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Best one so far!

It is a pity that Lock Day is not celebrated as much as other holidays here. This is a truly great piece submitted to the website and it deserves recognition. The best part was easily how utterly fantastic the animation was in this. It seemed like there were a lot of conflicting styles, but they all wove together to make something so good. Even though you do not have the name "Lock" in our username, you are doing a great credit to the Lock Legion. The best part was probably at the end when everything blew up.

It was always great to see the little guy was okay in the end after all. What's also cool is that MP3's solo is great in its own right. I cracked my knuckles just like Wine did in the cartoon. Luckily, I have fingers strong enough where it did not hurt me. I hope you and all the other members of this organization had a great day today!

How strange

It was hard to say this was bad in any way because it really was not. For the most part, I think it worked if only because it took great pride in how utterly ridiculous it was. It was cool how you started off with that awesome intro. I think I would have been satisfied if that was simply the entire movie! I really have no idea why this guy is so stubborn. He knows that the old guy is capable of cutting someone's balls off!

I had no idea why he fought with a cat, but it is quite funny. It's nice to see this guy get retilation for going on a killing spree like that. It's funny to see him just casually stab the people who annoy him. His appearance and actions remind me of the Epic Beard Man, who became famous long after this was even made! You guys have a strange kind of talent, but it's talent!

Great animation

For something that was not submitted for Clock Day, this turned out to be fairly popular. What I liked was how good the animation was. The sky and everything looked so realistic and the guy who smiled didn't even look like a clock. Were you perhaps trying to submit some incomprehensible message into this? I was just watching the latest Salad Fingers so I would know about incomprehensible stuff. I have no idea how the blur effects do not appear in the final swf.

Was the smile perhaps representing that the train was running over someone? I didn't see anyone but there could have been someone up ahead. Was the train going to some destination that the main character really wanted it to? The questions just go on forever. It's amazing how much of a story you can tell in so short a time.

Long indeed

For those of you keeping record, I believe this episode is roughly eight minutes long. It was just so great to see this character come back after all this time. I think this even makes a new transition for him. I read a lot of crazy theories about the reality of the world Salad Fingers lives in. I heard some people argue that he does not have multiple personality disorder as he does not speak as other people in different voices. He finally did when talking as Yvonne.

It's hard to determine whether or not anything is real. What does matter is that this has by far the best animation in the entire series and it's great to see how far you have come. SF's voice is extremely haunting. I was waiting for one of his puppets to appear. It is great to know that such a popular series is still going on.

Very funny

What also helped in this cartoon was how slick the animation was. Everything just looked so perfect and so, well...ghetto. The way the characters move their mouths and everything is so wonderfully done as they are full of energy. Call me morbid, but it was funny to see him get shot at the end. It's not often that I hear the stereotype of black people liking catfish. Seriously, there's too many foods that are stereotypical for them.

The best animation is when the Captain fires his purple beams to make people ghetto. There was a great voice cast here and it's easy to see why Sapphire is so popular. It was also a really good time and didn't go on too long or end too short. I love how his signal is a watermelon. You'd think a white guy would never want a black guy to act like that.

Chakra-X responds:

Good attention to detail regarding the aesthetics! And thanks for the review.

Too funny

This was great because it just showed how stupid this guy looked as he was being torn apart. I guess that sounds morbid, but come on, this is Newgrounds! The best part was the animation which was so slick especially with the train. It's amazing how much depth you can put into a cartoon where the guy's dead most of the time. It was even hard to tell at what time he was dead. At the end, it looked like he had more than five toes.

I guess I'm just so used to seeing a lot less detail put in cartoon toes that I did not notice. It was interesting how the cow that appeared at the beginning later appeared in the cartoon. Speaking of which, I knew something good was going to happen when I saw that cow pooping in the intro. He was just such a well drawn cow. Even the "Play Again" button at the end was nicely done.

That was strange

I am glad that people make Fourth Of July flashes. Granted, this really had nothing to do with the holiday, but it's still a tribute. What I thought was weird was that it was just hard to follow with the strange way the characters moved with their lines and everything. I sincerely thought it was going to end on a more uplifting note. At least the sound clip from I don't know which of the things in the author comments was funny. I am also glad people are paying attention to the recession.

At least I was lucky enough to get a job after this flash came out. I guess you would know about handling money, given your name. There was some good satire when the sign joked about not actually having any jobs. I would know what it feels like to see hiring signs and have nothing come out of it. It really doesn't look unfinished.

Could have been so much better

The animation that you showed in the intro with the two characters was so good! It feels like you guys just wasted potential by having the actual animation be so cheesy. I guess that as a comedy flash it was supposed to be like that, but it came off as annoying. Some of the jokes aren't bad, but they're not executed well. When the "Finish Him" sign appeared on the screen, it looked like you made up a new letter. It was like an "O" in the middle of an "I".

You guys do look like you have a wide variety of other stuff. I would enjoy to see some of that stuff on this website. There needed to be a lot more shading as everything seemed to be a single color. Stuff by other people is silly, but they do have animation that flows pretty well together. It could have also been longer.

Psychopath responds:

I'm glad I finally have a proper context to bring this explanation into:

You see, InfernoCPF uploaded Awesome Kombat at 07/15/08 and it was blammed because of it's low quality. Infact, you can see the original he created here;

[Remove the hyphen-minus' in the HTTP address that follows]


InfernoCPF continued submitting movies only to have them blammed out of the portal and eventually gave up on it; whenever you see that InfernoCPF had collaborated with me on a flash movie, it's actually his with maybe some of my own animation to enhance the aesthetic quality to make it more likely to pass, so that his previously blammed submissions could pass judgement.

However this time that is not the case; I created the higher quality material to serve as a remake/tribute to the original with content I created entirely on my own; audio and all. Suffice to say I only got about an 8th of the way there, gave up. I wanted to come back to it but I couldn't so I came up with the idea to simply combine our two abandoned animations together to make one eligible to pass Judgement and to make for our first actually collab; that is where we both contributed equal portions of the material.

In other words, the reason for the drastic change in animation quality is because the higher quality animation is overlaying the lower quality animation made 3 years ago.

I realize that it could be better, so I have future plans to enhance the quality even further by adding shading to InfernoCPF's animation and correct a few errors. Also the file size for each will be shrunken.

These kind of enhancements will also be applied to all of our works currently published under my account before we proceed with future projects; to commemorate the Newgrounds redesign by redesigning our own works in conjunction with the Newgrounds redesign. We hope to file swap our enhanced works just before the new redesign is applied to the site to minimize the opportunity people have of seeing it before the site is rebooted so it appears that the afore mentioned works appear to be a part of the sites actual redesign.

I have all of InfernoCPF's animations on my PC, some of which he never submitted. He and I have agreed that it's a good idea to continue submitting flash movies like this, combining our spare material together until we run out of shit we long ago abandoned. We're wrapping up unfinished works and reviving rejected business.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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