Fairly mediocre
I thought this had its good and bad moments. The good moments was that the music you used was really sweet and it kept you thinking about what would happen next. It was nice to see OrangeClock in this as he manages to do some good work here. I thought that this was a game at first. I kept pressing the "Space" button because I thought that was what the submission was telling me to do. The best part is probably when you went across the planet with those other clock guys.
A weak part was that it did go in a continuous loop and you should try to fix it. The animation itself was not that good, but at least better than a lot of other stuff I have seen. It also felt like this was too short, because the music does make you want it to be longer. You did a good job of creating tension, but it did not really add up. If you threw in some more action, I can see this being a lot better.