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I admit that as the first entry in this series, it seemed to be mostly exposition. I still appreciated this. It's mostly because I'm watching it at an appropriate time. The animation seems to be pretty good in this. I especially like the way the lips move. It's really noticeable.

It still seems like this was necessary. You have definitely set the story and characters up. Again, I'm glad it's October! I always love that movie. You're taking a nice direction with this.

I really enjoyed this! It's mostly because it's so different than the other stuff you've done. It's lots of fun to see these characters mock themselves. This is the only time ordinary people appeared in the series. Well, you didn't see most of them. It actually did make sense.

A pickle is pretty different for a design. I thought no one would die in this. I should have known better. At least it wasn't that violent. It's great to have another great author in on the fun.

I thought this was one of the best things you ever worked on. It's mostly because it actually made sense! It wasn't overly violent or anything. See, there are some things I like about you. The colors were so vivid in this. The best part was probably how nice the main character was.

There WAS in fact some violence, but it seemed appropriate. It just seemed to make sense in this strange world. The animation could be a tad better. The lack of dialogue gives it a lot of personality. I think it's your best submission.

I'm sorry, but I was just expecting more with this. I wanted them to go out and do things. I don't even understand how you can beat "Tetris". I thought the animation wasn't bad. That OJ joke was pretty good. It's just that this didn't really amount to much.

You certainly had potential. It just didn't go anywhere. It shouldn't be in that little box. It's just too small. It was at least unique in that way.

Yes, it's Omahdon who had that voice! I'm sorry, but I still can't see the point in this. That teacher was supposed to be a good guy? He almost murdered someone who didn't do his homework. Why not just basically murder the people who are actively beating each other up?

I don't think the animation is that good either. It just seemed too cartoonish. I can not get behind this. At least it had some talking parts. Those were the most intelligent.

I thought this was just okay. My biggest problem was that it was just too long. You didn't need more for this joke. I don't think fishy Heaven would be being eaten. Then again, I don't know much about fish theology. The animation was just subpar.

I admit that it was kind of an interesting idea. Aren't all fish full of mercury? I named my fish "Fishy"! The voices were alright. It's just nothing memorable.

It's nice to know that this won Daily Feature. I really liked the animation in this. There wasn't that much that happened. It was mostly exposition. It still managed to be great because of how interesting it was. It looked like Dr. Shroud turned into a mermaid or something.

It's great to have such an interesting plot. These are certainly some weird looking vampires. The voices are great too. I admit that it's hard to follow the whole story. It's still great to watch.

You really remind me of Sam T. I guess it's just that the satire is similar. I think the animation is fairly good. I admit that it could have been funnier. I still praise you for making fun of this issue. That's just a good visual with a guy getting fat like that.

The animation makes it seem kind of like "South Park". I like how this was presented. You really did get the feel of an old educational film. Then again, they did mention communists. That made it more authentic.

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