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That wasn't good audio. I'm sorry, but it wasn't that interesting. 5 Second Movies showed that you need a minimum of 5 seconds to be good. Unless of course, you're posting some random meme.

"The Contest"? I thought this was going to be a remake of that "Seinfeld" episode. I love the other art he made. My favorite might have been the sculpture. I loved how everyone moved. It was great to see a story go with it.

I'm glad it wasn't just a minute or so long. It had a real story with it. The ending was kind of weird. I love the animation. This was indeed art.

I thought it was going to be him eating some discarded body part at first. Of course, the rest of this wasn't very pleasant either. I knew it would get dark. That's what the "M" rating is for, of course. I only really pay attention to the "A" rating, except on fanart.

The VHS style is getting more and more common. The tampons look like popsicles. I love how everything comes together at the end. Oh yeah, I can tell it's from Nihaho. It's hard to keep up with everyone's style nowadays.

Nihaho responds:

I don't do no thing <:/

I WILL NOT PAY YOU ONE DOLLAR! Seriously though, this was a great cartoon.

This was kind of one note. I think the animation's pretty good. I wish there was more to it. The voice was kind of annoying. The colors are nice. I wanted to see her actually exercise.

I wonder what the rabbit body temperature is? Going over the human body temperature of 98 degrees sounds dangerous. Well, I'm not a scientist. For talking rabbits, it's probably higher. This was a good fourth of July.

Dude, I just saw this exact same audio clip being used! Is this a new meme? No, it's probably just coincidence. Coincidences do happen. I had no idea that would happen. I think I misread that as "Hello Everyman".

I should have paid more attention. It's nice to see how many characters you can do this with. Those first few seconds were so confusing. Chiyo is so funny. So is her father.

This was a pretty good little cartoon. It was nice to see you in person again. Well, as in person as you can get. This was a little boring. It still succeeded in advancing the story. I still think about "Ren And Stimpy".

It's nice to be able to communicate with your creator like this. The animation is quite nice too. I am eager to see what comes next. It wasn't quite experimental.


Thank you, it was under 2 mins, sorry to hear you got bored, it’s just an experiment for myself for the moment, i might keep it going I might quit not sure yet

Damn, it's incredible how much you accomplish in such a short time! Well, I mean the actual length of the cartoon. Not the time it took to make it. The animation was as gorgeous as ever. I actually felt bad for Killgar here. He's still immune to Medusa's power.

It must be bad with how they accidentally turn everyone into stone. I mean, they all do that right? Medusa seemed too threatening! She couldn't have been that good to begin with! You'd think he would have been attracted to her. I guess his greed can overtake even his lust.

Wow, that was cool. I mean, I really had no idea what would happen. It was just awesome. I loved the animation! There wasn't even that much that happened. The atmosphere was just incredible.

It was mostly because of the music. Seriously, it's some of the most memorable I've heard in a long time. This couldn't have been a gif without sound. It NEEDED the sound. The horror's great.

If you get cancelled on YouTube, it's not that bad. You can still submit cartoon stuff here! Granted, you'll make much less money, but you'll be safer. No wait, stuff from this website can be banned too. There's Kevin MacLeod again. He should have his own NG profile.

There were kids who just went out and watched fireworks, right? As a kid, we mostly just lit them in our own backyard. We don't do that anymore. I don't recall any injuries. If I did, I'd have the scars to prove them.

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