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I think this is probably the best entry in this whole series of cartoons. It's just weird to hear no music. You still manage to tell the story very well. I think the guy here looks like Black Mage from "Final Fantasy". I haven't seen that design in a long time. I felt like the length was great too.

I really could associate more with this character. The colors work really well too. I'm glad you listed all the sounds. It truly shows how hard you worked. It's a nice environment that this guy is in.

I think the rating should be higher. It's just that this doesn't seem different than a lot of other stuff here. I liked this because the brevity made sense. It took some fine details to draw this. I was more interested in that than the sounds. I love this guy's facial expression.

It really does tell the story without dialogue. That's what these cartoons should be. It's pretty unpredictable too. These characters have pretty unique designs. I'm glad it made front page.

I feel bad for not giving this a higher score. I was interested as to what this jam was even about. I am glad I now know. All I can say is that it seemed to work out pretty well. This cartoon does seem vaguely familiar to me. Maybe it was just another cartoon you made that I'm thinking of.

I think the animation was pretty good. I was kind of turned off by the lack of dialogue. It is something that will take getting used to. I'm still glad it's the highest of anything in this collection. I guess I'm just not a fan of these jams.

Butzbo responds:

Hmmm; I think it may seem similar to an earlier cartoon from 2013, 'The Fish Tower', it has a similar premise (some sort of adventurer wandering into an abandoned place); I actually thought of this one as some sort of spiritual successor since it's just a an idea that worked well for this theme of the jam.

And yeah, these jams are really cool for practicing, but it's sometimes necessary to have the context of these to properly judge them, since the level of polish or storytelling can vary a lot.

Now that you mention it, I should do dialogue at some point; As much as I enjoy the potential of telling a story without words, it could bring more possibilities and points of view to my shorts.

Thanks for reviewing! :)

The animation was pretty polarizing to me. It was really hard to figure out if it was good or not. It did make it pretty funny, but I'm not sure if it was intentional. Well, it was supposed to be intentionally funny at least. I guess for the most part I liked it. It did end up looking weird.

It's always nice to make fun of "Minecraft". I found more videos of that than literally any other video game or work of fiction ever created. Yep, all of these things exist. There is Minecraft of it. No exceptions.

Bobert-Rob responds:

As long as you enjoyed it, that's all I was aiming for. I know it isn't exactly perfect, but it's a new medium for me, so it's bound to be awkward. Kind of works, but it'll get better as I perfect it. Thanks for watching!

I think this is one of the best things you've ever made! It's mostly because there were no bodily fluids. Well, none that I can recall at least. I love the animation as always. The music was really creeping and suiting. You should make more stuff like this.

It seemed to have a lot more of a story than most of your other things. That's because a lot of them were like porn. I love how smoothly everything moves. This does have a plot. I just can't really follow it.

I feel bad for not following this series more. From the title, I realize it's an ongoing story. I love the animation as always. It was weird how the chameleon hesitated to shapeshift. Well, she's certainly some kind of lizard. I love these voices. They're so cute!

It's great to see them as humans. It's an interesting interpretation. You get to learn more about their world here. I now realize I should be paying more attention. Well, I still couldn't follow the plot that well.

I think this may have been the first stick flash ever on this website! There are probably some I'm just not familiar with. With that being said, this wasn't good. It was pretty cheap. I can understand from how old it was. We've always made more of these.

It's at least interesting to see how they got better as time went on. These designs are too basic. The animation doesn't hold up. I guess the sounds are fine. It's hard to see stuff that ages well.

I was very impressed by this submission! It's been too long since you've been here. I've noticed the 600,000th submission was too long ago. I want better stuff here! I just love the animation. It's especially great to see the different animation with the clay parts.

Well, the stop motion parts. I wish I could read this language. You seem to have some really sexual stuff in this. It's just with all those nipples. That can give a good edge to something.

I was very impressed by this cartoon! It's mostly because it holds up wonderfully after all these years. You were one of the first great artists on this website. I just love you expanding on the role of the humans. I'm not really a "Transformers" fan. The animation was so slick!

I just love how deep this is. You never think of the franchise as being like that. It was great to see that action. The emotional stuff was wonderful as well. If only the movies were this good!

MindChamber responds:

Stop it dude, you're making me cry :*3

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