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Aww, I was hoping he'd show it! I just found this to be okay. The animation is still quite nice. There should be a FNAF day here.

Aww, should've gotten Daily Feature! I knew this would be good. I just had no idea it would be THIS amazing! It was so impressive with how everything kept moving. I loved the three beats all the time. It took a great amount of time to see all the action.

I loved how wonderfully cartoonish it was. I think Tex Avery cartoons are probably my favorite examples of cartoonish cartoons. Boy, was that redundant. I guess JJ was the name of the main character. I had no idea he would kick so much ass! Most of the cartoons here are short films, but I guess episodes don't count.

Wow, that was very impressive for something so short! I didn't know who these people were. I thought the other guy was a stick figure at first. He looked more like a noodle person, now that I think about it. I like pure action. Well, there's not that much else to do at only 13 seconds.

The title made it look like it said, "child". I hope these aren't children. Nah, too old looking. That's not an insult. The sounds were quite authentic too.

reyamily responds:

no worries, and thank you for enjoying the animation!

I honestly think this might be your best cartoon ever. Not only does it feature Spider-Man, but it has cats in it! You know, we really don't have that many cat cartoons here. That's what the Internet's for! That and dogs. The emotions were amazing in this!

The colors were gorgeously vibrant. Still not as gorgeous as the actual movie! That would be hard to top. Long live Meows Morales! I love how angry he is.

Okay, I wasn't really interested in this. You've made tons of cartoons. It was worth it for that ending. What was going on? I love how it's open to interpretation. Was it time travel?

Was it some sort of recursive reality? This sounded like you didn't make the audio yourself. It was more like something from OneyPlays. I just assume every audio from another source is from OneyPlays. I thought they were going into a volcano.

Wow, this was adorable! I have to admit that part with the gun was very awkward. I thought it was real. I guess it was just a game within a game. Inception jokes are old. This was gorgeously animated.

I certainly had no idea what would happen. I guess it was real after all. You know, with the lava appearing. Well, they are anthropomorphic animals. It's already magical.

Wow, I was surprised at how sociopathic this guy was. I guess he was in fact a hitman. I was expecting some more variety. I do not watch videos like this. At least, you know, not at first. I thought it would be more relatable.

I'm glad it was just still good at keeping up its tone. Well, it's easy to do that in a minute. This just wasn't the direction I thought it would take. Being unpredictable is good. I hate this review.

At first, I thought this would be a re-animated collab. I mean, really collab is one. The credits were a little too long, but it was still a pretty short. I liked to pause at 1:44. You should be able to guess why. "One Piece" is indeed a great franchise.

What a wide variety of awards you've won! You deserve this. I'm glad it wasn't too long or too short. You've captured the high spirit of the anime so well. I'm not even that big of a fan.

I have to admit I'm a little tired of these cartoons. I wish this was in the "Honest Trailer". Watch as Newgrounds continues to make more and more tributes to this game. I wish there were more tributes that showed the actual gameplay. Okay, this was still good. It helps that these are so cute.

It's amazing how similar they all look. Maybe that's not a good thing. We need variety. I wonder how he picks up those cards without hands. Don't turn me into Cinema Sins.

3:44 Damn, that looks DIRTY. This was great, but I wished it was fully animated! I didn't even know you made comics! Wow, you really are turning this into a franchise! Good for you! We need original stuff like this around.

The drawings were fantastic. I never understood the zodiac. We already have ways of telling what times of the year. They're called "months". These characters are still great.

Diives responds:

Im glad you like it!

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