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I really do love how this is done! Will there be an actual movie? You say, "This video". I don't know if that means the trailer is the whole thing. I admit to having some trouble recognizing everybody. I thought I was a bigger nerd.

This will be awesome if only because of new MLP references. That really was what the old one was lacking. Then again, MLPFIM wasn't around at that time. I love updated stuff! The music and characters used certainly seem great!

I admit to really liking this at first. It was just great to see this goofy, surreal stuff. I do admit that it wasn't as good later on. I still enjoyed most of it. The animation was really funny. I'm glad you at least acknowledge the problem with the lip sync.

That gets annoying. I guess I wasn't expecting anything THAT violent. Then again, it was pretty cool. It wasn't even dark humor. It was just darkness.

This was a lot of fun! I really do like how good the animation is. I guess it kind of reminds me of "Madness Combat". It's something about the sunglasses. I'm kind of glad there were no voices. It would have messed with the music.

The music just perfectly set everything up. It goes well for the first episode. I just love how these guys interact. While it didn't have much action, it didn't need it. The animation was just amazing.

I was truly impressed by how good the animation was! I admit that it doesn't make much sense. I guess I haven't been paying attention to the series much. It was a bit too short. It was still awesome! I wish there would have been a bigger screen to see everything!

The colors and designs are just amazing. The voices are wonderfully appropriate. There's all kinds of strange sounds and actions going on everywhere. There's really something cool going on here. The villains seem so much more interesting than the hero!

I'm glad you adapted a webcomic. Why don't you see more of those here? It helps that the animation was great. I really do get into how cute this is. It's nice and cartoonish. The voices are good too.

I just like the concept of Hyberboy. The characters are quite entertaining. I thought maybe you'd tell an origin story. It was instead already established. Maybe you'll make one at a later time.

I'm sorry, but I found this to be pretty dumb. It was just a guy robbing a place. I mean, I guess the animation wasn't that bad. I like how you used an old timey mood for this. Your name reminds me of Matt Groening. You don't seem to be that talented, though.

The music was pretty nice. It was just too short. The intro was also too long. I might have missed something important in this. You need to have more of a distinct story in this.

This was decent IMHO, but it wasn't great. I just thought it could have been animated better. I expected this to be something about the Roman emperor. Well, he was insane of course. The music was fairly good. The pacing was quite nice in this as well.

I especially like how it keeps on with the action. It's as good as most stick flashes. I'm glad they're still around. It was interesting to see them interact with the environment. That shows good use of location.

I admit that Christian Bale jokes are pretty old. This is still kind of enjoyable. I didn't like the part at the end. It just seemed pointless. It is still funny to hear that audio clip. You used it pretty well here.

It was indeed quite short. You know, you may want to change your avatar now. With uh, Bill Cosby? The song at the end was nice. It isn't one of your best.

I was pretty impressed by this! I know it's strange, but I had no problem with that. It made no sense, but dang, did it have good animation. Everything just moved so fluidly here. At times, it looked a bit off model. It's still great to see all these awesome designs.

The best designs are probably the demons. I thought the whole cartoon would be about them! It still works within the narrative. Marcus seems like a pretty good protagonist. Long, but worth it.

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