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Joanna is still really sexy. I'm sorry, I just can't get over that! She's still in skimpy clothes! Anyway, I really did like the setup of this cartoon. I like Kirby making his own story. He really does come off as being like a little kid in this.

It was a little too short, though. I like how goofy some of the animation is. It's more cartoonish in some areas. I like how Neil is antagonized. It is pretty heartwarming at the end.

I enjoy this even though it's just a brief gag. I really like the idea of a stick figure Jesus. He really flowed into the story well. His voice is so funny. Cyborg Jesus is always a cool idea. I just liked the premise.

The animation was really nice too. You did something pretty unique with stick figures. They aren't as popular here anymore. I guess the Stick Slayer did his job. It's just a fun little short.

Wow, it's so weird seeing such an early cartoon from you. I mean, the animation is amazingly different. It gets so much better later on. While later episodes are better, this is still great. I especially love the gag with the coal gun. I liked that stick guy too.

It's interesting to see where this series got started. You have so much more complicated stuff with Zanta Claws and everything. This is still a great start. RIP Edd Gould. I'm so glad to be a fan of this series.

Aww, yes! I always love these edutainment cartoons! Seriously, they should have their own category here. I believe you got everything factually right. I even myself remember learning about this sort of thing in High School. Yeah, I'm a nerd like that.

The funniest part was probably people not knowing the different temperatures. The animation wasn't good, but it doesn't matter. I love it when funny people state facts like this. Who knew Cactaur could be involved? You got enough good information out.

I guess this was slightly better. There just still wasn't much going on. I didn't see anything that funny or anything. I realize your animation style could be better. It's still unique, I suppose. Was this guy supposed to be a pedophile?

I assume everyone is nowadays. I guess it was unpredictable. You need to have more going on. You've made much better stuff. This had little going for it.

I'm sorry, but this was pretty lame. I wish there would have been more going on. I guess you can't expect much from something so short. Everything is just so random. I remember Fifi. Are all poodles called that?

I thought that snowman was gay? How could he have a wife? Maybe he's still in the closet. Anyway, this was pretty boring. At least you consistently made this series.

Aww, I think this had potential. I just didn't care much for how it just used the same sounds a lot at the end. It should have been shorter. It wasn't much for a single gag. Still, I don't think it's so bad. It's not the worst submission for Christmas 2004.

The animation wasn't bad. I really am used to your style. Dang, did you make a lot of these. I guess it's all done in good spirits. Uh, Merry Christmas?

I didn't really get this one. I mean, it was Santa Claus asking a kid to help him and that was it. It just didn't build up to much. Advent calendars are still fun. I guess the animation isn't bad. The voices were annoying.

Even for a short, it was a bit too long. At least it was unique. Well, not in a good way. Santa really did that? Weird true story.

I thought this was a really cool idea, but why was it so short? You could have done so much more with this! I still liked it for what it was. It was interesting to hear this music again. You have such a great art style! I wish I was more familiar with your work.

It was quite well detailed. I'm glad it made the thumbnail for 2004. It's done in good spirits. He probably could take over the world. Think of how much power he has!

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