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I didn't care much for this. I do appreciate you trying to make a new series. The designs are pretty funny. It would be interesting to see how this gets crazier. I thought this was a cartoon about a superhero roommate. I now realize that's another Internet cartoon.

This was still at least okay. It just doesn't seem to have much potential. It never got its own collection. It's amazing how much stuff has its own collection here. The sound effects are funny.

I admit this wasn't that good. It was just a single joke. The premise is still funny. Dang, you made it an infinite loop! Why don't I know how to fix that? The setup really is great.

It's weird how "Survivor" doesn't seem to be that bad of a show. Well, it's more honest than most reality shows. The sounds are funny. You're pretty talented. Your later stuff is better.

Why wasn't the song credited here under Credits and info? I know I've heard this before. Maybe that's a feature this website no longer has. I admit the animation doesn't quite hold up. This was still really nice. It did seem like an audio submission with visuals.

I guess it would be redundant to have those in the audio portal. Morpheus again? You certainly have style. It's nice for an early submission. Everyone improves.

I was expecting an animutation. This was still nice and surreal. I can always appreciate that. The voices were still pretty annoying. I did like this goofy animation. It's so dumb it's entertaining.

I thought this would be related to "The Matrix". Comic Book Guy's pretty funny. I had no idea this program existed. I guess I should be glad. This was before the last two Matrix movies as well.

Okay, it's not that great, but it's a great tribute to Team Rocket. Positive pokemon flashes were rare at this time. Here was when the website was anti-Pokémon. Now, it's universally loved. How odd. It is rather short.

I just like hearing this song. That's a pretty popular Pikachu gif. I liked the background. Well, it wasn't sprite work or drawings. Well, your own drawings at least.

The intro went on too long. I thought maybe there was a glitch on the computer. I'm surprised the rating is so low. I mean, it's not great, but it's something. The animation could be better. I really didn't think it was too gory.

I've seen a lot worse. Well, this was earlier in the days of the Internet. It was hard to listen to. It still created great atmosphere. Stupid Bill Cosby.

I loved this! I can't believe how much you've improved. I love how this immediately follows the mistakes cartoon. You've done better in every way. I think voice actors help. It shows more people involved.

The remakes are still better though. Stick figures can do so much. The dialogue itself is pretty good. It may have been a bit too short. The intro took up too much time.

Wow, a 4.57! Must be a new record for you. I feel dumb for not remembering their names. I mean, it's obvious Sublo is the submarine! The music was great. Most of us can associate with this.

I really did like the animation. Well, it's no different than last time. This is a very good slice of life story. I assume those are costumes. It would be weird if Tangy was a real giant talking parrot.

Aaron-Long responds:

Yeah they're costumes.

I really did love this. It's mostly because of how you can make fun of yourself. Well, we all have our own flaws. I even liked the sound made with the arrows. This music is nice and goofy too. How have I not reviewed this before?

It's in the "Joe Zombie" collection. I must not have gone through the whole collection. Don't worry, you get better later. It's interesting to see how bad old submissions were. Everyone has old shame.

I can see why this won Daily 2nd Place. It's easily better than your Claymation stuff. You got better with regular animation. They turned into Lex Luthor clones! It really does look like they're making out. Well, they are rather polite.

Congrats on this award. You truly have improved. Blossom appearing was random. Actually, it was kinda nice. I've forgotten how big the powerpuff girls were back then.

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