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I recall seeing this earlier on Ugoplayer! While not one of my favorites, I have to admit the animation was really nice. It wasn't like stick figures, but had a lot more depth to it than you'd expect. The humor was nice and I think it worked well as a pretty realistic representation of what life is like, and I of course liked the ending gag.

Nice video

It's a bit odd watching it now, as the animation looks dated, but it's still enjoyable. It helps that I like Monty Python a lot and this fit the theme for April Fool's Day 2009 well. It's great to look at older stuff you made, Narciussus, and see how you've gotten better with stuff like "Qi". You have tons of experience, so I think it would be awesome if you could make another flash cartoon. It's been so long and we miss you!

I'm on the top 50 now!

This had all that makes your Pencilmation series great. The way the notebook paper looks so authentic (loved the creases in it) was very nice not to mention the scariggilyness of the characters themselves. I just wish it would have had more of the person drawing things.

On a side note, I'm pleased to say that this is my 1,216th review, thus marking myself getting into the Top 50 Newgrounds reviewers! Thank you for making it happen just by giving me the oppurtunity to see this. Goodbye!

No hentai!

I didn't even really listen to the description when it said there would be hentai, until after I voted. Well, what can I say? I liked Chun-Li's animation at the beginning with her spinning her legs around, and I thought Ryu looked good at times, but apart from that, I couldn't understand a thing. I've certainly seen worse at least.

Very well done again!

I've probably already mentioned that I'm always going to give at least a 9 to any one of these crazy entries. Simply the way Catface's body sways over while floating is a great trick in itself and it's also really funny to see him get angry and get tired over a homeless cat. Catface's morals at the end are always good for a laugh.

Cactuses are nice

This reminded me of Animutation, but I don't think it was one. The music was also kind of annoying, but at least you did a good job at drawing those cactuses in the beginning! The way they changed shape was done well.

And for the record, yes, I went along and voted this "Nothing Too New Or Interesting" just like I bet you wanted!

A great trailer!

I'm not that too big a fan of trailers, but this was great! I wish I knew the kind of flash program this was made in, it looks like something recorded on a video camera. I was also impressed at the design of the green monster not to mention it featured a variety of different guys shooting everybody and not just the same guy. Odd how the trailer is higher ranked than the actual flash!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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