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I loved it!

I'm not familiar with this series but I'm very proud to be introduced to it! This was wonderfully done with some of the craziest character designs I've seen! A gay zombie, a guy with a sock puppet, a one-armed cat, and a guy with who-knows-what on this shoulder! The animation was cool as always too.

How nice!

I remember watching "Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen" and thinking about how funny it was to have the idea of transformers existing in the old times of silent movies and what not, and I will say it was a very good idea to make a flash about this sort of thing. I do wish it was a little longer and had more of a story but it was still enjoyable all around.

I gotta quit feeding on those smokers

This was a very nice flash. I especially liked the voice cast (you really went out of your way to get a wide variety of actors) not to mention that the animation (while fairly simplistic) really worked well, and the humor wasn't too bad either.

Sad, sad noodle!

I knew this was going to be great and I got just the absurdist humor I was hoping for, not to mention a great song to go along with it! I actually didn't care for the story much but the visuals and art shifts were fantastic!

Did you know that there was a comic by Jhonen Vasquez called "Happy Noodle Boy"? Did you reference that or is it just a coincidence?

RWappin responds:

No, this has nothing to do with that.

He looks like Grimace

Ah, very nice. You really don't see enough of the Goodbar candy bar around nowadays. I'm not a big fan of them, but it's nice to appreciate a lesser known product.

Anyway, it was nice. The ending didn't come off as scary to me, but was very entertaining.

Pretty good

It wasn't one of my favorites personally but it was still pretty enjoyable. It was interesting to see that style being used in an original way. I especially liked it how he kept getting bigger in all those places.

Not bad

I'm going to admit that the voice work was done pretty well and it was a pretty cute premise overall so I'd say it's good enough to pass.

Very nice!

I wasn't expecting much from the title alone (HamsterJam) but I was glad to say I was surprised! The artwork was simply fantastic and it had some really good lines as well, especially about the scantily-clad women (lol). I look forward to seeing the whole thing!


I admit that the intro shown in the beginning (upside down) was pretty funny.

Not the worst I've ever seen

While it was too short and the animation was too simple, I guess it was "kinda" funny when he was talking about the fact that he was a brain himself when other people asked him to use his brain.

I didn't know vegetables were good for your brain.

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