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I guess I wish it could have been shorter. I do appreciate the animation. It's very easy to recognize your style. It was probably at its best when it showed how happy the toad was to get stomped on. That really did fit it. Mario is doing everyone a favor.

He's getting rid of his enemies while granting them their wishes! The Game Boy quality was good too. I don't even remember it being that green. This seemed like it was in color after all. I don't think I specifically played the "Super Mario Land" game.

I especially loved the live-action bit at the end. I didn't know this would be at the top of the front page. I bet there are people allergic to paper. I heard you can be allergic to water! Really, you can be allergic to anything. It was nicely animated.

I did find myself rooting for these characters. I liked how it ended on a fairly happy note. This was just a fun little cartoon. We all know what it's like to be down on our luck. These other creatures looked really odd.

thecooldrawingguy responds:

Hopefully Kyle learns his lesson, you never really know with people these days

Glad you liked it, thank you!!

This was a nice little cartoon. It was just a tad too generic. Oh, I know about the axolotl. It's a great animal to pick because they can reform from most damage. Maybe an immortal jellyfish would be even better? It just wasn't the best.

He kind of looked like the Sun! I always like positive messages. I'm glad it wasn't too long. It just needed to have more going on. I think "Wait, why are Rob's dogs enemies in Dark Souls?" was much better.

gatekid3 responds:

Arent jellyfish only immortal in terms of aging?

Why doesn't this have a higher rating? I thought it was one of the funniest things ever made! It was just nothing but joke after joke and they all hit bullseyes! It's hard to think of the best joke. Maybe when the dog said the skeletons didn't taste good. I mean, there was so much going on!

This was just an amazing cartoon! As a huge fan of your work, this is among your best! Well, it got SOME positive award at least. "Stupid generic attack animation!". The jokes all escalate, especially at 0:48. Give this tons of awards!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Dude, THANK YOU. This one's been snubbed EVERYWHERE and it's bugging the crap out of me, especially because of all the quality I put into it. This series has been a lot of fun to put together so far. The past two episodes were received fairly well, but for some reason the timing of this one was just bad. I'm hoping my efforts turn it around, because for me to continue this series it needs more attention. I'm definitely doing at least one more, but it needs eyes on it to continue.

That was disturbing seeing Velma flash herself. Why couldn't it have been Daphne?! Anyway, this was hilarious. The stop-motion in this was amazing. The sniper shots were especially incredible. I don't know much about Bradley Cooper.

He still killed people, so Scooby deserved to gun him down! I'm glad Scoob got the role. Everything's been done with Lego. I believe this was stop-motion. Either way, it was incredible.

For an old animation piece, this holds up pretty well. It's just not enough for a submission for me.

I don't even think "Spares" is one of the best cartoons, but you made it awesome! Well, it's hard to not love these collabs. Everyone works so ridiculously hard on them! I loved it from the first seconds! It's hard to really critique it as it's such a shot for shot remake of the original. The animation is what makes it unique.

Hey, you credited everyone in the side credits! That would have been too long for the Spongebob movie collab. I wasn't expecting a collab of them at all. Edd Gould will always be remembered. This was just great fun in itself. The original already had great jokes.

Aww, my only complaint is that I didn't get to see the sequence at the end. Well, was the sequence already shown? This was still amazing. I'm sure this idea has been done before. It seems like a very obvious one. It's always great to see 2D and 3D animation combine.

The fact that it was on the top made me think it was a collab. There should be some statement when it's shown at the top of the page like that instead of just "Frontpaged". I'm just throwing around ideas here. I really did feel for this guy and his drawing character. I've been seeing a lot of stuff with Minnie Mouse lately or characters that look like her. You've made a nice little world.

5 second day? So that's where these are coming from. I'm not too impressed by this. I do like the idea of a baby being smart like this. You have some interesting animation. The voice isn't that good.

I guess I'm glad it wasn't too long. I like the idea of a baby running under a fridge. Babies moving around are funny. This just wasn't that good for me. Orange is my favorite color.

Yes, I have seen "Shrek 2". I admit to being underwhelmed by this. When an animation's short, it needs to have more going on. I will admit that the music was great. Well, I know you didn't make it. It's still nice hearing this melody. The animation is just okay.

At least most people appreciate it. It's really too short to be a music video. "Shrek 2" really is a great movie. You just needed more colors. It came off as too bland.

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