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Wait, three faces? He was in fact shown with four eyes. That's not an insult. He literally has four eyes. I guess he did have two faces after all. Anyway, it was quite impressive with the animation as always.

I liked how it got a plot, even if it was halfway through. I thought this would be ranked as experimental among all other things. The plot was still very nonsensical. I didn't even recognize this as a follow up. It's just that nonsensical.

Eh, I just found this okay. It was at least interesting to see this character. I thought it would be her saying some joke. I guess this was a little more than that. The animation's pretty good. It just wasn't much of a joke.

At least it didn't get too naughty with its tentacles. Her nose is a band-aid! Yeah, I'm just saying stop that happened now. Well, many reviews just give summaries anyway. The background's pretty good.

Woah, this was frigging awesome! I had no idea it would be so amazing! The CGI was absolutely flawless! It's better than most CGI of Spongebob. At first, I thought you used clips from the show for Spongebob's voice. Yeah, not as it went on.

The oil spill was a while ago. You can still make anything about any time period. We still talk about 911! It was weird to see Squidward and Mr. Krabs on both land and sea. Well, above the sea I mean. That scene at the very end seemed dirty, even if you were cleaning yourself.

I thought this was pretty good and it had pretty unique animation. The colors were gorgeous. It does seem like a scene from a video game. I hope that was the intention. Even if it's short, it delivers its message quite well. It was nice to do something for your Susie.

The sounds are energetic too. I'm not that familiar with Deltarune. I just looked it up on YouTube! That has as many results as Google anyway. I didn't realize Ditchu was your name.

Oh, you mentioned that you have kids! That's very sweet of you! Well, I'm glad you didn't mention more. When I heard this title, I thought it would be about just eating one chip. I did that once. It was from the refrigerator, though.

Boy, was I wrong! I knew this would go to your anus eventually. Every food does of course. It's always great to have live-action footage. It would make sense to film this.

Oh, I thought he said, "A girl teaching her son how to ride a bike". I should have paid more attention. I thought this would be serious at first. It actually kind of was towards the end. The animation was a tad off putting. It did fit the goofy tone.

I guess the instructor was wrong after all. I love "Mad Max: Fury Road" so much. Characters lose their arms and legs a lot. I didn't know it would be this long. It was worth the length.

Aww yes, I certainly remember that game. It actually has become rather iconic. Well, not to the extent of FNAF. Really, NOTHING here is. I don't know if I've ever seen a plush advertised like this before. I love seeing these characters in different ways.

I remember these designs. This did seem just like a commercial. Well, it technically was. Yeah, what would you do with a plush anyway? I just keep my old toys lying around.

Wow, this was incredible! I'd have to say the best part was probably the beginning. Everything was as gorgeous as it could be! The rest was great as well. I really had no idea this guy would suffer that much! I really did feel bad for him.

I guess it's fortunate he didn't reach that ship at the end. The title almost makes it look like "Bacon". I can see why this was featured in so many film festivals. The designs of the monsters or I guess, the aliens were great too. I was wondering why he was ripping out his eye at first. It was just a piece of glass in his eye.

Wow, I didn't know it would be this long! I've been seeing a lot of long flashes lately. I thought that maybe this would be like a collab. Instead, it was tons of talented people working together to make one new story. I really liked how she fought back. I thought he just briefly resurrected Bob in the end.

If only this was submitted sooner! I didn't know which of you guys I was following to get this recommended. It turned out to be mmrblaz. I think this has the highest rating of anything ever submitted here! I don't think it's that perfect. The mom is my favorite character.

You kind of remind me of Diives. You know, mostly just with how short they are. You're nowhere near as sexual, though. Sonic looked great in this. I do wish it was more than just one joke. I have to keep up with the games to understand everything.

This was still fun. I didn't know it was going to turn out like that. Happy Daylight Savings Time! I know that doesn't mean anything. Well, speed can affect time. This was good for a short cartoon.

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