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Aww yes, I have very fond memories of this. I wish you made more episodes. These cartoons were the first time I heard of Kirbopher working on something else. The voice actors really make it. Everyone sounds so realistic. While it's still an action, you could call it a drama given the tone of the voices.

It's just pleasant to look at these sprite designs. It's a pity this died out. I can compare this to something like the "Super Mario Bros. Z" series. Not a Mega Man fan, but love the tribute. The characters move around so fluidly.

FlameZero responds:

Hey thanx for your review:
I hope you like this closure movie I uploaded:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

I was thinking that this would be an origins episode. I'm glad it wasn't. This is such a graceful series. I love learning about everything. My favorite part was probably when we saw the monster's bloody jaw. Wasn't that in one of the Madness cartoons?

The voices were great and so soothing. Blue hair is always cool. It's great to have a nice fantasy series. It's not that original, but I do like it. The designs are all nice.

I guess it was kind of funny to see him touch the dog's willy. Wow, that's really disturbing. Still, this was done in fairly good fun. I wouldn't want to touch something that was like papercuts. Then again, this is saland figers (?) we're talking about. I think he's a masochist.

I guess this was okay as a self parody. Well, it certainly sounds like you. The animation is intentionally crude. I can't complain about that. The previous one was better.

I admit this was good for a quick laugh. The best part was probably the cat fight. Well, the cat and dog fight. I guess you could say it was both. Anyway, this was pretty fun as far as these cartoons go. It helps that they're not too long.

It's a weird way of using capitalization. Well, these were never meant to be formal cartoons. I can't say anything to improve it. It's meant to be like this. I'm sure you are the same as David Firth.

I admit this wasn't as good as the first. At least I knew what I was prepared for this time. There should have been more sketches. They were too long. I did like the ha ha ha one. Well, only because there was a second once about it.

I'm not that familiar with the locks. What a strange name Samegamelock is. Well, I think I had seen that before. Oh no, maybe I don't know as much about "Final Fantasy" as I thought! That's why I didn't enjoy it that much!

It didn't start out great, but it got greater as it went along! I think my favorite was probably "The fucking wind". I just loved seeing that drawn stuff. Then again, I'm not that attracted to Peach. The wet dream one was really clever too. I feel bad for never having played this game.

Well, there have been so many Mario remakes, I've played games like them. I'm familiar with these elements. I just don't know the specific levels. The farting bits were pretty funny too.

I'm sorry, but I didn't care for this at all. It was mostly because it was nothing but the same thing over and over again. I wish you could turn it off. I couldn't see any satire or anything. I wish there was more going on. I thought it stopped for a second.

Then it just went back on. I don't know much about emos. The drawings weren't even that good. You have done much better. Well, the rating is still pretty high.

That was so much fun. I really do enjoy seeing those characters as cute little worms. It's even more enjoyable to see them get blown up. Come on, it wasn't too graphic or anything! I just liked seeing them like this. I'm glad there were so many great "Star Wars" cartoons at this time.

I really liked the donkey part at the end. I had no idea what would become of that. It might have been a little too long. Then again, a longer cartoon means more fun! This was really nice.

I can always appreciate big projects like this. Nowadays, you could just put the whole movie together. I'm still glad you put it like this. There were some really nice effects here. I like how it shows you going back to work, literally. The music was good too.

While not as funny, still very good. I thought this might be longer because it was the finale. I guess I appreciated the pacing because of that. This was quite stylistic. I'm glad so much time and effort went into it!

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