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It is great to know that you did awesome work in your early days, and I do not see this that much as a ripoff of "8-bit Theater". It is funny how you wrote "no promises for a sequel" when you made one that might be the most popular out of the entire series. The animation did get better in "5", but this one is really funny in its own. It is a perfect blend of action and dark humor. The way the characters move is just funny. I am proud to also say that after all this time, you are the lucky person who would recieve my 3,000th review!

Where it all started

This was one of the most popular submissions I saw when I first came on to this website. It just seems crazy to have a scene selection for a teaser of all things! Yes, I do think it is better to watch the actual episodes now that you finally got them finished. This was great at giving us a preview with all around flawless animation and action. Everything just syncs up perfectly and really affects you even if it does not have a story much at this point. It is the ultimate realistic representation of how terrible war and conflict is, not to mention the girl's pretty hot.

How could I miss this?

I love this submission and I think that it is probably the best thing that you have ever made. It just does so well of capturing the true spirit of Pico. I love how it begins in such a simple place, an ice cream store, which is different than what you would expect from a Pico flash. It truly manages to create a style of its own and change Pico forever. It seemed strange that it took him so long to beat that one Uberkid. I guess it just goes to show how easy it is to kill people with guns; oh and great music too.

Yep, it gets better

It did not seem possible, but every single one of these entries truly improves! The originals seemed so flawless, it was unlikely this would go on for a series, but it did. I love how this is the first one to say "To Be Continued" so you are actually putting story into this. As the action is so flawless, I would not have cared if any of it made any sense. I knew that those sounds were familiar and they are of course from "Xiao Xiao". There's even some humor put in as the guy makes the signs while the other guy powers up.

First after the first?

You still manage to keep up by making great cartoon after great cartoon. It may have been a little confusing, but I did like it how it just seemed to take a completely different turn halfway through the cartoon. I just loved seeing those guys as the best part was the lines around them. What I mean is, the lines that represented air or them moving through air. You had no clue what was going on, like the white black headed guy getting a long arm. That ending animation twice is twice as good as normal.

Always good

Looking back, I realize that you always had great animation and effects in everything you did. Even the "Replay" button at the end was really cool, with how it faded in and out like that. The sounds were really cool and authentic. I understand why you use the phrase "Solid Sticks" as they do seem to be like sticks but have a real solid body. While not as flashy as your latter submissions, it was still very cool to watch. There were lots of things going on, like when they were flying and gaining energy and stuff.


Well, this has got to be one of the best submissions I have seen on Newgrounds in a long time. What is so cool is how you had that awesome action-y intro. It was also great to see those really cool pictures and icons, and I can understand why you thanked the guy who did the icon. What amazes me is just how silly and stupid this whole thing is. It was cool to see Leo next to the cat and everything turn out in the end. I love these voices, particularly with how stupid and childish they sound and how it fits Leo and Satan's personalities so well, as I would be willing to do voice work on this too.

Animutations forever!

This is among the most creative animutations I have ever watched, or really any other kind of thing I have ever watched. I think watching this may in fact have been the first time I ever heard of "Neon Genesis Evangelion". I now realize that I love these animations for being truly unique and I could just spend the entire day reading stuff on the submilinal advertisements. Some at the beginning said, "You Love This" in large letters and "Tuesdays Not Withstanding" on the lower left hand screen. The ones that fill the whole page at first say, "Next Time on 'The Cheese Grater and You'": Hobo maintenance that you can perform in your own room". Pause the screen to find out the other ones.

What can I say?

This is a fairly entertaining submission, due to the fact that it has most of what you would want in something like this. With all the clock names around, there was bound to be a Leek Clock. As the Clock Crew is known for messing with memes, it is a good way to capitalize on that. I have never heard of a ToothbrushClock before or whatever clock was on the preloader. It was also pretty cool to hear the whole song. It still is not that much to look at, but it seems to be appropriate given the material.

StonesOfAnarchy responds:

i'm toothbrush clock
that "weird" clock on the preloader was my old clock. Il change it on later flash

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