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Why is the score so low? I remember when I first saw this over a decade ago. It was one of the first times I regularly updated my new user's work. Sure, it's a cheap joke, but it's funny. I like the sprite work. Again, RIP Randy.

I really have to stop saying that. I like the fine details. I admit to not knowing much about this game. You just need a sense of humor to enjoy it. This was just fun.

I am not familiar with this series. Oh, I thought it was some mainstream anime. Instead, it was just one joke. It doesn't matter, because it's funny. I can appreciate the great animation. Honestly, it looks gorgeous!

A pity it's so short. Well, it's still great. I'm glad people are into it. You use colors so well. I wish you'd made more of these cartoons with these characters.

Well, that wasn't bad. I guess the only reason I ended up liking it is because of those little facts that kept popping up. Those were fun. I'm just that much into trivia. The voices were pretty funny. The animation wasn't bad.

I appreciate the beginning of a series. It looks like there's nothing wrong with it. It just isn't that special. This was a bit too short, though. I'm glad you made more episodes.

Hey, I can understand the file size problem. This really is a massive cartoon. It seems like it should have been listed under "Games" though. Whatever, it looks beautiful. I'm glad to be familiar with this series. It's one of our most popular!

I like all the unique moves. The music's great too. While not much story was built up, still very nice. The colors are so nice and bright. It makes me miss sprites.

This was a good cartoon or cartoons? It just wasn't great. This reminds me of the newer "50 Shades Of Grey" stuff. Thank God this is better. My favorite is probably the CGI one. I liked how one of them was a game.

Well, I couldn't get far with that anyway. The theme was flies or flying, I guess. Green's a pretty good color. It's my brother's favorite! I'd love for you guys to do orange (my favorite color).

It's great to see where such a beloved series started. You didn't need to explain the title to me. That red robot is actually pretty good looking. Anyway, I like the music. I was confused by the "Game" part. I mean, this was a cartoon.

I guess the game part could have been better. Well, I got through it at least. The action was quite nice. I just love seeing these designs. We should get more stuff like this here.

I always love your stuff. The animation might not be that good, but it's still great. Wow, I've never heard of this happening to someone. Well, I just never had any nosebleeds before. I guess I could recall maybe once or twice. I feel so much better about myself.

I can totally see this happening. You really did pee in it before? This was probably the last straw. Well, I don't want to offend you. This was short, but still very nice.

Wow, I loved the animation in this! I really have no idea what's going on. This giant rabbit just appears out of nowhere. Okay, it's an obvious Alice Allusion. The voices are really nice. Anyway, it was cool how unpredictable everything was.

This girl seems anything but merry. It looks like this series never really went anywhere. Too bad, it's a great cartoon! You could go so much more with this. It's at least great to look at.

Well, that was quite strange. I thought this was going to just be some really short sequences. Instead, they were much longer than I thought. The first two were about having sex. Well on the Internet, that's to be expected. It didn't seem like it was trying to be that funny.

Maybe it would have been better if I was a fan of "Earthbound". It's still quite interesting. The sprite work is done pretty well. A lot of these segments look the same. The author's comments are quite funny.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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