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I really did like this. My only complaint was that it was too short! Why do I keep reviewing things from you lately? You're just everywhere. This was definitely creative. There was a lot going on.

You always know how to make unique submissions. I would never think it was stolen. Maybe it's not the most appropriate submission here. It's still very nice. You can't do that with a laptop.

This was pretty fun. Happy Valentine's Day! That was a pretty important part of the "Peanuts" mythos. I only wish it was longer. I wasn't quite sure it was about "Peanuts" until the scene at the end. I know what you're talking about.

Heather was the name given to the little red-haired girl. Of course, this was only in the cartoons and not the actual comic strip. I think she had some inconsistent designs. Well, it wasn't an official representation of the character, but it's fine. It's a sweet song too.

Well, this was better than your last cartoon. I still just thought it was mediocre. It was kinda too short. Well, it was meant to be a parody of commercials. It just didn't seem very rewarding. The concept was still nice.

It's an interesting idea. It's just not quite used to its full potential. Cinco is Spanish for 5. I don't see what this had to do with 5. There was one button!

That was short, but still good. The best parts are probably the voices. They were really funny. Evil Bob? Bob is always a funny name. This was something quite different from you.

I liked how jumbled everything looked. I love how you write your name. A pity this didn't win an award. I mean, there's so many of them out there! You know, for every day.

It took me awhile to understand how to get the movies started! I did enjoy them both. I'm going to say "Envy" was better. Maybe I'm just more biased towards gel's stuff. Sorry, but I won't donate a dollar. Wait, what am I saying?

These were released over a decade ago! It's been long forgotten! Congratulations on the Review Crew Pick. I don't know who won. It's really not relevant anymore.

That was quite fun! I had no idea a mop could be used to decapitate someone. Well, it is a goofy cartoon. I love both you guys! It's so great to see such talented people coming together. Why would Luis be called Grime?

Maybe it's just a separate character. I do wish it was longer. You still got your goal accomplished. Congrats on these medals! Maybe not that popular, but still good.

For a teaser, that was great! The best part was the comparison. You certainly have gotten much better. I'm so glad to consider this one of my favorite submissions. The actual rap that is. This is still great.

It's great to just keep on watching. The lines are so good. Everything moves rather fluidly. The voices are great too. The artwork still holds up after over a decade!

That was quite fun. There didn't seem to be the same theme with this. I still liked the way it went. My favorite was probably Afro-Ninja's. He and Sqeezy are my favorite animators here! I loved seeing that 3D pipe.

The music was consistent. I recognized most styles. Dang, there were a lot of things made at this time. It's too bad this series stopped. I guess the Ludum Dares are the closest we have to them now.

I was pretty impressed by this. We usually frown upon live-action stuff. The image resolution here was great. I don't know many OutKast songs. Just "Hey yeah!". I like the "shit don't stank" lines.

Was this sped up? If so, that made it funnier. You work with such a variety of submissions. This had nothing to do with roses. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!

I could tell this was made by Eddsworld. Well the "Edd" name was pretty obvious. I like this song. It does seem a little dated. Why do the characters have no faces? It did seem lazy.

I'm glad it wasn't too long or short. It's good for an earlier cartoon. RIP Edd. I'll always say it. He was so talented.

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