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Wow, this certainly ended up being freaking amazing! I didn't know what to expect here. I had no idea Niles was blind. It does make sense now. This seemed like a truly cinematic film. I wanted to see more of this.

This really seems like the animation that would be in a theatrically released movie. It's a pity everything is fully CGI nowadays. I am so glad that this got recognized! It's such a brand new original idea! I'm glad I could understand the story more through the author comments. These characters are already very likeable.

Wait, a boy who defeated a Dark Lord? This is Harry Potter right here! I was amazed at how beautiful the animation was. I admit to not keeping up with the story. You didn't have to be to realize this animation was fantastic. You have gorgeous animation.

You do work hard to give them unique personalities. It just reminds me of Kirbopher. I haven't played many Kirby games. Well, I saw them being played on Game Grumps at least. I'm glad it wasn't too long. I've forgotten everyone's names. I'm glad I can appreciate it for the time being.

This was quite something unique for you. It was one of the more serious things you've done in awhile. I remember last year's Valentine's Day flash. It was far goofier. This was a nice change of pace. As expected, a lot's told in a short time.

We can always use cartoons like that. The designs are all amazing. I wish I could have some Chinese cuisine. This is just a a heartwarming little cartoon. Happy Valentine's Day 2022!

The best part is probably the title. I thought it would be like a "Circle And Square" scenario. I never liked those cartoons all that much anyway. This was very fun for something so short. It seemed like ketchup and mustard. It was love related for Valentine's Day!

We never get Super Bowl related cartoons. This was a lot going on a short cartoon. I guess tables do bring us all together. Well, that's why the Round Table was important. Everyone was equal.

Well, that was certainly strange. I didn't know it would be this popular. I would have watched and reviewed it earlier! This was just a lot of fun. I thought it was going to be action at first. I mean, these designs certainly weren't normal.

I guess it was unique that way. Something more mundane can still be interesting. It was interesting to see their relationship develop well. Happy Valentine's Day! Well, it was love related at least.

LiteralHat responds:


Happy Valentines day to you too Ericho.

My only complaint is that I wish you would have gone into more detail about love. You know, like a specific girl you were talking about. Well, this was still amazing. I've never been part of a dorm like this. I've still always tried to be social. The parties just never got wild.

I've had maybe three glasses of wine in my whole life. I've never smoked. I've never even done the grabass thing. I'd love to see more detail about this, but it was still very heartwarming. I've just never been into really loud social gatherings.

Raziberry responds:

I wasn't too much of a party guy, either. I was normally just observing conversations, or enjoying the atmosphere, wishing I knew how to be engaging. I'm still not great at it now, but I enjoying being at parties regardless.
The specific girl I was talking about was the one sitting next to me, silly! She'll be back...

It's weird because I consider 4.20 to be the score that I have to review something (it's a habit). Now, I realize that's 420! Well, I liked this but didn't think it was great. The idea could have been more original. Maybe I'm just too used to stick figures. This was still very watchable.

I wish it didn't end that abruptly! It was starting to get real gold. The artwork is mostly quite good. I even like that "Dojo" logo shown in the beginning. Everyone else just likes it more.

MayruAnimation responds:

I agree, I didnt even do anything to build up the fight... I made a lot of mistakes in planning, that's one of the reasons I cut it into 2 parts and end it so abruptly, because I wanted to have a fresh start and do a better job for the second half!

This looked like something straight out of Cthulhu. This was gorgeously animated. I guess I just wish it was uh, more violent. It was certainly a good time. It was wonderfully detailed. It was heartwarming in an odd way.

Maybe it was a bit too short. It's amazing the sheer number of things you can do with Mario. This was more like Azathoth. Yeah, I know the mythos enough to know about him too! You have great voices too.

Wow, that was awesome. I mean, I really had no idea it was going to be that good. This was surreal even by your other cartoons. I actually did feel bad for the puke. I mean, he disobeyed everything else. I assumed he'd disobey that!

When you make me feel for puke, you know you've done something right. I'm glad only one character talked coherently. This is great even by the standards of the other endless number of cartoons you've made! It's hard to write a synopsis as it's so experimental. It still has relatable characters, though! It's just art in a wonderfully surreal sense.

Yes. this is indeed a funny animation. I wasn't expecting it to be so vulgar. You know, with all the talking of fucking and stuff. This was hilarious. Damn, Oney's on everything nowadays! It's nice to know they did do a crossover with Game Grumps.

Did he say, "Skyrim and his people" or "Skyrim and its people"? I know Skyrim's not a person. The shadings were great. It's funny to see people working on an animation. Congrats on this Daily Feature.

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