this managed to get some recognition. It seemed pretty different for you. Experimenting on new styles is always good.

Another great cartoon! I think the best thing about this was probably how, once again, I could really relate to it. I have dreams as nonsensical as this. I rarely have nightmares, which I guess is fortunate. You are right, everything really does seem to make sense in a dream. I mean, in the dream it makes sense.

I'm surprised I didn't come by this cartoon sooner. You always have stuff I can associate with. I wish I had a girlfriend, though. I don't think I sleeptalk. Well, I was in a hotel with my dad once and he claims I did, but I could have been awake at that. Our silly brains.

I thought this was fairly decent. From the title, I thought it was going to be from the Duck Division. That's a group on this website, right? I am pretty glad it wasn't. It would have just been one of those spam flashes. I like how quaint it is.

I was thinking that there was going to be some final punchline to this. It never really happened. Two million views isn't much for YT, I read that right, didn't I? I imagine this happens to most Internet animal celebrities. A pity they live shorter lives.

CameronMc responds:

The punchline was supposed to be the general goofiness of the escalation throughout the short, but yeah, it definitely could have been paced better. I did the audio in one afternoon then timed the different shots to that, so that'll probably give you an idea of how careful I was with it.

It was supposed to be less about this animal becoming an internet celebrity, and more about this silly mildly interesting thing that, because of pure luck, became something much greater than itself.

Maybe a little to nuanced for a silly doodle animation :)

I admit that this could have been better. I really liked the part with Madison, but it was weird to have a "Part 1" in something called a "Mini". I still think it's really cool how you put everything together. I'm glad I can remember at least one of these characters' names. The voice work is as good as ever. Now that I think about it, I think this would have worked better as part of a longer episode.

I am getting to understand these characters more. Nice to know they're all not as evil as the captain. It's hard to say that much else about such a short cartoon. I am getting more used to the shorter intro. Your voices are fairly distinct.

I really did like this cartoon. I'm surprised Weebl wasn't credited for it. It's obviously his voice on this. I guess I'm kind of glad it isn't in an infinite loop. There must be some feature here that allows you to rewind it, like the audio submissions. I always like things with cats. It helps you didn't get too scatological with this.

I'm not that much into poop, at least not as much as cats. This reminds me of a strange fear I had in childhood. I was afraid the toilet had a giant ant in it. I'd have rather cats in it. The melody is as good as ever.

RWappin responds:

Hey thanks. I tried to add Weebl on the sidebar thing but he has to click something to accept it. I gave him an audio credit and mentioned it in the description, but I guess I'm kind of relying on people to read those things.

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