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Pretty crazy

I only saw one other entry in this series, and it is in fact pretty hard to understand. What did not take away the enjoyment was how good the animation was. I loved the cartoony positions the characters took, especially the one where the guy just seem to be pasted over the super collider. The character designs are just funny to look at. It's great to see so many people contributing to the voice cast like mrSimon. It could have have used some funnier jokes, but still something I would recommend.

Most random cat thing ever

I kept thinking this was going to be a game, with pressing "space" at the beginning and everything. It turns out it was not, but some very, very weird cartoon. It was a really great cartoon because it was just so insane and you had no idea what was going to happen next. First, it featured a monkey who fell out of an airplane and it's called "Turd Eating Cat"? This reminded me of some of the games by I-Mockery. Of course, he never managed to use those graphics to make something that was purely a cartoon like you did.

Does need work

I can understand why you managed that this submission was several years old. I was thinking you were trying to imitate the movie "Team America: World Force" due to the title. This used pretty good effects, but it was fairly unsatisfying. It was really weird how it was just a guy vomiting over and over, and little plot and few jokes for that matter. I bet you have come a long way since then. I thought that with the logo it was going to be a tribute to the "Arfenhouse" series, as the character there reminded me of the series.


It is wonderful that people like you are raising awareness of things like this. I could not understand it that well, as it seems that he wanted more water when there was already too much. Of course, I really have to appreciate this for the great animation. Another big plus was that it was great you created something with really good intentions. I hope these people get the help and service that they need. A good place to start would be to give donation to money you make on ads with this.

Zeebra responds:

Well to explain it better this company teaches these kids how to surf which ween's them off the glue and that allows them to be integrated back into society.
Thats a good idea to raise money, if i can open a pay pal account i will try it out. Thanks for your feed back and support.

I had no idea it was an actual game

This was tons of fun to watch and it kind of reminded me of the "Larry" series by JAZZA. This was great because it was called a "short" so I thought it was just going to be that joke in the beginning. It is always great to see a person put more effort into something. I especially like how the deadpan hero talks so much and defeats every problem easily. People should make more cartoons where the hero simply shoots the villian like that. The animation was good and I found it to be funnier than the first one.

WhiteLightning responds:

Goal reached, I can die peacefully now :)

Go, Grass Man!

Call me morbid, but I laughed out loud upon seeing the grass man get blown up like that. That Skeletor knock-off sure is dumb for not sending out his robots and stuff. It is weird how you seem to be shocked you are on the front page when nowadays that constantly happens. It's more shocking when you submit something that is NOT Front Paged! Everything was done well, especially the animation. Everything Bo-Starr says just comes out as funny in the way he says it, to me.

Yeah, Happy birthday!

While I am pretty late in saying this, I wish Bahamut a very happy birthday! I have heard that he is among the highest ranked users out there in terms of a lot of things. I loved the Scatman rendition at the end. It was so cool to get to read all of those letters that fans of Bahamut gave him. I mean, if someone was making a flash tribute to me, I would want that, because it is a sincere and easy way to say how much you appreciate someone. The graphics at the end with the fireworks were great too.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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