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Even for a short cartoon, this seemed too long. It was just about talking poop. How is that so great? At least this is an early cartoon. You were fond of poop. Your later stuff is much deeper.

The artwork was so bad. I don't want to see poop being eaten. This isn't "The Human Centipede". It needed music. It was just too dumb.

That was quite good. I'm not that familiar with "The Simpsons". I loved seeing all those guys when he announced his children. The constant "What the hell" bit was the funniest. I do think the image was too small. Well, it would have made the sprite work look worse.

It was certainly creative. I like that image on the replay button too. It was done in good fun. Hey, that kinda rhymes! Dr. Light is pretty creepy that way indeed.

Yeah, it's sad to see the website down. It was weird, because the laughtrack was so wrong. It didn't go off at the funniest bits! Well, maybe that was part of the joke. You are so loyal to the Flintstones style. I've never seen an episode of "Star Trek".

I've seen all the movies though! I believe these were based on specific episodes. I've just heard a lot about the show. This was quite fun. You get a lot of funny characters here.

Gee, and here everyone was telling me drugs were good. This was well, exactly what the title said it would be. There was just nothing unique about this. It's just nothing. I guess it was nice to see the sprite work at the end. Maybe that lie joke was good.

I'm not that familiar with this character. I don't care much for him. It was just pointless. I guess you later uh, grow your beard as you call it. I don't like beards.

Yeah, I didn't care for this. It was nothing but a preloader. I just realized that sounds a lot like "freeloader". The music is pretty good. I liked how he exploded. This just doesn't cut it as a whole submission. Why not just submit a movie with the preloader?

I thought one comment said that if you waited long enough, a movie would start. I know that's not true. Even the animation's not that good. I guess it got its goal done. It might be fine for what it is.

Well else would poop be? This was really low quality. At least you had the courage to submit it. We want to see all the stuff that people have to offer. It's still better than "Mr. Pencil Gets Lucky". The voice was annoying.

Once again, it was an infinite loop. Well, I can't help you with that. Still, a more experienced artist should know better. Most people seem to be kinder to this. I just think it's dumb.

I must admit I'm confused by this score. It seems too high. I mean, it's definitely much better than your first submission. It just doesn't seem to have much focus. The animation isn't that good. At least the music's nice.

I could tell you made it. You're into this sad stuff. How was this updated? Well, you can update your stuff here. It does get you in the mood.

You know, this really did impress me. My favorite part might have been at the very end. It's just nice to see everyone. Yeah, Cyberdevil! I don't know what the title meant. It isn't June!

This was just animated so beautifully. I thought it wasn't too short or long. Dang, that always sounds dirty. That yellow guy looks like Blockhead. There's so much going on.

ChutneyGlaze responds:

Blockhead and the yellow guy are brothers and thier high IQ runs in the family!

What's with the piss writing? You know, as in that it says "Piss"? I think this was your first submission. This was really amateur. We all have old shames. It was just too short.

What odd Rule 34. Wait, was Rule 34 even defined at this time? I'd like to know that. The sounds were just annoying. Your other stuff's way better.

Honestly, that was quite good. It wasn't a classic, but it was enjoyable. The animation really does seem to have improved. I can see why this series ended though. There were three of these? You were always busy.

I love how there's so many different ways to die. It's weird how it's less colorful than "Madness Combat". You know, not literally. The sounds were pretty funny. Don't make it a loop.

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