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I can see why (just kidding)

It was really weird to see something so different by such a professional guy that was not that good. I guess every now and then you guys are just bored and decide to submit a really spammy flash. This could have used a lot of work, like color in the background or at all. I know you can do much better than this, and you should have also put in a "Play" button. It gets a bit annoying when you have to listen to this. I will say that you did kind of a good job of making the guy sound really funny and stuff.

Fairly brilliant!

I love this because it was just a fantastic tribute to the classic cartoons by Tex Avery and the gang. This seemed to take all the elements that made the old "Looney Tunes" so popular and good. It was also cool to see something being talked about that more people were not aware of. Spain and the Netherlands don't seem to be featured much here on Newgrounds. I loved the animation and just the players moved and stuff. Not the funniest thing ever, but definitley a lot of fun to watch.

One of the best!

This was one of the most enjoyable in the series, and I am glad I watched and reviewed it. There was a part of me that kept being reminded of the "4 Swords Misadventures" series by Victor Fiori, but this was still good. I kept thinking of pokemon as I knew of the character's names. Even Onyx is the name of a pokemon, but not a game! The music was good and faithful to the Zelda series. I really also liked how the sprite work was so good, especially with how the characters moved.

I love it

Yes, I too was very annoyed by those ads because they just kept appearing over and OVER and over again! I am so thankful they have been considerably downgraded since this cartoon was made. This cartoon really works because the animation is so good. I loved the different backgrounds and locations and how it truly shows your frustration with these stupid things, even though it has been so long I am almost missing them! I am glad to see this in the Flash Portal History as the idea is too good not to like. You really did give personalities to the smileys.

I see where you're coming

Probably the only reason I enjoyed this a little bit was because it had that great song. It is always convienent to have songs like that here on Newgrounds and stuff. This movie did do a poor job of giving a description of everything. It was just a single image and some words, but the words were not that bad, I suppose. As it is an infinite loop, it reminds me of my first submission, which bombed almost as badly. I sympathize with you because hopefully you will learn how to work better in Flash.

That is fat!

I love this cartoon because it is just so unfathomably stupid, yet the animation is perfect. This also makes fun of the Sailor Moon series and its transformation sequences so well! I love how stupid Sailor Moon, or rather Hamburger Moon sounds. I knew the final transformation was not going to be something pretty. It was a good ending with how she just exploded and stuff, because explosions always make things cooler. While short, it definitley delivers it punchline well through imagery.

Does need work

It must be pretty devastating to have this win the "Turd Of The Week" award. I can easily tell that is your first submission, and there are a lot of things you need to improve on. First of all, you need to have a lot more going on than just addressing yourself like that. You also need to work on the animation as the drawings just look so crude. There needs to also be a change of scenery as the same thing the entire time does not work well with most people. It was weird how it started looping, then stopped, and looped again.

Surprisingly good

It is too bad you were over a week late in submitting this for Clock Day, but the result was good. I was thinking this might be something really stupid, but it was actually fairly enjoyable. My favorite of the two was probably Shadow636, as Stryden-Kamal's did get a bit repetitive. I would, however, suggest you guys work on animation, especially with the way StrawberryClock is drawn. Every fan (or member) of the Clock Crew should enjoy this. I have no idea where the "8" idea came from, but still kind of nice.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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Joined on 9/21/08

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