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I thought he was going to force choke her. Well, that wasn't much. I guess the animation was fine. I just want something more. I don't like all these short ones you did. Still, there's a reason for doing them.

I like you committing yourself to this. The product might not be that great, but you worked on it. Dang, that kid must have been fat. Happy Halloween? Too early or too late?

Wow, I couldn't even recognize your animation style! I guess I'm just not that familiar with your work. Yeah, it was annoying how it was a loop. It's still a good cartoon. I had heard of Andross, but didn't know he looked like that. Well, maybe I forgot.

The voices are quite funny. This was a bit too short. Your artwork style is great. Yeah, I could guess that was how he died. I should've noticed the loop sooner.

That was quite fun. It was weird looking at this noticing how much the animation has improved. It doesn't matter, because this is still a great cartoon! I loved the "I Get Knocked Down" music. Wait, what's the name of that song? I've never seen "Shaun Of The Dead".

I do love zombie stuff, though. The artwork is still quite good. I just love the action. The length is great too. Oh and RIP Edd.

I loved how you used the Triforce for the icon. Wait, what does that have to do with Kirby? Well, he and Link were together in "Super Smash Bros". Oh wait, you used different ones. I really shouldn't start reviewing while it's going on. I was so impressed by the sprite work. Oh, I was reminded of Kirbopher's original sprite.

A pity he left here too. Kirby looks like he grew black hair once. I love how the cartoons are all set up. It's just so colorful. This should have a higher rating as it's a great cartoon!

I really do love this cartoon. It's mostly because of how the jokes just keep on going. I was able to tell some of the words that were censored. Well, it started with "God" so that one was obvious. It didn't seem dirty at all at first. I know it would be rated under "Adult" if it really was.

The animation was gorgeous too. I'd love to see your stuff with Donald Trump today. Mike Pence is nowhere near as evil, though. I'm glad you made more of these. It's in your user name!

Well, that was quite odd. I really didn't know where the cartoon stood. I wish you'd make more stuff with Donald Trump as President now. At least he hasn't gotten us into a war...yet. He's still more racist. Why was Jesus upside down?

I thought that was Saint Paul who was crucified like that. The background was quite blank. Well, it was his mind. Boy, was that a long time ago. I like the simple title.

just2pale responds:

Thank you for the review. The upside down Jesus was just to get the most reaction, nothing else.

Dude, that was epic! I have no idea why the rating isn't higher! I was so impressed at how long it was. Not a minute was wasted! I just loved the idea of you including stuff from the later games in this. "Super Mario World" is my favorite game of all time.

It was great to see all the enemies here. There was just so much action going on everywhere. The music was nice too. Who knew sprite work this low quality could make something so great? It's weird like that, but still very nice.

I thought it was just going to stop at first. I thought it might just be a blank screen. It ended up being some cheap thing I didn't understand. You still had the "Snake" audio when StrawberryClock showed up. Maybe that was intentional. Uh, Happy Inglor Day?

Maybe prolific reviewers like XwaynecoltX should have their own days. Maybe I should! The artwork was really cheap. I think I saw that blob thing before. It looks like a recolored Nickelodeon logo.

As the first episode in a beloved series, it's great to see where we all got started! The animation does look older. I appreciate the few number of characters. Actually, most people probably don't even known Blockhead's conscience. That's his conscience, right? Maybe it's his intelligence?

I liked the jokes. Why is he called Blockhead? His head is a ball! He looks like one of those happy faces. I guess they aren't very smart.

I admit that it was nice to see something related to Father's Day. Why don't we have a collection for that? That actually produces more revenue than Halloween! It's because we're more likely to give someone a gift. Anyway, it was mostly funny, but there was a big problem. The animation was so bad!

It's nice to learn more about "Metal Gear". I like understanding the characters' relationships. I've never played the games, okay? It could have been a bit shorter too. There should have been more action.

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