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I was very impressed by this! Trust me, it's a coincidence that I reviewed this the same time as "Resident Cactuar". This series really does have potential. The best parts were the running gag with finding out how the world would end. Your animation style seems quite different now. At least I'm sort of familiar with RPGs.

Or was this more like "Dungeons And Dragons"? Well, that is technically an RPG. I liked the joke about the last name too. He got a nickname anyway. The animation is quite good.

This is hilarious, because I made the same error. Cactuar was going nuts that his name was spelled wrong. I spelled his name wrong the same way while looking for this cartoon! I wish you'd make more cartoons with these guys. It's easily your best work! I like how the animation changes.

It still manages to be fairly cheesy. It's just so entertaining. Oh no, the cutaways are reminding me of "Family Guy"! Still, every joke hits a bulls-eye. I love the lack of watches jokes.

It's great to see where this awesome series started! It is sad you cancelled it. Well, at least you did a remake. That's better than this. I appreciate the great sprite work. I finally understand where the title comes from.

The plots were in fact inspired by "Dragonball Z". It's still weird you wouldn't have Sonic in the title. I'm impressed at how mobile these characters are even though they're just sprites. Yeah, we're familiar with this scenario now. I look forward to new episodes of any kind for this.

Well, you must speak English. It's great that you give acknowledgement to your original country. Or just your country. This actually was pretty dark. Most of the time, we live longer though. This seems to have a different style of animation.

I love it when people experiment with that stuff. It shows how you're talented in different areas. It's easy to tell this was a real conversation. There's a lot of stuff here based on real events. Huh, my folks are getting that old.

That was weird, but quite enjoyable. I guess it was a bit too predictable. Then again, that's mostly the joke. The animation's pretty nice here. I don't know where this stray bullet comes from. It's nice for a short little cartoon.

Oh, Boneland is your name. It makes more sense now. It was certainly original. You never know when the thing will appear. I like how happy he is.

The joke about the Easter Bunny laying eggs has been around for awhile. Dang, I really should eat them like deviled eggs. How appropriate that it really is Easter now! Well, close enough. The animation is fairly good in this. Hey, my mom loves Steve Perry!

Oh, and Easter too. Yeah, we use the plastic eggs with the change in them all the time. I'm glad you mentioned Jesus eventually. I really do love the original song. I like all his distorted body parts.

I just love these cartoons. I don't think my first grade experience was that bad. I mean, it was so ago I wouldn't remember. I remember a little bit of Kindergarten. That probably was the better experience. Of course, looking back, things got way harder.

The animation is as interesting as ever. It's simple, but it makes sense. You're telling a simple story! I remember "Reading Rainbow". Actually, caterpillars are very hungry.

I guess I didn't like this as much as most people. It was still pretty fun. I just don't like how it was just an audio clip from "South Park". I still liked how it was animated. Well, as good as normal "South Park" at least. Everything synched up well.

I don't know why you'd make a Christmas cartoon at this time. That's a pretty funny voice. I wish I could remember how to play the piano. Well, we don't one anymore anyway! It's pretty good.

I'm glad this series is continuing. It certainly has potential. These voices never get old. It's easy to recognize him. I don't remember the first time she used that joke. I really do need to pay more attention to this!

I do wish these were longer. You're still on the front page. Yeah, I've heard about painkillers. Good thing I never got them myself. That IS a strong leg.

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