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Well, that was indeed strange. I thought he was going to call him "my dog". Was it meant to be a variation of "Oh My God"? This was just okay for me. Well, we've had shorter things get high scores. I guess I don't know much about loving dogs.

I'm into cats. Now, if this was about a cat, then it would be perfect! The last joke was kind of funny. It just didn't do that much for me. I liked the lower case.

DonkTK responds:

ur so right it shouldve been a cat

This reminds me of a gag in "Cactaur And Tonberry". It was "Final Fantasy Fugitive" where he just touched something and it exploded. This did have better animation. It did need more. Well, the great cartoons don't have to be long.

Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be this long. I admit that it didn't need to be that long. It went on awhile after the credits. It was still pretty cool to see this animation. My favorite part might have been when he was looking at the history book. That was surprisingly philosophical.

I don't remember the other entries. It would be hard to keep up with this. I'm glad fans enjoyed it. I did in fact like this. It truly was an epic cartoon.

dootdoote responds:

Thank you for the review, the feedback is much appreciated!!

At first, I was thinking that Bertha was the giant monster. I kept on thinking and thinking that, believing it would be true. I was right! I so appreciate the animation as well. I loved how they were both named Bertha. That made the joke work even better.

I appreciate their relationship too. I loved seeing Bertha A fall down at the end. I knew she'd let her go like that. Even if it's a little predictable, still great. Happy uh, Piconjo Day?

Wow, that was quite bizarre! I wasn't expecting something like that. I liked the old VHS style play of it. I haven't seen Blockhead in awhile! Is that real Japanese? I couldn't really even understand the subtitles.

That is SO Piconjo. You knew how to embrace this character well! At least we have a Piconjo collection, even if it's not individual ones for the holidays. This will certainly get there soon. Happy Piconjo Day 2023!

I admit I didn't think this was that good. I thought the animations were kind of weak. It was indeed seconds long. Well, everything is seconds long technically. It was still nice to see everyone working together. My favorite was probably Rogerregorroger's.

Dang, is that name hard to spell. I do like how it had devotion put into it. I just didn't think this was one of the stronger parts. These aren't even some of my favorite Sonic cartoons. People like them and that's just fine.

I'm getting more used to these human forms. It's amazing how much this story has progressed. At least I can understand this specific cartoon perfectly well. It's a very clever idea. Happy Piconjo Day! I know that doesn't mean anything here.

Well, in this cartoon specifically. This was an interesting story. It's like that floor is lava game! You didn't even need to use actual lava. The voice work and animation is as good as ever.

Hmm, that was pretty interesting. I wouldn't say it was great, though. It was fairly uplifting. I appreciate its message. It's a shame this won't be a submission here. Or will it?

Anything's possible. Even the title is quaint. I like how mundane it is. Well, nothing really stays mundane forever in fiction. I know supernatural events occur eventually.

Wow, this was a very cute cartoon! I had no idea it would be this good! It was so cool to see another great MLP submission. It has "Pony" in the title. I assume it's MLP related. You do a good job anthropomorphizing these people. You didn't make them too human-like.

The long legs looked more realistic. It doesn't go too sexualized, thank God. I thought it would just be a short submission. It ended up using its time well. You never know what to expect on the Portal!

Karibela responds:

Oh wow, thanks!! ^^

I appreciate the style input, it was a new type I was playing around with!

Damn, is THIS the shortest submission to get frontpaged? This was still pretty good. I still wish that it was longer.

Tenzalt responds:

i just did this for fun as a side project to relief stress from a BIGGER project, i didnt planned to get frontpaged JKGBNADNGB

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