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I still love that Crossfire song. It did seem kind of bland without color. Of course, it wasn't meant to be good. I do like how unpredictable it is. None of it needs to make any sense. I'm glad it doesn't go on forever.

Well, it depends on your perception of time. It's great for so me weird laughs. I wasn't expecting credits. It does seem more organized that way. Your other stuff is of course better.

Yeah, hard to recommend this. It's just you shooting Homestar. Glad to know he was popular at this time. I did like how the weapons were different. They killed him in different ways. That sounds morbid.

It needed music though. The sounds were alright. It can be fine as a quick time waster. I can tell it's an early submission. At least it's violent!

That was pretty sweet. Sweet as in cute. Not sweet as in cool. I admit this wasn't much. It was just some words appearing the same image. Still, it was fun to see an early cartoon from you guys.

RIP Edd. You guys were so prolific. At least this was harmless. It just wasn't that good. I like funnier stuff from you guys.

Okay, that was not only the longest collab in the history of Newgrounds, it was the longest cartoon in the history of Newgrounds! This is a monumental achievement for this website! Of course I loved it! Maybe my favorite part was with Pichu. I think the previous record holder was "Super Mario Bros Z ep 7" at 41 minutes. Of course, that wasn't timed like this.

How was Rina-chan talking at the end? I missed Kirbopher. I think I counted 24 unique individual parts. It's just nothing but endless creativity and laughs over and over. I would have given it a perfect score if it was nothing but that intro! This will forever live on as a testament to the awesomeness of this website!

It was brief, but dang, did it get its message across! That's the second time today I've seen Peppa Pig in a Newgrounds flash. What are the odds? I'm not familiar with Joel. I can't tell if he was made just for this cartoon. It's been too long since I've seen your stuff.

I just loved the animation! It seemed unique even for you! It's so wonderfully fast paced. I expect nothing less than you. I'll follow you eventually!

Boy, was that ever weird. It's been awhile since I've heard from you. I thought this was weird with how it was an infinite loop. Well, that can only work with this format anyway. The animation was insane. I did like it though.

Uh, Merry Christmas? I just got my Internet back. Congrats on being the first review here since that happened! It was really goofy. Well no, it didn't really have Goofy.

Of course, I haven't heard of Skull. Dang, I thought I knew my pop culture! Anyway, this is as good as most AYB flashes. There's not much else to say. I forgot the specific things in the original. This probably is the same.

It's still catchy! Well, it's gone now. I always like to see how stuff holds up. Yeah, I raised it up to 3.38! Maybe a new record for me!

I couldn't find much to like in this. I do love "Star Wars". It's just a bunch of action figures messing around. How is that creative? I don't remember the first three. I thought it should have been 4 if you were referencing the original.

I guess the voices aren't bad. It's just too dull. I'm glad you apologize for its quality. Still isn't something I would recommend. Well, we all have our tastes.

Is it wrong for me to say I loved it? I mean, Jessica Rabbit's boobs are so awesome. It was weird seeing Eddie animated. My only complaint was that there was a fart noise. It turned me off. Wow, am I perverted.

The animation is slick. It's great for something short. We just like boobs that much. I've heard of vagina dentata. Never heard of breast dentata.

I can tell it's an old cartoon from you. The animation does not hold up well. It's still watchable. The best part is probably the song about the invisible man. This never had its own section. The "Thing-Thing" series is much better.

I don't know why he's killing Newgrounds people. Well, who else to kill? The action scenes are at least decent. Monkeys make everything better. There should be a monkey section.

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