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My biggest complaint is that the models seemed a bit off. It just seemed too weird. I still appreciate this because it is authentic to the DBZ style. I guess these guys weren't supposed to be exactly like the characters. It was nice to hear that audio. The animation is quite slick.

The fighting effects are nicely done too. There's not much thought, but it's nice to look at. The colors are pretty cool. The backgrounds and environment weren't bad. This was fairly good.

Yeah, you did stop with the speech balloons. I must say I don't miss them at all! The voices give the characters far more depth. I'm so glad they all sound so distinct. It's nice to hear that Dr. Shroud has his own supervillain. Well, maybe not an archnemesis.

The music was as good as ever. It's a really creative idea too. I have little idea on what will happen next. The parents have such a dead expression on their faces. No wonder they working with dead bodies.

I admit that I was a bit disappointed at how short this was. I think the best thing about it is how good the music is. It is pretty frightening. It's nice how you acknowledge this in universe. I'm not sure if this is all part of some big story. Okay, I'm pretty sure now that it is.

So there are no word balloons after this? I had no problem with them. The atmosphere is great. So is the animation. It was just too short.

Yes, this was the best in the series. It's mostly because it's the longest. Then again, I actually thought it was a little TOO long. The voice work was really good, though. I liked all the different characters. All the sounds were nice.

It was easy to lose track of what was going on. I don't know why the "maxane" isn't capitalized. The colors are fairly good. It's hard to keep track of what's happening. This was just a good cartoon.

I think this was just too boring. The blowing up part at the end is quite good, though. It would be interesting to see magic versus science. It seemed like it was just too short. There was really no point for Link to be there. I'm fairly certain it was Black Mage from 8-bit Theater.

The explosions do end after the third one, though. There should have been more music. It had fairly good sprite effects. It just didn't add up to much. It's kind of original.

Congratulations on being the most viewed Earthworm Jim thing here! Then again, I guess there aren't too many of them. I really love this, if only because it's a tribute to the greatest show based on a video game ever! Heck, this could even be the best video game adaptation period! You rarely see those. It's a pity that I don't hear much of this character nowadays.

At least we have great tributes like this. There should be more. I barely even recall anything about the show, other than that it was great. I can still recall these lyrics. Then again, that may just be because I'm familiar with this very cartoon.

I found this pretty entertaining. It's mostly because it's nice to see a screamer like that. It's been so long since I've seen one of those. I know there's a reason those aren't popular anymore. I guess it wasn't really a screamer in the strictest sense. It was funny to see him get hurt.

Yeah, he didn't show much reaction. I guess comedy is often based on misery. The animation and voices were okay. This seemed like a parody of those screamer videos. Uh, Happy Halloween?

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