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Great movie! It's hard to believe this only won Daily 5th Place. The music was amazing. My only complaint was that it was too short. It was great to see all that pee being shot out. Wow, that sounds messed up.

It's amazing how much you can do with pee. This had great action in it. Ben was so talented and prolific. Again, RIP. With all these cartoons, you can bet he'll be remembered.

It kind of reminded me of "Robot Chicken". Well, that's stop motion. This was still probably too short. At least it had good variety. The animation doesn't quite hold up. What an odd username.

Dang, Ren And Stimpy was so long ago. That's 3 Ms! Maybe my favorite part was the first one. I just like seeing sharks in funny situations. Of course, you get better later.

I knew it was you, MindChamber! Well, I have seen this before. I associate you a little with stop motion. I was pretty impressed by the style. It still wasn't anything that unique. I like that replay button.

It's fine for a quick watch. It could have used more detail. Heck if I know how to do that stuff. The music was pretty nice. We want to have all different styles here.

I seemed to have this confused with "Stick Fighting Arena". That was made by Ringfinger. This was still awesome. I guess I was expecting more deaths. You make good use of your environment. Well, they did.

The animation seems to hold up. It's always impressive how much you can do with stick figures. Well, they're tiny. You don't really notice flaws in the designs. Maybe you could use more colors.

Wait, I gave this four stars and it went to 3.95. How odd. Anyway, this was enjoyable. You just have no idea what's going to happen next. I like that monkey shit his pants thing. Yeah, it should have needed color.

Well, that was the point. I still enjoyed it. Even the menu's pretty cool. Never heard of flying peanuts. I love the "Peanuts" comic.

I didn't care for this. Wow, I don't remember this being so popular. I still enjoy the violence. Wasn't Don Hertzfeldt the same guy who made "Rejected"? Yeah, that's a meme. Or rather, it was a meme.

The drawings need improvement. Well, this was really early. At least the pacing's good. I guess it's kind of unique. The music's fine too.

Wow, that was one epic cartoon! Was it supposed to be an animutation? I mean, you didn't draw anything. It's amazing that you started out so strong! I remember finding out that Dopefish was an in-joke. It's nice for him to join the ranks of the Wilhlem scream and Alfred Hitchcock cameos.

It's great to see him like this. I think a lot of these (if not most) of these depictions weren't made by you. I remember "Commander Keen". Well, I never played it. He is pretty funny.

When I think of previews for a game, I think of demos. That's why they're not called trailers. Wait, is that the difference between them? Sorry to bring this down to a 3.95. It's just not that good. I didn't care for the original games.

I love your "Demonic Defence" game much more. It needs more detail. Well, I can't really judge a preview. Especially one for a preview. The text needs to be better.

It was interesting seeing this old style. Of course, I can still tell it's old. I appreciate how creative it can be. It was fine for something brief. Well, most of the cartoons here are. That's their purpose.

Never heard of pimp skeletons. Well, they've done everything with Halloween nowadays. Yeah, people rarely do tricks anymore. Did they ever? It's still a fairly solid cartoon.

This strife? Your name is TmsT! Oh wait, it's referring to a website. I thought it would just the same images. I'm glad it had variety. It did get a bit too loud.

This is of course a very funny song. The goofy artwork works very well. I saw Colin Mochrie, but this apparently wasn't an animutation. Still feels like one. Even the title's funny.

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