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I did think this was too short. It didn't really matter, because it's a powerful message. I guess we didn't have much time to create flashes. I am so glad people have reacted to it like this. The sounds were great. Yes, I know they wouldn't have wanted it this way.

I guess they didn't get what we wanted. We went to war and killed our enemies. This is still a unique message. I wish there was music, though. We've come a long way, for better or for worse.

Wow, does this mean the series is really ending? Well, we had a lot of episodes so far. My favorite joke might be the last one. It's just the fact that it's so sudden. I liked the weird way of flashing back. I liked the "Modern Warfare" joke.

I really do feel more for Nwar. That's his name, right? I think this could have used more metaphors. It's still quite funny. I do feel more for this guy.

I would have preferred subtitles. It's weird how you say the author comments in English, but don't do that. This is still a nice cartoon. It's mostly because of the giant cats. I simply can't get over cats. I guess this was meant to be anti-social media.

Hey, I was just watching a Robot Chicken MLP sketch about tattoos. It even sent kind of the same message. The colors are so nice. Next to orange, blue is my favorite color.

Wow, this is your first submission here in over a decade! This is incredible! It's always great to have old classics come back. I can tell you're the same guy who made the Barnyard series. It's always nice to be topical! The animation style is as goofy as ever.

It didn't seem that great until the end. That was worth the whole watch! I love how wacky everything is. Anything that has Donald Trump get hurt is awesome. Please don't let anyone vote for him!

Here it is, possibly the last piece of media in the entire world released before September 11th. I'm surprised few people mention that. I do wish that you'd show the other options. Wait, those are probably in the sequels. The animation was quite nice! It really grew on me.

You really do have a distinctive drawing style. The music is fine too. It was nice to see Luigi show up. I even liked the little sprites that appeared while the action was happening! Oh, and now it's close to 911 again.

I wasn't really that entertained by this. I mean, it was just these dancing characters and you shooting them. I do admit I love the graphics. Of course, these are just taken from the actual game. I love looking at them. I'm glad to know their names.

I know most of these characters' designs. That's always a plus to understand it. It was funny how you also shot Revenant at the end. I guess I win! Well, that was an easy victory.

Um, I admit to being confused as to why this is so liked. I mean, it's just a picture. It's a good picture, but a picture nonetheless. Well, that's just my opinion. It's cool to see different Asian country's culture in this. The Chinese and Japanese really do hate each other.

I appreciate the music as well. This is quite cultural. I just wish this could have been interactive. I like seeing those flower pedals. It's a graceful picture.

deathink responds:

Yeah its kinda relaxing.

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