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I think you may have gone further withthis, but it's still really cool to watch. I think it's mostly because you do a good job of capturing our emotions. This was what a lot of people felt at the time. That was also probably what Tom felt at the time. No, not the literal seizure. It certainly seems longer than one year that this has been going on.

The simplistic animation worked. In fact, it was probably what really made this a satire. I'm not sure if that was intentional. I have become so used to this you could have probably put the older design here for nostalgia. I still love this site for whatever it is.

Okay, this didn't seem to have anything going on at all. I am not a guy who's a fan of experiments on this website. It's just the same image of Godzilla jumping around over and over. I like it when people try new things, but this didn't have much going for me. It's too bad you have such a negative image of yourself.

You should leave the experimenting to your own website. I didn't see any shading or shadows in this at all. You need to have more going on. The best thing was probably how you got his roar down. Even that gets annoying after awhile.

Wow, this is one of the longest Clock flashes I've ever seen! It lasts at a whopping 21 minutes. You guys should have released this with the first part and make the longest flash on the website! I appreciate the many different styles of approaches used in this. There were so many, I don't remember a favorite. I can't believe I somehow missed this when it first came to the Portal.

I liked the way you selected scenes. It was pretty hard to keep up with everything. The best part was probably how you got to see StrawberryClock's parents. I mean, he appears so often you should at least see them once. I remember the disco aliens.

BoltClock responds:

We did release both parts (separately, due to size limitations at the time) but the first part was among those purged for using copyrighted audio :(

(This new co-author review response feature is amazeballs)

Any minute, I was expecting some screaming image to pop out. I really was pleasantly surprised. This is one of the best simple Clock Day flashes I've ever seen. Granted, it does still give off the impression that you didn't put a lot of work into it. Do you guys work on Clock submissions all year? I can remember the 2011 logo.

It helps that the music you use is so beautiful. That can't be English. It does make you realize what StrawberryClock's journey will be. Is he even on a journey? I seem to notice how there are fewer and fewer Clock flashes every year...

I could tell this was a collab after awhile. Dang, I really need to remember what I see under Credits & Info at first. I was amazed at the different styles. I think the best drawn is probably the one with the warrior guy. There was some blue in there, so maybe that was the Avatar reference. I'm seriously not sure if they're making a sequel.

My overall favorite was the one where the guys imitated the "Troll 2" scene. I thought you may have actually used audio from the movies you spoofed. You just have no idea what's going to happen next. I am surprised that this does not have a higher rating. At least some people love it.

Yeah, I myself was a bit weirded off by the fact that it's nowhere near Christmas. I hear some stuff about how there's a Christmas in July or something. I do think the animaton is really good. It still kind of disappoints me you don't show live-action bits with it. I can now pretty much recognize all the characters that appear on the title screen. I liked the voices as well.

Congradulations on getting a new baby, British people! I liked the part at the end where they shot the reindeer off. I was having a little trouble understanding that bit at first. I am starting to become more familiar with these characters. They're easily the most frequently appearing.

When I first came across this, I thought it was the first episode in the series. This only has 2383 views?! This should still be on the front page! Anyway, I absolutely loved this and thought it was one of the best submissions I've ever seen. It's wonderful how you manage to create so much anticipation. Everything is just so ambiguous.

It was amazing to look at this fantastic animation. You really get the feel for the insanity that the police officer is going through. It's stuff like this that makes me a huge fan of animation in general. I hope you eventually make the series, like the Fallen Angel guys did. In other words, I loved every second of it. Perfect voices, perfect music, everything!

deweydarklight responds:

Thank you very much! I've put a lot of working into making it happen, and I will continue to do so until I reach my goal of making it a full length feature.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm back from not being able to review for awhile (long story). Anyway, this was another great submission. I thought this would be a followup to another cartoon called "I Love Dota". I feel so embarassed for not knowing about something that's apparently pretty popular. I knew someone would get punched in the end.

Dang, that nerd would have destroyed me for not knowing about it. I wished he would have punched the fat kid who was picking his nose. That's disgusting! Anyway, the artwork is as good as ever. The voices work wonderfully too.

Wow, that was one of the most insane things I've ever seen. It's not that it was zany or anything, it's just that it was so freaking weird. I have no idea why this monster came out and helped this girl. Did he overhear what was going on? How could he have known that guy deserved it? The animation really stands out too.

I thought the girl looked kind of ugly. Of course, I don't want to make fun of her in this scenario. It's amazing how ridiculous this can be even without not that much going on. I knew things would work out for the girl in the end. Not that way of course!

I think this was one of your weaker cartoons. Dude, I have never seen someone make such a sweet comeback before! It seems like you're cranking out a new submission every day. In fact, you pretty much are! I just wanted more story in this. I think the effects you use are still pretty nice. It would have worked better if there were more jokes.

This doesn't seem like something that would make a full submission. It works better as an ad. You are, of course, allowed to submit whatever you want. I hope you have some more interesting effects in your later works. Hey, the princess gave birth!

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