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That was an enjoyable little cartoon. The animation was wonderful! I thought that was Hatsune Miku at first. I used to see her everywhere. I wasn't expecting a robot to appear like that. Well, it was anime. I loved the quaint title.

What an appropriate time of year to submit this. I'm glad I work at a restaurant. I never have to worry about paying for soda! Maybe you could do the other seasons as well? Fall might be kind of boring.

Okay, I thought this was pretty good, but not great. It needed to have more action. I say "more going on" too often. I'm trying to change that! I thought this would be a game. You can do a lot with rats in games.

It is kind of catchy. It just doesn't really have to do with anything. I love cheese too. The background was pretty good and I liked how it changed. It's overshadowed by Clock Day.

That was a cute little cartoon. I thought it was spelled "Onigori". I guess I was close enough. I liked to see the little rice ball run away. It wasn't really quite a commercial. I felt like a commercial would have dialogue.

Well, people make all sorts of commercials anyway. This animation was quite good. Those look good. I've never actually had one of those before. Weird how this has a higher rating than most Clock Day submissions this year.

Wow, I loved this! It was easy to tell it was just sentence mixing. I like how it was done with panels. It felt just like a comic book. There must be "Team Fortress 2" comic books out there. Every popular franchise has its own comic book! It was just a fun little thing.

The Sentry was easily the best part. It flows together well. The designs were well put together too. Well, you didn't make them yourself. I just meant the animation was great.

ICHDUHERNZ responds:

Thank you!! :D

The best part was easily the beginning when it showed the realistic depiction of "B". I wish the rest of the cartoon was that awesome! Anyway, this was still enjoyable. It was nice to see all these different styles. It's like the crap was literally coming through his pants. It's great to see everyone coming together.

The April Fool's Day thing really did mess up everyone here, didn't it? I can see the compilation parts individually now. How nice to have them all available here. It's nice to see ClockCrew still around. Or rather, the Clock Crew and Happy Clock Day 2023 again!

Well, I felt this had more character development for the knight. I just wished it had more cartoonish antics. This was still quite enjoyable. The animation holds up. Happy Clock Day 2023 again! This was an impressive score for a non Clock submission.

It was at least worth checking out. That dirt is purple. I just like to notice everything. I miss the pink haired girl. At least there was pink in it.

The N Bomb? I thought it was just called the N word. I thought by R, you meant an R rating. Hey, this was actually relevant to Clock Day, kind of. You know, using single letters. Well, there's a lot you can do with single letters.

Damn, this is good animation. There's so much attention paid to the eyebrows. Those eyes look nice too. Yeah, it could have been longer. It still has amazing animation, though.

I guess this was better than the original submission. Happy Clock Day 2023! It's a shame there weren't many high rated submissions this year. I still thought we had some great ones. The memories will live on. I could see four Bs. I meant multiple Bs, not BS.

Capitalization really does matter here. I'm glad it wasn't just a white background. If only this had some sound. It was appropriate spam for Clock Day. Thank you for being loyal to the feel of the holiday.

name responds:


I have to admit that I was hoping for more. I remember when there was an April Fool's Day Clock celebration. That was interesting. I'm still glad we had a Clock Day this year. We can never run out of new things to do. It was great to hear the voices.

The speak a phone thing can get annoying. We all want variety. You really know how to set up atmosphere. There's still more stuff here than April, I believe. Go out to eat tonight, dude.

Hey, that was actually pretty funny. I had no idea it would make fun of B. Well, it's all done in jest. Then again "B" was just a single letter submission. It can't get more simplistic than that. I appreciate him turning into a smoothie.

That is kind of an easy joke. I'm surprised no one made it before. Even StrawberryClock is designed differently. This is just a good little cartoon. The Clock Crew deserves to live on.

Martyr-Machine responds:

I didn't realize I made the joke until you responded, lol!

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