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Holy crap, we got some great stuff today! I was so impressed at how wonderfully paced this was. The best part was easily how good the fight was. She didn't even do that much work herself. The team she was up against was so stupid. I was so awaiting to see how these idiots would be killed off.

I had no idea they'd actually die! These are snuff films! The animation was obviously fantastic. I liked the live-action bits too. The colors were so gorgeous. This deserves its 4.88!

Wow, that was amazingly cartoonish! I freaking loved it! Everything was just moving around everywhere. I freaking loved it! It was like the cutscene of a late 90s video game. You know, with all the animal mascots.

I guess it's because the aardvark has a long tongue? I didn't get any setup to any of the other characters. Wait, he got one arm free and suddenly the rest of his limbs were free? Ooh, now I'm starting to be like "CinemaSins". X really does have a lot more uses than I thought. Nice to know slapstick applies to women too.

Wow, this was awesome for just a trailer! I thought you were going to show a certain part of the collab. We're going to do that eventually anyway! I'm not that familiar with FLCL. It can't be any crazier than "Bobobobo Bobobo". I can't pick a favorite part.

I assume you didn't credit every single person who had a scene in this. That would be as long as the collab credits themselves! We don't need that many sneak peeks. It's amazing how far we've come with collabs. Re-animated ones even more so.

That's not one of the more popular Spongebob episodes. Well, still better than a ton of stuff post Season 3. This was wonderfully animated, as always. We don't stay young and happy forever. Wait, I think sponges live hundreds of years long. Spongebob would indeed age slower.

I didn't see what this has to do with "Madness Combat". Oh, when does it ever? I just wish there would be one with action. You do expressions very well. That's hard with these characters.

Wow, that was one of the funniest submissions that's only seconds long. I don't know how the devil-horned guy was killed. Was that a girl? I just love his voice. That wasn't Chainsaw Man. You mean the game "Chainsaw The Children", right?

I haven't heard from that in a while. I'm glad it didn't get bloody. It came off as rather elegant. I think that was a graveyard. Those are nice shoes.

Wow, that was interesting. I liked this, but I couldn't really understand it. I admit that I could never make something as good as this of course. It's still wonderfully animated. I like how the diamond dissolves. The colors are good too.

It was nicely cartoonish. I was wondering where the diamond would show up. I think the best thing might be the title. I mean, that's so cool to have a big ol' diamond there. Imagine a whole title like that.

This was very nicely animated. It made me question what was really going on. I mean, did the fried eggs represent his insanity? Was the egg really alive? Was it alive but not a pizza and just a living egg? Well, I mean an egg yolk.

I'm glad it didn't go on too long. I was thinking it was going to be a loop. I'm glad it ended up being something different. The sounds worked great too. How did this not win any awards?

I was thinking this would end with them making out. I'm glad it was unpredictable. You know, he makes a good point. That really is a fascinating video. It's a good cartoon within a cartoon. Well, maybe just a video in a cartoon.

I didn't see how this was yaoi. That was exactly the point! For a single joke, it's wonderfully executed. It's weird how we use the word "executed" like that. Yeah, Yotsuba!

This was very fun. It mostly works because it's just so silly. The animation is fantastic. I keep being reminded of "OneyPlays". I just assume every goofy video game thing is based on OneyPlays. I still prefer "Game Grumps".

The colors were gorgeous. The zombies all looked unique. You do a lot in a single minute. Once again, you have to. We'll probably get a "Last Of Us" collection here eventually.

I liked these, but they weren't great. The best part was probably when Sonic was trapped in the TV. Although the Tikal in Chaos joke was good too. Big the Cat was pretty prominent. The animation was pretty good most of the time.

I don't quite get the Vector joke. Robotnik's design seemed consistent. I still prefer the older installments. It's nice to know you guys are still around. Sonic's a great source of humor.

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