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Quite good

"Mortal Kombat 3" was one of my favorite games when I was a kid. This was a good tribute, even if I was expecting some more creative things like those made by Randy-Solem. The main point is that all the sprites are done well and the feel is just the same of the original game. My favorite fatality would have to be Ermac. It just shows how many ways you can kill someone and result in them getting blown up. I noticed that the game always seemed to show numerous ribcages and skulls when one guy was dead, but you did well in avoiding that.

MaldivirDragonwitch responds:

Why, thank you. :)
I was either too lazy, or too clear minded when I thought about showing a million heads, feet, ribcages, etc...

Happy LockDay!

I am glad you at least managed to get into the "Lock Day 2009" collection. Of course, this year's Clock Day did not really have that many flashes with the highest ratings either. Yes, it's me again and I think this was one of your better flashes. The animation was good, especially with how you contrasted with the sprite appearances of the enemies. I am unsure as to why you sometimes call yourself "TailsClock". I can not hold it against you forever about hating my voice as you do make some good stuff.

Tails-Lock responds:

This probably is my best movie, and yet it still sucks. I thought I'd be fine so long as i keep slowly getting better liek this, but my most recent movie was just such a step backwards. Also I call myself Tails Lock and Clock because I am both those people. Full name is Tails Clock Lock. Also sorry I was so mean about your voice, I can't help but be really offensive most of the time. Thanks for the nice review.

Quite funny

While the animation was not that great, this submission really worked simply because it was so dang funny! There are a lot of crazy things going on like the "La La La" words just flying around the screen. I admired how the song was so catchy. I have not even heard the original song that this was making fun of. You know a parody is good when it apparently becomes more well known to a viewer than the original. It is things like this that keep me from making relationships on the Internet.

Very funny

I think this has some of the best voicework and best animation as this series goes on. I especially like how Darkie sounds so childlike, yet is also an assassin. There are so many funny moments like Eva getting shocked over the furry exploding. The best part might be when Eva reacted to the drug by Darkie saying nice things to her. Of course, it was another great moment when she got back to normal. I actually went up on Wikipedia and looked up "Miss Dynamite" and I was depressed that your article had apparently been taken down.

Sirkowski responds:

That's why Eva was pissed off.

I have to disagree

The only good point was how you were honest in the title. You see a lot of lower rated flashes out there that are all about hentai in the title but have nothing to do with it. I just thought this did not send off a good message at all. If someone wants to be popular, they should probably want on things in both categories. I can think of a lot of good animated things here that are also very funny. If you guys wanted to mock the other people that much, you should have worked for better jokes here.

Got a few scars!

I do not think I have heard of you before, but this was truly great! Seeing as how the song was an audio submission here on Newgrounds, I now understand why I did not recognize it. This was just great to watch, because the animation is so great. It completey lacks in plot, as it is a demo reel, but everything just fits together so well. This is seriously something that a professional animator would be working on. It even seems as though you used a different program than Flash Player to make this.

JazLyte responds:

Nope, this is 100% flash :) Thanks for the great review, glad you enjoyed it.

Happy Clock Day, I guess

It is hard to hate this, because it seems as though you are trying to create something that is truly going to help people. I, as a prolific reviewer, have seen this and I would be introduced in doing a voice or at least appearing as a character. Other people have done that, but I have yet to do a voice. The layout was fairly ordinary and it defintley needs some tweaking. I guess this only sometimes happens, but I had trouble keeping up with what was being sad. It is an experimental thing, after all.

It was a nice picture

I guess you were nine minutes late, because Clock Day was on the 15th. Anyway, I did not see what this had to do with the Clock Crew much, as I do not think it did have anything to do with them. I mean, it is a really nice wallpaper. It just does not work well because it is a submission that is nothing but a single screen and some nice music. Oh wait, there is some rain falling. It just seems like this could work out to really be something cool and artsy, you just need to make it longer with a plot.

Punisher responds:


also, you are wrong. This is perfect as it is, and is exactly what it needs to be.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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