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Hey, not bad!

It is still funny to see how many people helped you on something so short. The animation was really good in this one and I especially liked the background and the blurry vision and everything. I know you are not trying to be racist, as people on Newgrounds should know by now that is supposed to be funny. The clocks on his left and right look the same to me. This could have been better with some more jokes and a bit more length. The best part was probably when he said "Negrogrounds" in the subtitles.

dx5231 responds:

Well, thank you. Actually, I was the only one who worked on this animation. Both clocks on the sides are the same, yeah. Some people try to take stuff way too seriously on ng, so I had to put that thing up.

I only worked on this for a day, it would have been longer if I worked more on it.

Thanks for the review.

ChandlerThompson responds:

I can't believe that dx5231 is underselling my involvement in this masterpiece.

Great again!

This makes me so eager to see the next one on the "To Be Continued" series. It was great to have such an all star cast work so hard on this. I thought it was funny how all of the enemy neighbors were evil counterparts of the regular characters. There were just so many gags and so many things going on in the background. I think the funniest part might have been when Todd made that bad joke and had to high five himself. You really have to look for the little things, like Edd growing a third arm.


This was a pretty fun cartoon to watch because it had a lot of its own style and really did not care about what it meant. It was a pleasant surprise to hear Christian music like that. The coolest part was probably when his arm turned into crystal or something like that. It was weird to have that introduction that seemed so silly. If you ever make a flash with me in it, I would love to do a voice or something. Granted, you would probably just show me as a fat gay guy or something, but that would be okay.

I can see why it won the award!

This was a great addition for the Madness Combat collection and I am impressed it got on Flash Portal History! I think the best thing about it is how funny the main character is. He just shakes and look so nervous all the time yet he can still kill massive amounts of people. The deaths are all unique and you have no clue what is going to happen next. I like how the one guy leaves and is then cut in half with a cord? I was also not expecting the main character to die so easily and I am hoping for a great submission next year!

Yeah right

This is one of the lesser things you guys have submitted to Newgrounds. I admit that it was kind of nice how there was more animation than just Jigglypuff getting killed. Granted, I could not understand what was being said. It certainly had a lot of unexpected parts and as I admit myself, I did not like seeing the crudely drawn porn. I hope you enjoyed Super Smash Bros Brawl as I did, not that I have ever played it before. The music at the end was really eerie and set a pretty spooky tone.

Looks great!

The animation in this just looks so freaking cool and I like the premise/plot of it as well. It is just so sweet to see those big shots of the city overhead. I like the idea of humans going to other planets in the feature and then becoming like the aliens they meet on the planets. There was also a nice sense of humor to this. It took me awhile to understand what was going on with the "Play" button in the beginning. I can understand why it won Review Crew Pick and why it has such a high score!


It does not matter if he speaks Japanese, he still manages to be awesome! While it had a bit of an anti-climax, it was still great to watch because the animation was spectacular. I especially loved the design of the Madness guys. It is amazing how people like you still manage to come up with original designs for these guys given the sheer number of times they have been used. The best part was when the one guy was sliced up in his brain. It is just great to see how fluidly Pico and everyone else moves.


I think this may set some sort of record for the most dirty jokes made in a single cartoon. Yet, it had so little swearing in it! The main problem was that this thing went on a bit too long and it was annoying to see that crude animation. It really seemed like you were just throwing in gross stuff for the sake of having gross stuff. I guess the idea of a fetus being created from sperm and trash is an original idea. It was certainly silly, but the main flaw was that it did not try to be insightful or anything.

That is a work of art

I really like how you try so hard to put so much simplicity in your flash but still make it beautiful. All of the things depicted are things you can do in everyday life. It just shows that we can accomplish great things simply by doing one thing: playing. We should have more rotoscoped things on Newgrounds, whatever that means. Everything just moves perfectly together and it must have taken such a long time to sync everything up so well. The time has come for us to go out our doors and do things.

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