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I just like how this guy is annoyed by the monsters so much. I admit I don't see much of an ongoing story with these episodes. Well cartoons often don't have continuity anyway. I really did like this. The animation was nice. I just love how funny this main character is.

Has this character even appeared before? His voice is funny. Uh, Happy Halloween? I liked the Frankenstein's Monster joke. People should be aware of that!

Well, that was quite strange. I admit that it didn't make much sense and may have been a bit too long. Still, it was pretty funny. I had no idea who Roger Barr is. Oh, he makes I-Mockery. I'm glad to have learned that!

I like the wacky music. It's not bad, but not that much. It does seem like something you'd make. I didn't see their reviews actually down here. Oh yeah, that would be redundant.

This was generally funny, but it didn't load well for me. I guess it's just something with my laptop. I tried putting it on lower quality, but it didn't work. I especially liked the football one. I know I've heard that before. I'm surprised I don't remember this.

This is really popular here! Well, anything with Mario is. It's quite unpredictable. Yeah, maybe it was a bit too short. Still good.

Alright, this was cool if only because of Ash. Well, Ashley. It's once again great to see how far the animation has come along. You were still great to start out with. I had no idea this would be so graphic. I liked how you mentioned why Matt was killing everyone at the end.

I didn't know they'd actually die! Well, death's pretty cheap here anyway. I like the set up. It does well for how short it is. It's a nice little gory cartoon.

That was great! I'm glad you were able to spill out so much truth here. I try hard not to be like those people. I guess the animation here could have been better. Wait, should I even be saying that? I just thought this was very clever.

I obviously don't do this stuff. I loved how fast paced this was. You know how to put these people in their place. It does make me think about good stuff that got blammed. There must have been some deletions like that.

I guess this was probably better than the Halloween Countdown cartoons you made. I just wish this was funnier. I wanted it to be longer. Was this part of the Halloween Countdown? It was just too short. Well, if it was part, I guess I know why it was made.

Your other Jimmy Pee cartoon was so much funnier. It helps it was a lot longer. It just had a blank background. You should have more. Well, at least I got to see this guy again.

Um, alright. I guess the pumpkin was animated pretty well. I just couldn't understand much of the point of this. It was just a single thing happening. I'm glad I didn't loop it. I still appreciate your diligence.

I guess the sounds were fine. There was just so little going on. It should have been part of a compilation. I guess it wasn't meant to be funny. Uh, it was okay?

I personally didn't care much for this. I mean, it was just a bunch of jokes that didn't work. I guess I thought it was kind of offensive. Everyone here was so stereotypical. The animation wasn't too impressive either. I guess there wasn't anything that terrible about it.

It's just mediocre. I just can't feel for these characters. Well, it might get better later. For me, it's just forgettable. The voices were a little funny, I suppose.

I thought he was going to force choke her. Well, that wasn't much. I guess the animation was fine. I just want something more. I don't like all these short ones you did. Still, there's a reason for doing them.

I like you committing yourself to this. The product might not be that great, but you worked on it. Dang, that kid must have been fat. Happy Halloween? Too early or too late?

Wow, I couldn't even recognize your animation style! I guess I'm just not that familiar with your work. Yeah, it was annoying how it was a loop. It's still a good cartoon. I had heard of Andross, but didn't know he looked like that. Well, maybe I forgot.

The voices are quite funny. This was a bit too short. Your artwork style is great. Yeah, I could guess that was how he died. I should've noticed the loop sooner.

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