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It's always nice to be topical. Wait, doesn't that date this? Anyway, this was still enjoyable. Hey, that's Applejack! Everyone looks funnier in hindsight with bronies. I forgot about Colin Mochrie.

It's so nice everyone was so creative here. This is a pretty weird song for something in English. Nice to mock George W. Bush. Well, that's dated too. Donald Trump is arguably worse.

The sound wasn't working. Was this because it was taken off? Stupid copyright. I do enjoy how this escalated. The last part with the guns was the best. Loved that monkey joke too.

Most of it was pretty basic. Of course you shouldn't do this stuff! I've become to recognize this character. Is that you? It was pretty good.

Well, this is the most viewed spam cartoon of all time. Wait, how is it a cartoon? It's a game! Well, I can't get past character select. That's probably the intention. This was indeed spam.

I guess I'm glad there was no actual porn. The music was fine. It's a good thing you don't have an extra K at the end of your names. You'd be hated anyway. At least it's authentic to the show.

Why was there a tombstone at the end? He didn't die! Well, this was still okay. It was way too short. It just showed him cut up and stuff. There's too little happening.

I guess the music was nice. It just had little point for me. The animation's still good. It isn't enough for a full submission. Well, other people love it.

This reminds me of those Abridged Series. They ripped it off from you! I will say the image was too small. The quality seemed low. "I guess I'll have to jiggle my boobs for ya". Chickens are always funny.

I've forgotten how good this movie was. "Now we just have to figure out where it goes". The tying around her neck joke was great too. I'm glad to have raised this to a 3.61. The second one's even better.

This is the most viewed Clock submission ever! How could I have not seen this before?! Why isn't it under the Clock section? You'd think the most popular one would be there! It's also the most viewed informative cartoon. I knew there would be audio from somewhere else.

I can tell that when the Clocks have regular voices. They did have the computer ones at the end. This was very entertaining. I'll probably never memorize this song. So many iums.

For some reason, it stopped during the credits. I do love this though. It was especially cool to be introduced to these characters. I'm not familiar with most of them. I can't believe how there's so few recognizable Sega products! I'm only familiar with Sonic.

I'm glad he appeared. I know a little about Knights. I know some about Super Monkey Ball. I didn't know the villain was Dr. Baboon. Well, that fits for monkeys.

I found this to be just okay. I love how you say it's senseless trash. It really is! I can like how dumb it can be. It wasn't very memorable. I always love how unique something can be.

It was certainly that. The title did make it sound like something dirty. Maybe I'm thinking of some other cartoon? Something where he gives a woman the Big Mac. The music was just okay.

Courtney?! I couldn't believe that wasn't Rina-chan! Wow, those pokemon appeared at the very last second! Impressive! I feel bad for losing track of them after 500. There's a ton, alright!

I loved the part where he attacked him with his own Bolippo. The artwork was gorgeous. Every Pokémon fan should enjoy this. Well, really anyone can! One of the best Pokémon flashes ever! Worth it for the very very end.

I think an art film is usually like an experimental film. I know a lot about those. This was very nicely animated. Yep, I loved the ending. It was pretty unexpected. It did tell an interesting story.

The music's great. You know how to be unique. Happy new year! Oh whatever, I was running out of stuff to say. Even the title's kind of experimental.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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