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Wow, what a cute animation! I was amazed at how good the animation was! This seems exactly like the kind from the actual series! I know the animation is like "Dragonball Z". You know, I really appreciate it when I can recognize anime styles. They're not all the same, you know.

Anime deserves its great reputation! I like how light-hearted it is. There doesn't need to be that much epic action. You'd like something like "Dragonball Z" would be. Hey, I rhymed!

The Joker honestly looks haunting in this. I know you mean "The Batman". How many Batman/Joker continuities are there? You do such great work with Legos. I still think Robert Pattinson is the best Batman. No, it's still Kevin Conroy.

How could I forget him? Anyway, this was wonderfully done. You really did capture the insanity of the Joker. There's only men in jail. How can he get pussy there?

Damn, Pikachu is huge. Meowth's Japanese voice is annoying. I especially love seeing him in really anything. He's my favorite pokemon. I love the idea of a pokemon platformer. It seems like we should have something like that by now.

We've done everything with pokemon! The animation was fantastic. I don't know why Weedle would be a player character. No wonder Meowth was so mad! I love these fake commercials.

Hey, another infinite loop! Those have been quite popular today. It was great to see Queen Chrysalis again. Oh wait, the character's name is Amara. I just love calling her by that other name. This was a very fun little short.

This reminds me of "The Song That Never Ends". Wow, how have I never made that comparison before? We've had recursive stuff like this all the time. This was still a wonderfully unique cartoon. I thought it would just be the same image. I should've recognized that "Infinity" sign at first.

The mood is set up perfectly. Yeah, it's still that time of year. This almost plays out like a Creepypasta. It did manage to be genuinely haunting. An actual game of this would be boring.

For a short music video, that was still pretty awesome. She didn't even look that much like her twin. It was more of an inverted thing. I appreciate the animation. The visuals were great. There was still a lot going on.

I didn't know what was going on. That was a good thing. There seemed to be different styles. It could qualify as experimental. It can be both that and a music video.

Wow, that was incredible! I have absolutely no idea what's going on this movie. Everything looks like it's going to a different style every couple of seconds. I have no idea what this will even be about. I loved every second of it! The colors and animation styles are brilliant.

I can see why this won Daily Feature. You really did have some amazing competition. Everything was just going by so fast. I certainly can't wait to see what the actual product will look like. The music was so unique and fitting. I'm eager to see what comes of this.

Wow, I thought this would be longer, but it's still awesome! It's great that we got to see something so wonderful. I of course wish there was a full-fledged cartoon. It's awesome that you showed how it was done. It really does take the style of a classic cartoon. It's great for a test.

The colors were gorgeous. So much happens in such a short time. This specifically reminds me of Screwy Squirrel. He was a Tex Avery character. Well, maybe Slappy Squirrel too.

This was short, but still awesome. Gee, I wonder if this will win Daily Feature? I was quite impressed by the animation. You really can experiment with all kinds. I hope to play the game someday. It certainly looks great!

It was at least longer than a couple of seconds. It was nice to include that gif as well. Maybe the ALL CAPS isn't needed. This has great CGI and everything. We do need more stuff like this here.

I had no idea it was going to go on that long. I thought it should have been shorter. You still knew how to keep the jokes up. It certainly kept my interest up. I learned so much about him. My favorite part was when he was asked why he collected keys and confessed it was his fetish. The animation was great.

This seemed like something by HappyHarry or SexualLobster. The animation and style just remind me of them. The voice work was great too. There were no credits. You managed to keep up the jokes pretty well.

BoyPorcelain responds:

Thanks! Yeah, the biggest learning curve I had with this is understanding pacing and how much time something in a script is compared to being on screen. If I could I would go back and change some small things up, have the character go elsewhere (which I wanted to but, backgrounds are hard to do)
Either way, i'm glad you liked it, glad it got a reference to the GOATS themselves too, and glad it turned out funny for you!

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