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I guess I have to give you credit for bringing up an old meme. Well, some memes never die. You know, like the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Anakin not liking sand. I still think she looks like Queen Chrysalis. This was a good little cartoon. It's just not great.

I guess it might grow on me. So do most Caramelldansen cartoons. The background's kind of nice. The voice is just a little annoying. At least it's nice for a quick view.

Dude, that was by far the best installment in this series! It was just amazing how beautiful it was. I'm so glad it had no dialogue. Well, there was some audio here and there. You have truly transformed this series. Then again, it skipped an episode.

A lot certainly happened there. I loved how graceful it was. It was so interesting to see a series I wasn't impressed with get so much better. I'm glad I'm following you. If only it was a cat with a jetpack.

I originally thought this was just going to be an intro or a music video. I now understand how so many people could have worked on it. The artwork is fantastic! It was animated like The Annoying Orange, but not entirely. I loved seeing that Sonic popsicle. I have worried about the door in the freezer closing on me too.

These backgrounds are incredible! There's Amongus at 9:11! Wow, that sounds disturbing. Damn, that was a downer ending. I guess Jack's still alive, at least.

Aww, gildedguy! What a great character! It's hard to keep up with all the stick flashes. I love the animation as always. It's certainly going to be a good one! The all capitals really emphasize it.

In some shots, he looks like one of the Castle Crashers. The first shot might have been the best. I just loved the fine details of course. It's not that short for a preview. We love it more for that.

Was this based on a true story? Wow, that makes it even better! This was an extremely artsy movie. It seemed like a supernatural story at first. It did have a perfectly plausible explanation. Well, it is based on a true story.

The animation was of course gorgeous. I always appreciate how realistic it can be. I loved seeing those quotes too. It's more authentic that way. I'm glad most people got out of that tsunami, if it was real.

Aww, I wanted to see him get shot at the end. That changing gun thing was easily the best part! Still, this was really nice. I love the title too. Dang, how do you get titles like that? I don't even know how to make flash, so how could I ever comprehend anyway?

This was pretty enjoyable, but it wasn't great. The best part was probably how you credited the voice actors. It was nice to see these clips again. I'm glad "vhs" is a tag now. The Ice guy is probably my favorite. It was mostly just an ad.

This doesn't mean it still can't be enjoyable. I liked the use of all lowercase letters in the title. It shows quaint it is. It's good for a showcase. I appreciate the animation of course.

Wow, this was fantastically animated! I couldn't believe what I was watching. I will admit the story could have been better. It makes sense to put this in the "Other" genre. It wasn't action or comedy. It was more straight up drama.

I'm at least a little familiar with "Grim Fandango". You don't have to be to love this. It's just so beautiful. It's pretty unpredictable too. I thought that guy would be hit by a car.

I appreciate how great this animation was. Yeah, I do wish there was more action. It was still pretty unpredictable. It was actually hard to tell. Their hands were more like claws. I thought the other guy had scissors at first.

I saw three fingers, which kind of looked like a scissors. It just didn't look like scissors. I do appreciate you celebrating Robot Day. I forgot it was like that. I hope we can still remember it.

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