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I admit that at first I was disappointed that it didn't seem to show any anime like characters. I was so surprised! It did look uncanny, but it was still great. I knew I was in for something awesome. Glad you included the original designs as well. It's hard to show details in these characters.

I mean, they literally have no faces! I feel bad for not being a fan of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". I didn't even know it was that popular on the Internet! Whatever, this is still amazing. Certainly an instant classic. You can do practically anything with Madness. Wonderful to know it's still around.

TarKade responds:

Now that's the moment when even Madness Combat became a JoJo reference.
We live in a bizarre times clearly.

Happy Madness Day 2020! I don't see what this had to do with a walk. Whatever, it was awesome. I really liked the design of the protagonist too. The colors were awesome as well. Was not expecting Dobby at the end.

My mom's named Liz! She wouldn't want to kill people. It really didn't seem rushed. I mean, we're used to fast paced stuff here. Production can go that way well too.

I was truly impressed by this! I didn't think you'd accomplish much in such a short running time. Anything's possible! The animation was truly unique! I'm glad you thanked Xionico too. More people are becoming well known for Madness cartoons in their own right.

I was so impressed how he didn't have to use weapons at first. I'm still glad he did. The casual ending was great too. The body frames were so unique. I guess those agents are always evil. Well, hard to tell who's truly good in these cartoons.

That was great, but it could have been better. It's mostly because it seems pointless to make a sequel to "Madness Redeemer". There already is one! Still, it's very nice. It was cool to see the Sheriff in action. Wow, that character really was in action.

I believe the body count was 65. Yeah, I'm trying to count more. Hard to keep up with all the Madness cartoons now. I am so glad this series is still around. There was a lot of text and you can pause it for yourself to read.

UbehageligeKlovn responds:

yeah, first one goes "wann anal sex?" and everyone do it, this is kinda pain in the ass u kno

Wow, what a freaking high score! I thought I had seen all the great submissions for Madness Day 2020 on the day of it! I believe the body count was 61. I often try to count those things. I knew it would get more action later on. You really did want character development.

A plot was important too. I'm so glad I remember this story! Well, I remember the ending at least. I'm still probably going to say "Deimos Is Dead" was my favorite submission. It takes so much skill to make a long cartoon as well.

LittleLuckyLink responds:

I counted 81, but admittedly fell short towards the end. Thank you!

This really should have a higher rating. Okay, maybe some of the gags weren't that original. You even say "CLICHE!" at one point. I liked the jokes with the queen. They should put up an article for "Anti-Phantom Menace humor" somewhere. Maybe "Anti-Star Wars Prequels" humor.

It was pretty bold of you to submit this the same time as Madness Day. It should still be recognized. I like your goofy animation style. You've come a long way. Liked the cameos too.

squeakytoad responds:

Thanks for another thorough review!
I usually just submit these without thinking about the day since my Star Wars parodies don't make the front page anyway. The fans will still get alerted thanks to the awesome notification system Tom and team set up. :)

I can see why the score is so low. I probably say that too often. I guess it was unique? That doesn't mean it was good. I just wanted action. It wasn't really saying anything.

How this action? It was definitely comedy. People don't seem to label their genres well sometimes. I still wish you a Happy Madness Day 2020. Funny how September 21st was the first time I reviewed here.

Irishtoner responds:

Sorry, I Thought it's Action or Something like that.

I admit I didn't see anything that unique about this. The end made me love it. Oh, Matt Jolly, the creator of Madness Combat. I didn't recognize him at first! Well, I don't even know what he looks like. I love the animation as always.

The colors were great too. They weren't many, but they stood out as expected. Happy Madness Day 2020 again! Congrats on being the thumbnail! So glad this great series has lasted so long.

Boy, was that freaking funny! I just had no idea what was even going on! Everything was so freaking creative! I certainly know how popular "Team Fortress 2" is. Well, everyone does. Or should.

I was expecting more violence from any Madness cartoon. You guys really did make a unique cartoon here. I loved how everything was just bouncing around everywhere. It was pure nuttiness from start to finish. We need more creativity like this. Truly a unique collab.

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