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Noodles on my back!

This cartoon was just adorable because it seems just like something you would read out of a classic children's book. It is the like the "Sesame Street" segment I never saw. The voices are also really soft and fit the theme so well. The animation is surprisingly good for something that seems so simple at first. There are some really funny things going on here, especially with the fast talking pig and his weird design. I can easily see you working in making a children's book or kid's animated show.

I can understand

I can understand if someone would be REALLY traumitized after having a flash blammed here. I do not understand why you called this a flash when it had no animation in it at all. It would have been nicer if you were able to change the scene with the blue button on the bottom. I kept thinking the punchline was going to be a gay joke or something. It was nice that it wasn't, but this still needs work as it does not seem to have much effort put into it. It looks like you BARELY managed to get your message out in the author comments.

Dang, you missed Clock Day

I have to give you credit for managing to get such a high score even though it was technically after Clock Day. This actually had nothing to do with clocks except for the title. I find this girl pretty attractive, but I have seen hotter girls. This would have been better if you had put in some music or a variant of the gif you used. The music does manage to be fairly catchy. Still, I can not recommend it as it seems like not even a die hard fan of the Clock Crew would like this that much as it is clock-related in name only.

Punisher responds:

You're missing the bigger picture, as usual.
Therefore you are a complete moron, and utterly fucking stupid.


I can not WAIT!

Woah, when I heard that this would be a test, I never thought I would be impressed by it. This was great fun to watch and the finished product will hopefully be even better! Thjs reminds me of the CGI animation used by people like GunChest. You, however, are obviously looking for a style of your own that you have made in your own right. The cartoon itself was really silly and random, which I usually like in things like this. The sounds are masterfully done as well, and fit the atmosphere perfectly.

I could see some Rule 34

I loved this episode because it just had so much going for it. Okay, you do not have to show the awesome intro at the beginning of every episode to make it really good. It also fits that this was the longest episode of the series as it easily had the most laughs. Call me a sadist, but I do enjoy seeing Eric get beat up like that, even though Eric is my name. The fanart was really cool and pretty unexpected and I could not help but laugh at when he was talking about menstrual blood. May I ask a question right here?

Dear Mickey,
What video game do you hate the most?
Sincerely, Ericho

That duck

While it may seem old to make fun of Batman's voice, this was still a fun cartoon. I think the duck's noise was probably more incomprehensible than Batman's anyway. It was such a relief when the Joker got rid of him and (seemingly) blew him up. You can make anything funny by making it sound like a duck, specifically Donald Duck. The animation was pretty good, although some of the designs looked a little off. It was good fun to hear him ramble on at the end by placing the mouse over things.

I got the reference

It was so cool to have that Weird Al Yankovic song being played at the beginning. I just so happened to be listening to that same part earlier today! Anyway, this was very funny, but I do kind of wish there was some more action. It was interesting to see an episode in which the main characters only appeared at the end. The best source of humor was easily the three dumb guards and I like how they are simply called Guard-1, Guard-2, etc. A pity his device that makes bridges was useless anyway.

Clovis15 responds:

CTU sometimes has down points action wise, but we always intend to keep things going high comedy wise! The next big action sequences won't really happen until Episodes 24-26. Sorry about this. However, I guarantee that you won't be dissapointed when we finally do get to it! In fact, it will "Thrill" you (perhaps I've said too much)...

Another great one!

This was really fun to watch because I liked the voices and how the characters talked. While it was not English, you really were able to put enough depth into the voices to make it enjoyable to non-English speakers. There were just so many funny moments. I would know that it takes a long time to beat a single level on a hard game. Best part might have been when he just threw the bomb and made the dinosaur's head blow up. The stone looking like a prostitute was a pretty dumb thing.

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