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Oh, graf stands for "graffiti". I was confused. This was in fact nicely animated. I like how honest you are. I thought he would spray "Weisi". What does Jaws have to do with anything?

Well, you do make killer shark games. Those are awesome! I liked the lack of color. It was still too short to really like. Experiments can be fun.

Nice to see you back! It's great to see this gorgeous animation. It's always hard keeping up with the story. I was afraid there'd be no animals in this. It does have an interesting plot. These are really creative ideas.

Give this its section here! It's infinitely more well known than 90% of the stuff we have already. The voices are as great as ever. You always create good atmosphere. Never made a bad episode.

Wow, 4.16! Is this an animutation? It isn't really a song or anything. Is it meant to be a sequel tv show? Well, a sequel of any kind? I admit this is a very funny image.

It does mix together very well. That theme is always nice. I like seeing Kramer. It does need to have more going on. It's wacky enough.

That was awesome! Maybe the animation doesn't hold up that well, but it's still great. I can't believe the score is only 3.96. At least it won Daily 2nd Place. The music was nice and suiting too. It's just nothing but action.

I've forgotten most of this series. It seems like it should have its own section. I see tons of series that aren't well known at all. Sticks will live on forever. Violence works!

Dang, I'm sorry. I ended up liking this, but didn't think it was great. I thought it was too short. The best part was the joke at the end. I never have burned CDs before. I only know burning like how they do it at the end here.

The voice is fine. It was at least easy to understand. It's fine for an early submission. Well, everyone else seems to like it a lot more. Fine for them.

This was way better than I thought. The best part was how it kept escalating. I thought it would just show Eric getting hit by a bus. I loved how it wasn't just that. It was great to see how far the joke went. The last part was probably the best.

I knew it would show Eric getting hit by a bus. That's what the title says! The drawings are pretty crude. They were just fine like that. Great for a quick joke.

I truly appreciated how informative this was. It was just fun. I admit the animation could have been better. Well, that was the point. I loved the fake out ending. People need to be told not to masturbate.

They do it in front of a computer all the time. Hey, my name's Eric too! I like it how they're blue. I'm good at watching flash. Maybe even better at reviewing.

That was a real call? That's pretty awesome! The animation was nice. It still wasn't that great. It needed more action. I do like the stabbing at the end. This lady does sound crazy.

Well, we have caller ID now. It can't really happen now. I wish it wasn't an infinite loop. How would I know how to fix that? This was acceptable.

I liked this a lot. The best part was probably the reveal in the middle. It was nice to see a rabbit do something scandalous. They're not so innocent. It helps that the animation is gorgeous. We need more stuff like this.

The ending's great too. It's set up well. I used to play the piano. It's a shame I remember mostly nothing. Well, it can't be that glorious anyway.

What's with the 3.40?! I loved this! Thanks for sending me the message to review this, Eshio! It's funny because "Bunnykill" was itself a tribute to "Madness Combat". The animation is authentic. I like how much you can do with bunnies.

They seem to die a lot in web animation. You know, like "Happy Tree Friends" and "Retarded Animal Babies". There must be a trope for that. The running time is great too. I lost count of the deaths after the first 11.

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