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How surreal

This is a great cartoon because it's just about how important it is to sit down and relax. Granted, I'm not a marijuana user, but I could associate with this. I guess I'm laid back enough that I don't need weed to daydream well. I had no idea you were eventually going to show the genitals of the Bush administration. Of course, it wasn't technically theirs, but whatever. I think this probably is the kind of hallucination a person of that time would have.

I like how there's no explanation for anything that goes on here. Who is this cat and why is his owner (if that is his owner) dressed like a clown? The silliness started before the drugs, which is impressive. The animation is pretty well detailed and I like how it doesn't try to be too gimmicky. A Beatles song would of course be appropriate.


It probably would have been better if it was not an infinite loop. It's still nice to see stuff like this around on this website. Live-action stuff isn't highly thought of, but it can still be great when you submit stuff relating to it that's good. The guy kind of looked like the yellow AOL guy from a submission here I can't remember. It just looks like you're really having fun with this. I'm not even sure what outerspacing means.

The music is pleasant and gives off a sense of trying to spread joy. It's stuff like this that gives you the image of an ordinary person submitting things. It could have had more to it, but it's still something I would probably recommend. You could make it longer with more things going on and more of a story. I'd like to see more interaction.

Too awesome

This is one of the sweetest things you have made, because you have no idea where it's heading. I was afraid the teacher was going to kill the boy thinking he was a frog. Well, he WAS a frog, or rather, he was a bunch of frogs. It's non-sequitor stuff like this that makes me love you so much. It's hilarious to think of how you'd have to even have to shoot a frog a lot of times to kill it. It was short, but worth every second.

I love the artwork in this and how ridiculous the characters look. This wasn't lazy writng if that's what you were trying to say, this was brilliant writing. The voice work is fantastic and you know just the perfect way to create tension and silliness in voices. You're truly a credit to all flash makers. Everything is just so ridiculous to the point where it can only get more absurd from the beginning. You will never stop being awesome, friend!

You're back!

I have no idea how you were able to create the Daily 2nd AND Daily Feature for the same day! While it could have had more colors, this is still a simply fantastic cartoon to watch. It's amazing how you manage to continually come up with original ideas and designs. The worst part of it was probably when it ended! I especially like the guy who uses all of those shards of glass to control everything. It's hard to make up or down of this cartoon.

While not as good as the Daily Feature, it still deserves to watch for its creativity. I like the purple shades that are used by that one character. It's especially cool to see these stick dudes run away with such formidable opponents! I also love how the one guy's face just rips apart to the blue stuff. You prove that stick figures will never die.

Hope he does

This was a very interesting submission because there was a lot of stuff going on. I liked how there weren't really that many crazy things going on, so that it was organized. I prefer your music videos, but this works well too. It's interesting to see how much the characters let their facial expressions tell their emotions. It's also interesting how you have no idea what was going to happen next. When he approached the guy in the alley, I thought he was going to help the murderer as that would be different than you'd expect him to help him.

Instead, he didn't even do that subverted thing! I would love to see the rest of the characters appear in this. The best animation was easily the deranged cop rubbing his hands. It's great to see these villians so frustrated. I couldn't help but do the classic Nelson laugh when the more competant criminal ended up in the same cop car.

Another unique submission!

It's a bit sad seeing as how Ben Spurgin is dead. He would have loved to work on his new Stick Slayer series with all the new stick stuff that's come out since 2005. This was really cool because the music was great and you get a good sense of originality. These characters sure had some pretty weird names. The best thing about this is probably that abstract black entity. It gets its best moment when the character just bursts out of that creature.

The backgrounds are fairly well detailed and it was interesting to have a shadow version fight too. The sounds are nicely done and they sync up very well. It amazes me how people will simply never run out of new things to do with stick fights. You even managed to have somewhat of a reason for why the characters are fighting. There's action every step of the way.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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