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I found this to be a very endearing cartoon! It's nice to see the Grim Reaper be so, well nice. It's just a very enjoyable experience. You still managed to throw in some dark humor at the end. It's been awhile since I've seen the Grim Reaper. Well, I've never died before, hee hee.

It's great to have all this detail too. There was one major thing wrong. The angel flew from the opposite side of the pearly gates at the end. It was certainly unpredictable. I likedp seeing the other religion's heavens, too.

Timsplosion responds:

About the angel - he flew into Heaven to catch up with Death, hence why he shows up behind Death while they're flying over Heaven, but before they made it over the gates.

But other than that, I'm glad you liked it! :)

It's great to know that we judged this fairly. It's also great how well, great this is! It's wonderful that you did this for your first flash cartoon. I think the best part is how the bo-bombs blow up. It's such a neat effect. I don't know they they'd attack each other like that.

It's just awesome to look at. It's cool to see the slow motion action going on. Well, it certainly seems slo mo at times. The music is nice and triumphant too. It makes me miss sprite stuff.

I admit that the artwork doesn't seem to hold up well. This is still a nice cartoon. I was wondering what this had anything to do with Weird Al. It was nice how unexpected that was! I really had no idea that music would show up. That's probably because I haven't heard it before.

This cartoon makes little sense. It's still quite creative. I like the idea of paintball with a minigun or even a nuke! I might want to try paintballing sometimes in real life. The ending's quite satisfying too.

It looks like most people regard this as Randy's Magnum Opus. This was certainly fantastic. The funniest part was when he hit the screen. The transition effects are amazing. I remember looking at this trivia article he wrote talking more about it. I certainly wasn't expecting that ending.

Well, it'll make more sense later. You really get to see the Mario series depicted as something epic. It really is like a great fanfic. It's great to see all the characters contributing to the battle. There's just so much going on and such fine detail in everything.

That was amazing! I certainly agree that it holds up after all this time. It's just great to have all this stuff going on! There's always tons of variety in this. There's just so much movement. While I guess it could be a little more colorful, it's still great.

It's hard to tell what this song would even be from. It's probably just as crazy as the cartoon. I especially loved the manga panel stuff. That's a really cool cat...thing. I have seen that guy on other submissions.

There's always great and new stuff in this series! I think this might be the most they've ever transformed. I just love how these guys have infinite personalities. They can pretty much do anything they want. I can't really say they should be doing something else. They probably don't know themselves!

The animation is as great as ever. Yeah, I could tell he would win. I appreciate all the fine details. I wasn't expecting that mermaid. It's great how they travel on every form of moving.

It seemed like this one was pretty slow moving at first. I'm glad it picked up. I thought it would be a parody of the movie "Titanic". It ended up being something more interesting. I had no idea he would turn into a hula girl at the end. I guess they can change gender too?

Then again, they don't have many defining characteristics on their own. I love all the little things going on. It's just so freaking adorable! The number 8 kind of looks like two eggs on top of each other! You just get me in the silly mood.

That was pretty dumb. I admit that it wasn't terrible. From the title, I thought it would be porn. They make porn of everything, you know! I'm glad it wasn't, but it also wasn't anything that clever. I admit that the way it was animated was pretty funny.

I felt for sure he'd eat the cockroaches. I guess he's not really a dick after all. That Tricky thing was pretty weird too. At least it was something unique. It just could have been funnier.

I thought this was more of a series. This was still decent. It was actually nice to see all the different characters at such an early stage. I thought this had more than just two installments. Germaine's was probably the best. I really don't find her that attractive.

Nice to see an early fetish joke. I don't know who that second guy is. It's interesting to see some variety. Well, I guess hear more variety is what I'm aiming it. This wasn't bad.

I found this to be quite good, but not great. I thought it was a little too short. The best part is probably how unique the drawing style is. It really does show how different you are than other people. I guess I should have seen that it was an experimental flash. Its lack of sense would have, um, made more sense to me.

The music is great too. There are some really nice colors in this as well. I'm glad this won, um, Daily 3rd Place? Not much of a compliment, but I'm glad it got something. It's pretty fun to watch.

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