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Well at first I thought the thing at the beginning was just an intro, but then I realized it was the entire thing that was being made! Anyway, I was also expecting a religious-themed flash, but this was actually the song which is pretty cool and I thank you for introducing me to it. I thought it was very good. The animation was pretty slick and I really liked how that guy could just paint over everything to solve all of his problems.

Not too bad

I thought the animation looked a little rough. Dante looks like Dickneck (of course, I did just watch that movie today so blame me that it's on my mind) and he kind of looked like Trunks. I will say the blood was well drawn, it was almost as if it was in layers. The action wasn't too bad, but it needed to be longer to keep up with the viewer.

What I expected

When I first saw this name, I thought it was going to be about something other than StrawberryClock (as it was just Strawberry), but it turns out I was right the first time and it was indeed about StrawberryClock. That being said, I'm not impressed with this. I guess the fire graphics were okay, but it really looked like it didn't take much effort. I guess the turnip was fine.


Um, I noticed a mistake. After you are done playing the cartoon once, you hear it again but only the audio. I'm not quite sure if I've ever heard this audio prank before (being a huge Internet geek it feels like I should) but anyway, it's pretty interesting animation but it wasn't that impressive. The funniest part was the guys' eyebrows.

You deserve it!

While I personally didn't think this was as good as the first part, it's still awesome by nearly every standard you could think of! The animation is simply gorgeous as always, and there's so much stuff going on you can't help but admire it, like the red glasses (love how they're presented). It was also really great how you showed a sort of false ending by thinking it was going to be over, and then seemingly showing it in reverse, and then showing ''another'' scene after the credits. Fantastic, and I love every bit of this series.


While I do think it would be nicer if they were both submitted in the same part (was it something to do with the MB size, perhaps?) this was simply fantastic! I couldn't believe how wonderfully the characters were drawn. It may in fact be stick figures, but you worked very hard to give them all depth and distinctive features. The action is great as always, perhaps the most satisfying would be the first kill in it, the straight shotgun to the head. The idea of invisible forces accompanying a demonic creature was also great, as was everything else!

Not bad!

Admittedly during the beginning I was pretty turned off by all of the gay stuff going on (it just seemed so random), but it was still very enjoyable. I especially love the animation (the explosion is the best) and it was great to see some sketches you made at the credits. What gave you a 9 was the scene after the credits, which was simply made of awesome. While Dickneck may not be the biggest Internet celebrity ever, at least he'll be a celebrity here on Newgrounds, which I have memories of him first appearing on the forums!

Galneda responds:

The sketches in the credits were actually provided by badass, busty, ball-busting moderator, JadeTheAssassin.

The scene with the cybord LordTurnip (or now "Prime Turnip") was completely added at the last minute by myself, as it was never clearly established what happened to him in the story. It's implied that he died, but never addressed.

It's my intention that you'll catch up on Prime Turnip's origin in the trailer for the sequel.

Also, you can rest assured, there will be slightly less gayness in the sequel, and hopefully, much more complex animations.

THATS WHY I have to pump out many more flashes before the sequel. So I can get better at the frame-by-frame badassery. (Still not confident enough for what I envisioned. Time will be my judge)

I'm really glad you liked it!

Simply wonderful!

This is probably my favorite in the series so far. It had tons of funny gags ("I always wear red" "why is that funny?" "I don't know, I was laughing because you were"). Now that I have gotten more involved in this really popular series, it's interesting how I'm able to find a storyline along with the goofy humor, which you have to admit is pretty admirable that you're able to keep the two going.

Praise Satan!

Well, it's been awhile since I've seen something from you, and it's actually been long since I've seen a political cartoon here, at least one regarding Barrack Obama. I thought this was an excellent execution of this ridiculous idea that's been spreading. I used to think "birther" meant someone who had given birth to someone, or you know, simply women.

The most hypocritical thing is that John McCain was actually born in Panama (even if it was an American military base) but I saw few people go crazy after that. You might as well start a conspiracy theory that him running was a secret plan for Panama to crush the United States!

Simply wonderful!!

My gosh, it's been so long since I've seen an animutation on this site or at all! It was truly one of my favorite forms of entertainment and it's so great to see it back on this website! I know this didn't get much publicity but it definitley deserves more praise than it got. It's fantastic to see a lot of original characters being used in this, and I especially loved seeing Excel in there! I was seriously waiting for characters like her to show up. The use of images was fantastic and the song wasn't too bad either. I just hope you make more of these and continue to be a great artist!

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