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Not the worst

I think this was not one of the worst series in the "Collection" series. I was kind of disappointed to find out that Coolboyman (AKA StrawberryClock) did not work on this. The biggest thing this needs is work on audio, as I have no clue what is wrong with the speakers, but it is very unclear. There were actually only three shorts here, as the one in the lower right hand corner is not clickable. At least some of them stopped after a certain time. It was pretty funny to have that theme song on the menu.

Great tribute!

I do hope that this gets made into a flash anime series, as it is a great intro. I had never heard of Ashura before I went to this website and played that one game with medals. The music is great (although obviously you did not make it). I love how creative you managed to be with all the characters and how you showed their role in the animation. You also made a great decision to have that higher resolution background. It looks to be a great series that will be good in its own right and not regarded as just an imitator of something more popular.


I would have hoped this was a little longer, but it was still a pretty good cartoon to watch. With all of our modern popular culture, it is great to see people go back to Shakespearan roots. I hope you did well in your British literature class. It woud have been nicer if you intended to make this into a full movie, but perhaps you are not. I think this is a good retelling of the story as it gets the spirit of it quite well done. I know all about the play "Macbeth" as I am a big fan of classic literature myself.

First one I saw

I have no clue what is going on at all as I have not seen the other entries. It is still great to watch this, as it is simply a very impressive cartoon to watch at all. It has some of the most innovative animation I have seen in a long time and I love the block style. I wish I had any idea why Link was there, and why that green girl was shot and then not shot? As always, Kira Buckland was flawless as the voice of the fairy. I was very impressed by the deep mood this created and it is obvious that you have talent.

Never heard of Anitomica

I am glad this won Review Crew Pick, even if it did not get as many views as it deserves. I could obviously say the more standard things about how this is a great way of showing different people's work, and I guess I just did. What is particularly fascinating to me is how you guys manage to show so much style even though it is just stick figures. Some parts have more blood, some have monsters, and some really have different design in the stick bodies themselves. I guess my favorite would be Thuri's part, because that was the most creative. Everyone just brings so much depth to everything!

This will tide me over

This is easily the best cartoon by you, Ringfinger, and the best cartoon of this entire stick genre! It helps that the animation is so wonderful and as good as anything else here. Given the fact that the cartoon is basically nonstop action with no point, there is little to say about it. What I can say is that it really uses its environment well and you have no idea what is going to happen next. Even if you never get into making a fifth part, this was good enough to end the series. Everyone just moves so quickly and with such finesse.

Not overused!

Stick flashes will simply always be with us, my friend, as long as people keep coming up with new ways to use them! That being said, this was a fantastic way to use stick flashes. I was able to keep up with the time travel for about a minute, but then it suddenly got so crazy I gave up. I am sure that everything makes sense and I love it how everything comes together in one complicated thing! The action by itself is great and it helps that it is presented in such a cool manner. Orange is my favorite color next to blue.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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